#!/bin/bash SERVICE="monasca-log-api" # When Apache first starts it writes out the custom log files with root # ownership. This later prevents the Monasca Log API (which runs under the # 'monasca' user) from updating them. To avoid this we create the log # files with the required permissions here, before Apache does. MONASCA_LOG_API_LOG_DIR="/var/log/kolla/monasca" for LOG_TYPE in error access; do if [ ! -f "${MONASCA_LOG_API_LOG_DIR}/${SERVICE}-${LOG_TYPE}.log" ]; then touch ${MONASCA_LOG_API_LOG_DIR}/${SERVICE}-${LOG_TYPE}.log fi if [[ $(stat -c %U:%G ${MONASCA_LOG_API_LOG_DIR}/${SERVICE}-${LOG_TYPE}.log) != "monasca:kolla" ]]; then chown monasca:kolla ${MONASCA_LOG_API_LOG_DIR}/${SERVICE}-${LOG_TYPE}.log fi done . /usr/local/bin/kolla_httpd_setup