
674 lines
23 KiB

# Copyright(c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from copy import copy
import json
import jsonpickle
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import traceback
import uuid
import kolla_cli.i18n as u
from kolla_cli.api.exceptions import FailedOperation
from kolla_cli.api.exceptions import HostError
from kolla_cli.api.exceptions import InvalidArgument
from kolla_cli.api.exceptions import InvalidConfiguration
from kolla_cli.api.exceptions import MissingArgument
from kolla_cli.api.exceptions import NotInInventory
from kolla_cli.common.allinone import AllInOne
from kolla_cli.common.host import Host
from kolla_cli.common.host_group import HostGroup
from kolla_cli.common.service import Service
from kolla_cli.common.sshutils import ssh_setup_host
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_admin_uids
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_ansible_command
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_group_vars_dir
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_host_vars_dir
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_kolla_cli_etc
from kolla_cli.common.utils import run_cmd
from kolla_cli.common.utils import sync_read_file
from kolla_cli.common.utils import sync_write_file
ANSIBLE_SSH_USER = 'ansible_ssh_user'
ANSIBLE_CONNECTION = 'ansible_connection'
ANSIBLE_BECOME = 'ansible_become'
INVENTORY_PATH = 'ansible/inventory.json'
COMPUTE_GRP_NAME = 'compute'
# these groups cannot be deleted, they are required by kolla
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def remove_temp_inventory(path):
# type: (str) -> None
"""remove temp inventory file and its parent directory"""
if path:
if os.path.exists(path):
dirpath = os.path.dirname(path)
if os.path.exists(dirpath):
class Inventory(object):
class_version = 4
"""class version history
4: (v4.0.1):
- removed concept of sub-services (not backward compatible)
3: (v3.0.1):
- added aodh, ceph
- fix to ensure all sub-services have service as parent
2: (v2.1.1) added ceilometer
1: (v2.0.1) initial release
def __init__(self):
self._groups = {} # kv = name:object
self._hosts = {} # kv = name:object
self._services = {} # kv = name:object
self.vars = {}
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
self.remote_mode = True
# initialize the inventory to its defaults
def upgrade(self):
# check for new services or subservices in the all-in-one file
# leaving in this hook but no upgrade from <4 to 4 is supported
# so yanking out all upgrade logic
# update the version and save upgraded inventory file
self.version = self.__class__.class_version
def _upgrade_services(self):
allinone = AllInOne()
# add new services
for servicename, service in allinone.services.items():
if servicename not in self._services:
self._services[servicename] = service
# remove obsolete services
for servicename in copy(self._services).keys():
if servicename not in allinone.services:
def load():
"""load the inventory from a pickle file"""
inventory_path = os.path.join(get_kolla_cli_etc(), INVENTORY_PATH)
data = ''
if os.path.exists(inventory_path):
data = sync_read_file(inventory_path)
if data.strip():
inventory = jsonpickle.decode(data)
# upgrade version handling
if inventory.version != inventory.class_version:
inventory = Inventory()
except Exception:
raise FailedOperation(
u._('Loading inventory failed. : {error}')
return inventory
def save(inventory):
"""Save the inventory in a pickle file"""
inventory_path = os.path.join(get_kolla_cli_etc(), INVENTORY_PATH)
# multiple trips thru json to render a readable inventory file
data = jsonpickle.encode(inventory)
data_str = json.loads(data)
pretty_data = json.dumps(data_str, indent=4)
sync_write_file(inventory_path, pretty_data)
except Exception as e:
raise FailedOperation(
u._('Saving inventory failed. : {error}')
def get_hosts(self):
return self._hosts.values()
def get_hostnames(self):
return list(self._hosts.keys())
def get_host(self, hostname):
host = None
if hostname in self._hosts:
host = self._hosts[hostname]
return host
def add_host(self, hostname, groupname=None):
"""add host
if groupname is none, create a new host
if group name is not none, add host to group
if groupname and groupname not in self._groups:
raise NotInInventory(u._('Group'), groupname)
if groupname and hostname not in self._hosts:
# if a groupname is specified, the host must already exist
raise NotInInventory(u._('Host'), hostname)
if not groupname and not self.remote_mode and len(self._hosts) >= 1:
raise InvalidConfiguration(
u._('Cannot have more than one host when in local deploy '
changed = False
# create new host if it doesn't exist
host = Host(hostname)
if hostname not in self.get_hostnames():
# a new host is being added to the inventory
changed = True
self._hosts[hostname] = host
# a host is to be added to an existing group
elif groupname:
group = self._groups[groupname]
if hostname not in group.get_hostnames():
changed = True
return changed
def remove_all_hosts(self):
"""remove all hosts."""
