#!/usr/bin/python DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: docker_compose version_added: 1.8.4 short_description: Manage docker containers with docker-compose description: - Manage the lifecycle of groups of docker containers with docker-compose options: command: description: - Select the compose action to perform required: true choices: ['build', 'kill', 'pull', 'rm', 'scale', 'start', 'stop', 'restart', 'up'] compose_file: description: - Specify the compose file to build from required: true type: bool insecure_registry: description: - Allow access to insecure registry (HTTP or TLS with a CA not known by the Docker daemon) type: bool kill_signal: description: - The SIG to send to the docker container process when killing it default: SIGKILL no_build: description: - Do not build an image, even if it's missing type: bool no_deps: description: - Don't start linked services type: bool no_recreate: description: - If containers already exist, don't recreate them type: bool project_name: description: - Specify project name (defaults to directory name of the compose file) type: str service_names: description: - Only modify services in this list (can be used in conjunction with no_deps) type: list stop_timeout: description: - The amount of time in seconds to wait for an instance to cleanly terminate before killing it (can be used in conjunction with stop_timeout) default: 10 type: int author: Sam Yaple requirements: [ "docker-compose", "docker >= 1.3" ] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' Compose web application: - hosts: web tasks: - name: compose super important weblog docker_compose: command="up" compose_file="/opt/compose/weblog.yml" Compose only mysql server from previous example: - hosts: web tasks: - name: compose mysql docker_compose: command="up" compose_file="/opt/compose/weblog.yml" service_names=['mysql'] Compose project with specified prefix: - hosts: web tasks: - name: compose weblog named "myproject_weblog_1" docker_compose: command="up" compose_file="/opt/compose/weblog.yml" project_name="myproject" Compose project only if already built (or no build instructions). Explicitly refuse to build the container image(s): - hosts: web tasks: - name: compose weblog docker_compose: command="up" compose_file="/opt/compose/weblog.yml" no_build=True Allow the container image to be pulled from an insecure registry (this requires the docker daemon to allow the insecure registry as well): - hosts: web tasks: - name: compose weblog from local registry docker_compose: command="up" compose_file="/opt/compose/weblog.yml" insecure_registry=True Start the containers in the compose project, but do not create any: - hosts: web tasks: - name: compose weblog docker_compose: command="start" compose_file="/opt/compose/weblog.yml" Removed all the containers associated with a project; only wait 5 seconds for the container to respond to a SIGTERM: - hosts: web tasks: - name: Destroy ALL containers for project "devweblog" docker_compose: command="rm" stop_timeout=5 compose_file="/opt/compose/weblog.yml" project_name="devweblog" ''' HAS_DOCKER_COMPOSE = True import re try: from compose import config from compose.cli.command import Command as compose_command from compose.cli.docker_client import docker_client except ImportError, e: HAS_DOCKER_COMPOSE = False TIMEMAP = { 'second': 0, 'seconds': 0, 'minute': 1, 'minutes': 1, 'hour': 2, 'hours': 2, 'weeks': 3, 'months': 4, 'years': 5, } class DockerComposer: def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.compose_file = self.module.params.get('compose_file') self.insecure_registry = self.module.params.get('insecure_registry') self.no_build = self.module.params.get('no_build') self.no_cache = self.module.params.get('no_cache') self.no_deps = self.module.params.get('no_deps') self.no_recreate = self.module.params.get('no_recreate') self.project_name = self.module.params.get('project_name') self.stop_timeout = self.module.params.get('stop_timeout') self.scale = self.module.params.get('scale') self.service_names = self.module.params.get('service_names') self.project = compose_command.get_project(compose_command(), self.compose_file, self.project_name, ) self.containers = self.project.client.containers(all=True) def build(self): self.project.build(no_cache = self.no_cache, service_names = self.service_names, ) def kill(self): self.project.kill(signal = self.kill_signal, service_names = self.service_names, ) def pull(self): self.project.pull(insecure_registry = self.insecure_registry, service_names = self.service_names, ) def rm(self): self.stop() self.project.remove_stopped(service_names = self.service_names) def scale(self): for s in self.service_names: try: num = int(self.scale[s]) except ValueError: msg = ('Value for scaling service "%s" should be an int, but ' 'value "%s" was recieved' % (s, self.scale[s])) module.fail_json(msg=msg, failed=True) try: project.get_service(s).scale(num) except CannotBeScaledError: msg = ('Service "%s" cannot be scaled because it specifies a ' 'port on the host.' % s) module.fail_json(msg=msg, failed=True) def start(self): self.project.start(service_names = self.service_names) def stop(self): self.project.stop(service_names = self.service_names, timeout = self.stop_timeout, ) def restart(self): self.project.restart(service_names = self.service_names) def up(self): self.project_contains = self.project.up( do_build = not self.no_build, insecure_registry = self.insecure_registry, allow_recreate = not self.no_recreate, service_names = self.service_names, start_deps = not self.no_deps, ) def check_if_changed(self): new_containers = self.project.client.containers(all=True) for pc in self.project_contains: old_container = None new_container = None name = '/' + re.split(' |>',str(pc))[1] for c in self.containers: if c['Names'][0] == name: old_container = c for c in new_containers: if c['Names'][0] == name: new_container = c if not old_container or not new_container: return True if old_container['Created'] != new_container['Created']: return True old_status = re.split(' ', old_container['Status']) new_status = re.split(' ', new_container['Status']) if old_status[0] != new_status[0]: return True if old_status[0] == 'Up': if TIMEMAP[old_status[-1]] > TIMEMAP[new_status[-1]]: return True else: if TIMEMAP[old_status[-2]] < TIMEMAP[new_status[-2]]: return True return False def check_dependencies(module): if not HAS_DOCKER_COMPOSE: msg = ('`docker-compose` does not seem to be installed, but is required ' 'by the Ansible docker-compose module.') module.fail_json(failed=True, msg=msg) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( command = dict(required=True, choices=['build', 'kill', 'pull', 'rm', 'scale', 'start', 'stop', 'restart', 'up'] ), compose_file = dict(required=True, type='str'), insecure_registry = dict(type='bool'), kill_signal = dict(default='SIGKILL'), no_build = dict(type='bool'), no_cache = dict(type='bool'), no_deps = dict(type='bool'), no_recreate = dict(type='bool'), project_name = dict(type='str'), scale = dict(type='dict'), service_names = dict(type='list'), stop_timeout = dict(default=10, type='int') ) ) check_dependencies(module) try: composer = DockerComposer(module) command = getattr(composer, module.params.get('command')) command() changed = composer.check_if_changed() module.exit_json(changed=changed) except Exception, e: try: changed = composer.check_if_changed() except Exception: changed = True module.exit_json(failed=True, changed=changed, msg=repr(e)) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()