Merge "Add resource status command for Workflow Engine"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2016-07-29 18:35:24 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 808a5605fb
4 changed files with 409 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -23,12 +23,11 @@ from kolla_kubernetes.utils import JinjaUtils
from kolla_kubernetes.utils import YamlUtils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
KKR = KollaKubernetesResources.Get()
class Resource(KollaKubernetesBaseCommand):
"""Create or delete kolla-kubernetes resources"""
"""Create, delete, or query status for kolla-kubernetes resources"""
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(Resource, self).get_parser(prog_name)

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@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import re
from oslo_log import log
from kolla_kubernetes.utils import ExecUtils
from kolla_kubernetes.utils import YamlUtils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class KubeResourceTypeStatus(object):
def __init__(self, service_obj, service_name, resource_type):
# Check input args
if resource_type == 'disk':
LOG.warn('resource_type disk is not supported yet')
# Initialize internal vars
self.service_obj = service_obj
self.service_name = service_name
self.resource_type = resource_type
self.resource_templates = []
def asDict(self):
res = {}
res['meta'] = {}
res['meta']['service_name'] = self.service_name
res['meta']['resource_type'] = self.resource_type
res['results'] = {}
res['results']['status'] = self.getStatus()
res['xdetails'] = {} # add 'x' for sort order and xtra-details
res['xdetails']['templates'] = []
for kr in self.resource_templates:
return res
def getStatus(self):
for krt in self.resource_templates:
if krt.getStatus() == 'error':
return 'error'
return 'ok'
def doTemplateAndCheck(self):
"""Checks service resource_type resources in Kubernetes
For each resource file of resource_type
Process the template (which may contain a stream of yaml definitions)
For each yaml definition
Send to kubernetes
Compare input definition to output status (do checks!)
Note: This is kube check only. Other subcommands should
take care of application specific health checks (e.g. port checks)
Summarize all of the above into a results dict
Prints results dict to stdout as yaml status string
resource_files = self.service_obj.getResourceFilesByType(
for file_ in resource_files:
# Skip unsupported script templates
if file_.endswith('.sh.j2'):
LOG.warn('Shell templates are not supported yet. '
'Skipping processing status of {}'.format(file_))
krt = KubeResourceTemplateStatus(
self.service_name, self.resource_type, file_)
class KubeResourceTemplateStatus(object):
A KubeResourceTemplateStatus is a jinja template, which when
processed may generate a stream of KubeResourceYamlStatus definitions
separated by "^---". In most cases, the output consists of a
single KubeResourceYamlStatus blob. However, sometimes the template
may print nothing or whitespace (NO-OP).
def __init__(self, service_name, resource_type,
# Check input args
assert os.path.exists(kube_resource_template_path)
# Initialize internal vars
self.service_name = service_name
self.resource_type = resource_type
self.template = kube_resource_template_path
self.errors = []
self.oks = []
self.kube_resources = []
def asDict(self):
res = {}
res['meta'] = {}
res['meta']['template'] = self.template
res['results'] = {}
res['results']['status'] = self.getStatus()
res['results']['errors'] = self.errors
res['results']['oks'] = self.oks
res['xdetails'] = {} # add 'x' for sort order and xtra-details
res['xdetails']['segments'] = []
for kr in self.kube_resources:
return res
def getStatus(self):
if len(self.errors) != 0:
return 'error'
for kr in self.kube_resources:
if kr.getStatus() != 'ok':
return 'error'
return 'ok'
def doCheck(self):
# Build the templating command
cmd = "kolla-kubernetes resource-template {} {} {} {}".format(
'create', self.resource_type, self.service_name, self.template)
# Execute the command to get the processed template output
template_out, err = ExecUtils.exec_command(cmd)
# Skip templates which which produce no-ops (100% whitespace)
# (e.g. pv templates for AWS should not use persistent
# volumes because AWS uses experimental
# auto-provisioning)
if (err is not None):
'error processing template file: {}'.format(str(err)))
elif re.match("^\s+$", template_out):
msg = "template {} produced empty output (NO-OP)".format(
# If the template output produces a stream of yaml documents
# which are then piped to kubectl, then we will receive a
# stream of reports separated by "\n\n". Split on "\n\n" and
# process each result individually. The overall result is the
# merged output.
definitions = re.split("^---", template_out, re.MULTILINE)
for definition in definitions:
kr = KubeResourceYamlStatus(definition)
class KubeResourceYamlStatus(object):
"""Class represents a single Kube resource yaml blob
Implements functions to send the blob to "kubectl describe -f -",
and evaluate the returned info text.