hostnamess = self.get_hostnames()
for hostname in hostnamess:
def remove_host(self, hostname, groupname=None):
"""remove host
if groupname is none, delete host
if group name is not none, remove host from group
changed = False
if groupname and groupname not in self._groups:
raise NotInInventory(u._('Group'), groupname)
if hostname not in self._hosts:
return changed
changed = True
host = self._hosts[hostname]
groups = self.get_groups(host)
for group in groups:
if not groupname or groupname == group.name:
if not groupname:
host_vars = os.path.join(get_host_vars_dir(), hostname)
if os.path.exists(host_vars):
del self._hosts[hostname]
return changed
def setup_hosts(self, hosts_info):
"""setup multiple hosts
hosts_info is a dict of format:
{'hostname1': {
'password': password
'uname': user_name
The uname entry is optional.
failed_hosts = {}
for hostname, host_info in hosts_info.items():
host = self.get_host(hostname)
if not host:
failed_hosts[hostname] = u._("Host doesn't exist.")
if not host_info or 'password' not in host_info:
failed_hosts[hostname] = u._('No password in yml file.')
passwd = host_info['password']
uname = None
if 'uname' in host_info:
uname = host_info['uname']
self.setup_host(hostname, passwd, uname)
except Exception as e:
failed_hosts[hostname] = '%s' % e
if failed_hosts:
summary = '\n'
for hostname, err in failed_hosts.items():
summary = summary + '- %s: %s\n' % (hostname, err)
raise HostError(
u._('Not all hosts were set up. : {reasons}')
LOG.info(u._LI('All hosts were successfully set up.'))
def setup_host(self, hostname, password, uname=None):
u._LI('Starting setup of host ({host}).')
check_ok, _ = self.ssh_check_host(hostname)
if check_ok:
LOG.info(u._LI('Host ({host}) is already setup.')
# host needs setup
ssh_setup_host(hostname, password, uname)
check_ok, msg = self.ssh_check_host(hostname)
if not check_ok:
raise Exception(u._('Post-setup ssh check failed. {err}')
LOG.info(u._LI('Host ({host}) setup succeeded.')
except Exception as e:
raise HostError(
u._('Host ({host}) setup failed : {error}')
.format(host=hostname, error=str(e)))
return True
def ssh_check_hosts(self, hostnames):
"""ssh check for hosts
return {hostname: {'success': True|False,
'msg': message}}
summary = {}
for hostname in hostnames:
is_ok, msg = self.ssh_check_host(hostname)
summary[hostname] = {}
summary[hostname]['success'] = is_ok
summary[hostname]['msg'] = msg
return summary
def ssh_check_host(self, hostname):
err_msg, output = self.run_ansible_command('-m ping', hostname)
is_ok = True
if err_msg:
is_ok = False
msg = (
u._('Host ({host}) ssh check failed. : {error} {message}')
.format(host=hostname, error=err_msg, message=output))
msg = (u._LI('Host ({host}) ssh check succeeded.')
return is_ok, msg
def run_ansible_command(self, ansible_command, hostname):
output = None
command_string = '%s -vvv' % \
gen_file_path = self.create_json_gen_file()
cmd = '%s %s -i %s %s' % (command_string, hostname, gen_file_path,
err_msg, output = run_cmd(cmd, False)
except Exception as e:
err_msg = str(e)
return err_msg, output
def add_group(self, groupname):
# Group names cannot overlap with service names:
if groupname in self._services:
raise InvalidArgument(
u._('Invalid group name. A service name '
'cannot be used for a group name.'))
if groupname not in self._groups:
self._groups[groupname] = HostGroup(groupname)
group = self._groups[groupname]
return group
def remove_group(self, groupname):
if groupname in PROTECTED_GROUPS:
raise InvalidArgument(
u._('Cannot remove {group} group. It is required by kolla.')
