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# Copyright(c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.
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from copy import copy
import kollacli.i18n as u

from kollacli.api.exceptions import MissingArgument
from kollacli.common.inventory import Inventory
from kollacli.common.utils import safe_decode

[docs]class GroupApi(object):
[docs] class Group(object): def __init__(self, groupname, servicenames, hostnames): = groupname self._servicenames = servicenames self._hostnames = hostnames
[docs] def get_name(self): """Get name :return: group name :rtype: string """ return
[docs] def get_services(self): """Get names of services associated with this group. :return: service names :rtype: list of strings """ return copy(self._servicenames)
[docs] def add_service(self, servicename): """Add service to group :param servicename: name of the service to add to the group :type servicename: string """ servicename = safe_decode(servicename) inventory = Inventory.load() inventory.validate_servicenames([servicename]) group_services = inventory.get_group_services() self._servicenames = group_services[] if servicename not in self._servicenames: # service not associated with group, add it inventory.add_group_to_service(, servicename)
[docs] def remove_service(self, servicename): """Remove service from group :param servicename: name of the service to remove from the group :type servicename: string """ servicename = safe_decode(servicename) inventory = Inventory.load() inventory.validate_servicenames([servicename]) group_services = inventory.get_group_services() self._servicenames = group_services[] if servicename in self._servicenames: # service is associated with group, remove it inventory.remove_group_from_service(, servicename)
[docs] def get_hosts(self): """Get names of hosts associated with this group. :return: host names :rtype: list of strings """ return copy(self._hostnames)
[docs] def add_host(self, hostname): """Add host to group :param hostname: name of the host to add to the group :type hostname: string """ hostname = safe_decode(hostname) inventory = Inventory.load() inventory.validate_hostnames([hostname]) group = inventory.get_group( self._hostnames = group.get_hostnames() if hostname not in self._hostnames: # host not associated with group, add it inventory.add_host(hostname,
[docs] def remove_host(self, hostname): """Remove host from group :param hostname: name of the host to remove from the group :type hostname: string """ hostname = safe_decode(hostname) inventory = Inventory.load() inventory.validate_hostnames([hostname]) group = inventory.get_group( self._hostnames = group.get_hostnames() if hostname in self._hostnames: # host is associated with group, remove it inventory.remove_host(hostname,
[docs] def group_add(self, groupname): """Add a group to the inventory :param groupname: name of the group to add to the inventory :type groupname: string """ if not groupname: raise MissingArgument(u._('Group name')) groupname = safe_decode(groupname) inventory = Inventory.load() inventory.add_group(groupname)
[docs] def group_remove(self, groupname): """Remove a group from the inventory :param groupname: name of the group to remove from the inventory :type groupname: string """ if not groupname: raise MissingArgument(u._('Group name')) inventory = Inventory.load() groupname = safe_decode(groupname) inventory.remove_group(groupname)
[docs] def group_get_all(self): """Get all groups in the inventory :return: groups :rtype: list of Group objects """ return self._get_groups(None, get_all=True)
[docs] def group_get(self, groupnames): """Get selected groups in the inventory :param groupnames: names of groups to be read :type groupnames: list of strings :return: groups :rtype: list of Group objects """ if groupnames is None: raise MissingArgument(u._('Group names')) groupnames = safe_decode(groupnames) return self._get_groups(groupnames)
def _get_groups(self, groupnames, get_all=False): groups = [] inventory = Inventory.load() if groupnames: inventory.validate_groupnames(groupnames) group_services = inventory.get_group_services() inv_groups = inventory.get_groups() for inv_group in inv_groups: if get_all or in groupnames: group = self.Group(, group_services[], inv_group.get_hostnames()) groups.append(group) return groups