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# Kolla-Kubernetes Configuration
# Note: Ansible remote-src copy does not recurse dirs, hence using cp
- name: Copy default kolla configuration to etc
become: True
command: cp -a /kolla-kubernetes/etc/kolla /etc
- name: Copy default kolla-kubernetes configuration to /etc
become: True
command: cp -a /kolla-kubernetes/etc/kolla-kubernetes /etc
- name: Generate default passwords via SPRNG
command: kolla-kubernetes-genpwd
- name: Create a kubernetes namespace to isolate this kolla deployment
command: kubectl create namespace kolla
ignore_errors: True
- name: Label the master node as the controller node
command: kubectl label node {{ ansible_hostname }} kolla_controller=true
ignore_errors: True
- name: Label the master node a compute node
command: kubectl label node {{ ansible_hostname }} kolla_compute=true
ignore_errors: True
- master_works == True
# TODO Filter out master, add condition
- name: Get Node List
shell: kubectl get nodes -o name | cut -d/ -f2
register: node_list
# TODO Fix this: Get list of nodes and label them compute
- name: Label the worker node a compute node
shell: kubectl label node "{{ item }}" kolla_compute=true
with_items: "{{ node_list.stdout.split('\n') }}"
ignore_errors: True
- name: Label all nodes as kolla_node
shell: kubectl label node "{{ item }}" kolla_node=true
with_items: "{{ node_list.stdout.split('\n') }}"
ignore_errors: True
- set_fact:
globals_config: "{{ lookup('template', 'templates/globals_config.j2') }}"
- name: Add required configuration to the end of /etc/kolla/globals.yml
dest: /etc/kolla/globals.yml
content: '{{ globals_config }}'
state: present
insertafter: EOF
- name: Set network_interface in globals.yaml
dest: /etc/kolla/globals.yml
line: "network_interface: {{ network_interface }}"
regexp: "^(.*)network_interface:(.*)$"
become: True
- name: Set neutron_external_interface in globals.yaml
dest: /etc/kolla/globals.yml
line: "neutron_external_interface: {{ neutron_external_interface }}"
regexp: "^(.*)neutron_external_interface:(.*)$"
become: True
- file:
path: /etc/kolla/config/
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: Enable QEMU libvirt functionality and enable a workaround for a bug in libvirt
dest: /etc/kolla/config/nova.conf
state: present
create: yes
content: |
become: True
- name: Generate the default configuration
command: ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python -e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @/etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e CONFIG_DIR=/etc/kolla /kolla-kubernetes/ansible/site.yml
# TODO remove ignore errors
- name: Generate the Kubernetes secrets and register them with Kubernetes
command: /kolla-kubernetes/tools/secret-generator.py create
ignore_errors: True
# TODO convert to separate account for increased security
- name: Create kolla context for kubectl
shell: kubectl config set-context kolla --cluster=kubernetes --user=kubernetes-admin --namespace=kolla