# remove group from services
for service in self._services.values():
group_vars = os.path.join(get_group_vars_dir(), groupname)
if os.path.exists(group_vars) and groupname != '__GLOBAL__':
if groupname in self._groups:
del self._groups[groupname]
def get_group(self, groupname):
group = None
if groupname in self._groups:
group = self._groups[groupname]
return group
def get_groupnames(self):
return list(self._groups.keys())
def get_groups(self, host=None):
"""return all groups containing host
if hosts is none, return all groups in inventory
groups = []
if not host:
groups = self._groups.values()
for group in self._groups.values():
if host.name in group.get_hostnames():
return groups
def get_host_groups(self):
"""return { hostname : [groupnames] }"""
host_groups = {}
for host in self._hosts.values():
host_groups[host.name] = []
groups = self.get_groups(host)
for group in groups:
return host_groups
def get_group_services(self):
"""get groups and their services
return { groupname: [servicenames] }
group_services = {}
for group in self.get_groups():
group_services[group.name] = []
for svc in self.get_services():
for groupname in svc.get_groupnames():
return group_services
def get_group_hosts(self):
"""return { groupname : [hostnames] }"""
group_hosts = {}
for group in self.get_groups():
group_hosts[group.name] = []
for hostname in group.get_hostnames():
return group_hosts
def create_service(self, servicename):
if servicename not in self._services:
service = Service(servicename)
self._services[servicename] = service
return self._services[servicename]
def delete_service(self, servicename):
# remove references to this service from all parent / child services
if servicename in self._services:
service = self._services[servicename]
for parentname in service.get_parentnames():
parent = self._services[parentname]
for childname in service.get_childnames():
child = self._services[childname]
# then remove the service itself
del self._services[servicename]
def get_services(self, client_filter=False):
if client_filter:
services = self._client_filtered_service_dict()
services = self._services
return services.values()
def get_service(self, servicename, client_filter=False):
service = None
if client_filter:
services = self._client_filtered_service_dict()
services = self._services
if servicename in services:
service = services[servicename]
return service
def add_group_to_service(self, groupname, servicename):
if groupname not in self._groups:
raise NotInInventory(u._('Group'), groupname)
if servicename in self._services:
service = self.get_service(servicename)
raise NotInInventory(u._('Service'), servicename)
def remove_group_from_service(self, groupname, servicename):
if groupname not in self._groups:
raise NotInInventory(u._('Group'), groupname)
if servicename in self._services:
service = self.get_service(servicename)
raise NotInInventory(u._('Service'), servicename)
def set_deploy_mode(self, remote_flag):
if not remote_flag and len(self._hosts) > 1:
raise InvalidConfiguration(
u._('Cannot set local deploy mode when multiple hosts exist.'))
self.remote_mode = remote_flag
for group in self.get_groups():
def get_ansible_json(self, inventory_filter=None):
"""generate json inventory for ansible
The hosts and groups added to the json output for ansible will be
filtered by the hostnames and groupnames in the deploy filters.