def __init__(self, kube_resource_definition_yaml):
# Check input args
assert len(kube_resource_definition_yaml) > 0
# Initialize internal vars
self.y = YamlUtils.yaml_dict_from_string(kube_resource_definition_yaml)
self.definition = kube_resource_definition_yaml
self.errors = []
self.oks = []
def asDict(self):
res = {}
res['meta'] = {}
res['meta']['name'] = self.getName()
res['meta']['kind'] = self.getKind()
res['results'] = {}
res['results']['status'] = self.getStatus()
res['results']['errors'] = self.errors
res['results']['oks'] = self.oks
return res
def getKind(self):
if self.y is None: # this yaml segment may be empty (comments-only)
return ""
assert 'kind' in self.y
return self.y['kind']
def getName(self):
if self.y is None: # this yaml segment may be empty (comments-only)
return ""
assert 'metadata' in self.y
assert 'name' in self.y['metadata']
return self.y['metadata']['name']
def getStatus(self):
if len(self.errors) == 0:
return 'ok'
return 'error'
def doDescribeAndCheck(self):
# This yaml segment may be empty (comments-only)
if self.y is None:
self.oks.append('Yaml segment is empty of content and perhaps '
'only contains comments')
return # Allow to succeed
# Create the command to send this single resource yaml blob to
# kubectl to query its existence.
cmd = ('echo \'{}\' | kubectl describe -f -'.format(
self.definition.replace("'", "'\\''"))) # escape for bash
out, err = ExecUtils.exec_command(cmd)
# Check if kubectl returns non-zero exit status
if err is not None:
self.errors.append('Either resource does not exist, '
'or invalid resource yaml')
# For all resource types, check the Name to verify existence
name = KubeResourceYamlStatus._matchSingleLineField('Name', out)
if name is None or name != self.getName():
'No resource with name {} exists'.format(self.getName()))
'Verified resource with name {} exists'.format(self.getName()))
# For PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims
if self.getKind() == 'PersistentVolume' or (
self.getKind() == 'PersistentVolumeClaim'):
# Verify that the PV/PVC is bound
status = KubeResourceYamlStatus._matchSingleLineField(
'Status', out)
if status is None or status != "Bound":
self.errors.append("{} not Bound".format(self.getKind()))
self.oks.append("{} Bound".format(self.getKind()))
# For Services
if self.getKind() == 'Service':
# Verify the service has an IP
ip = KubeResourceYamlStatus._matchSingleLineField('IP', out)
if ip is None or len(ip) == 0:
self.errors.append("{} has no IP".format(self.getKind()))
self.oks.append("{} has IP".format(self.getKind()))
# For ReplicationControllers
# Replicas: 1 current / 1 desired
# Pods Status: 1 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
if self.getKind() == 'ReplicationController':
# Verify the rc has the right number of replicas
replicas = KubeResourceYamlStatus._matchSingleLineField(
'Replicas', out)
if replicas is None:
"{} replicas not found".format(self.getKind()))
"{} replicas found".format(self.getKind()))
replicas_detail = KubeResourceYamlStatus._matchReturnGroups(
'^(\d+) current / (\d+) desired', replicas)
if replicas_detail is not None:
current, desired = replicas_detail
if current != desired:
"current != desired: {}".format(replicas))
"current == desired: {}".format(replicas))
# Verify the rc has the right number of pod_status
pod_status = KubeResourceYamlStatus._matchSingleLineField(
'Pods Status', out)
if pod_status is None:
"{} pod_status not found".format(self.getKind()))
"{} pod_status found".format(self.getKind()))
pod_status_detail = KubeResourceYamlStatus._matchReturnGroups(
'^(\d+) Running / (\d+) Waiting /'
' (\d+) Succeeded / (\d+) Failed', pod_status)
if pod_status_detail is not None:
running, waiting, succeeded, failed = pod_status_detail
if (int(running) == 0 or int(waiting) > 0 or (
int(failed) > 0)):
"pod_status has errors {}".format(pod_status))
"pod_status has no errors: {}".format(pod_status))
def _matchSingleLineField(field_name, haystack):
"""Returns field name's value"""
# Initial checks
assert field_name is not None
if haystack is None:
return None
# Execute the Search
match ='^{}:\s+(?P<MY_VAL>.*)$'.format(field_name),
# Check the value
if match is None:
return None
def _matchReturnGroups(regex, haystack):
"""Returns all groups matching regex"""
# Initial checks
assert regex is not None
if haystack is None:
return None
# Execute the Search
match =,
# Check the value
if match is None:
return None
return match.groups()

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import time
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from kolla_kubernetes.kube_service_status import KubeResourceTypeStatus
from kolla_kubernetes.pathfinder import PathFinder
from kolla_kubernetes.utils import ExecUtils
from kolla_kubernetes.utils import JinjaUtils
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ class KollaKubernetesResources(object):
class Service(object):
VALID_ACTIONS = 'create delete'.split(" ")
VALID_ACTIONS = 'create delete status'.split(" ")
VALID_RESOURCE_TYPES = 'configmap disk pv pvc svc bootstrap pod'.split(" ")
# Keep old logic for LEGACY support of bootstrap, run, and kill commands
# Legacy commands did not keep order. Here, we define order.
@ -189,6 +190,15 @@ class Service(object):
# Execute the action for each resource_type
for rt in resource_types:
# Handle status action
if action == "status":
if rt == "disk":
raise Exception('resource type for disk not supported yet')
krs = KubeResourceTypeStatus(self, self.getName(), rt)
# Handle create and delete action
if rt == "configmap":
# Take care of configmap as a special case
for pod in self.getPods().values():

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ from oslo_log import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger()
# Disable yaml short-form printing of aliases and anchors
yaml.SafeDumper.ignore_aliases = lambda self, data: True
def env(*args, **kwargs):
for arg in args:
@ -40,14 +43,21 @@ class ExecUtils(object):
Callers should check for errorException == None
# TODO(modify): modify function to include stderr in output tuple
cmd = cmd.strip() # strip whitespace
try:"executing cmd[{}]".format(cmd))
LOG.debug("executing cmd[{}]".format(cmd))
res = subprocess.check_output(
cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')"returned[{}]".format(res))
cmd, shell=True,
res = res.strip() # strip whitespace
return (res, None)
except Exception as e:
return ('', e)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Any non-zero exit code will result in a thrown exception
# The stdout may be accessed with e.output
# The exit code may be accessed with e.returncode
return (e.output.rstrip(), e)
class FileUtils(object):
@ -146,7 +156,7 @@ class JinjaUtils(object):
d = copy.deepcopy(dict_)
template = None
for i in range(0, 10):
template = YamlUtils.yaml_dict_to_string(d)
template = YamlUtils.yaml_dict_to_string_jinja(d)
rendered_template = JinjaUtils.render_jinja(d, template)
d = YamlUtils.yaml_dict_from_string(rendered_template)
if rendered_template.strip() == template.strip():
@ -176,6 +186,22 @@ class YamlUtils(object):
def yaml_dict_to_string(dict_):
"""Convert dict to string for human output"""
# Use width=1000000 to prevent wrapping
return yaml.safe_dump(dict_, default_flow_style=False,
def yaml_dict_to_string_jinja(dict_):
"""Convert dict to string for jinja processing
Use this only for dict strings that jinja will process. If
you use the normal style instead of double-quote style, then
yaml dump will escape all single quotes (') by doubling them
up (''). If jinja is to process the string, it will fail.
Thus, change the quote style to avoid escaping single quote
# Use width=1000000 to prevent wrapping
# Use double-quote style to prevent escaping of ' to ''
return yaml.safe_dump(dict_, default_flow_style=False,