This allows a more targeted deploy to a specific set of hosts or
typical ansible json format:
'group': {
'hosts': [
'vars': {
'ansible_ssh_user': 'johndoe',
'ansible_ssh_private_key_file': '~/.ssh/mykey',
'example_variable': 'value'
'children': [ 'marietta', '5points' ]
'_meta': {
'hostvars': {
'': {
'host_specific_var': 'bar'
'': {
'host_specific_var': 'foo'
jdict = {}
# if no filter provided, use all groups, all hosts
deploy_hostnames = self.get_hostnames()
deploy_groupnames = self.get_groupnames()
if inventory_filter:
if 'deploy_hosts' in inventory_filter:
deploy_hostnames = inventory_filter['deploy_hosts']
if 'deploy_groups' in inventory_filter:
deploy_groupnames = inventory_filter['deploy_groups']
# add hostgroups
for group in self.get_groups():
jdict[group.name] = {}
jdict[group.name]['hosts'] = []
if group.name in deploy_groupnames:
jdict[group.name]['hosts'] = \
self._filter_hosts(group.get_hostnames(), deploy_hostnames)
jdict[group.name]['children'] = []
jdict[group.name]['vars'] = group.get_vars()
# add all services, what groups they are in and their parents
for service in self.get_services():
jdict[service.name] = {}
groups_and_parents = []
jdict[service.name]['children'] = groups_and_parents
# temporarily create group containing all hosts. this is needed for
# ansible commands that are performed on hosts not yet in groups.
group = self.add_group('__GLOBAL__')
jdict[group.name] = {}
jdict[group.name]['hosts'] = deploy_hostnames
jdict[group.name]['vars'] = group.get_vars()
# process hosts vars
jdict['_meta'] = {}
jdict['_meta']['hostvars'] = {}
for hostname in deploy_hostnames:
host = self.get_host(hostname)
if host:
jdict['_meta']['hostvars'][hostname] = host.get_vars()
return json.dumps(jdict)
def _filter_hosts(self, initial_hostnames, deploy_hostnames):
"""filter out hosts not in deploy hosts
Must preserve the ordering of hosts in the group.
filtered_hostnames = []
for hostname in initial_hostnames:
if hostname in deploy_hostnames:
return filtered_hostnames
def create_json_gen_file(self, inventory_filter=None):
"""create json inventory file using filter ({})
The inventory will be placed in a directory in /tmp,
with the directory name of form kolla_uuid.py,
where uuid is a unique deployment id.
return path to filtered json generator file
json_out = self.get_ansible_json(inventory_filter)
deploy_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
dirname = 'kolla_%s' % deploy_id
dirpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), dirname)
os.mkdir(dirpath, 0o775)
_, gid = get_admin_uids()
json_gen_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'temp_inventory.py')
with open(json_gen_path, 'w') as json_gen_file:
json_gen_file.write('#!/usr/bin/env python\n')
# the quotes here are significant. The json_out has double quotes
# embedded in it so single quotes are needed to wrap it.
json_gen_file.write("print('%s')" % json_out)
# set executable by group
os.chmod(json_gen_path, 0o555) # nosec
return json_gen_path
def remove_json_gen_file(self, path):
def validate_hostnames(self, hostnames):
if not hostnames:
raise MissingArgument(u._('Host name(s)'))
invalid_hosts = []
for hostname in hostnames:
if hostname not in self._hosts:
if invalid_hosts:
raise NotInInventory(u._('Host'), invalid_hosts)
def validate_groupnames(self, groupnames):
if not groupnames:
raise MissingArgument(u._('Group name(s)'))
invalid_groups = []
for groupname in groupnames:
if groupname not in self._groups:
if invalid_groups:
raise NotInInventory(u._('Group'), invalid_groups)
def validate_servicenames(self, servicenames, client_filter=False):
if not servicenames:
raise MissingArgument(u._('Service name(s)'))
invalid_services = []
if client_filter:
services = self._client_filtered_service_dict()
services = self._services
for service_name in servicenames:
if service_name not in services:
if invalid_services:
raise NotInInventory(u._('Service'), invalid_services)
def _client_filtered_service_dict(self):
"""Filters out any unsupported services
:return: filtered dictionary
filtered_service_dict = {}
for service in self._services.values():
if service.is_supported():
filtered_service_dict[service.name] = service
return filtered_service_dict
def _create_default_inventory(self):
allin1 = AllInOne()
for groupname in allin1.groups:
for servicename, service in allin1.services.items():
self._services[servicename] = service