#!/bin/bash # NOTE(pbourke): httpd will not clean up after itself in some cases which # results in the container not being able to restart. (bug #1489676, 1557036) if [[ "${KOLLA_BASE_DISTRO}" =~ debian|ubuntu ]]; then # Loading Apache2 ENV variables . /etc/apache2/envvars install -d /var/run/apache2/ rm -rf /var/run/apache2/* else rm -rf /var/run/httpd/* /run/httpd/* /tmp/httpd* fi # Create log dir for Keystone logs KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR="/var/log/kolla/keystone" if [[ ! -d "${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR}" ]]; then mkdir -p ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR} fi if [[ $(stat -c %U:%G ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR}) != "keystone:kolla" ]]; then chown keystone:kolla ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR} fi if [ ! -f "${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR}/keystone.log" ]; then touch ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR}/keystone.log fi if [[ $(stat -c %U:%G ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR}/keystone.log) != "keystone:keystone" ]]; then chown keystone:keystone ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR}/keystone.log fi if [[ $(stat -c %a ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR}) != "755" ]]; then chmod 755 ${KEYSTONE_LOG_DIR} fi EXTRA_KEYSTONE_MANAGE_ARGS=${EXTRA_KEYSTONE_MANAGE_ARGS-} # Upgrade and exit if KOLLA_UPGRADE variable is set. This catches all cases # of the KOLLA_UPGRADE variable being set, including empty. if [[ "${!KOLLA_UPGRADE[@]}" ]]; then # TODO(duonghq): check doctor result here # TODO: find reason why doctor failed in gate # sudo -H -u keystone keystone-manage doctor sudo -H -u keystone keystone-manage ${EXTRA_KEYSTONE_MANAGE_ARGS} db_sync --expand sudo -H -u keystone keystone-manage ${EXTRA_KEYSTONE_MANAGE_ARGS} db_sync --migrate exit 0 fi # Contract database and exit if KOLLA_FINISH_UPGRADE variable is set. # This catches all cases of the KOLLA_FINISH_UPGRADE variable being set, # including empty. if [[ "${!KOLLA_FINISH_UPGRADE[@]}" ]]; then sudo -H -u keystone keystone-manage ${EXTRA_KEYSTONE_MANAGE_ARGS} db_sync --contract exit 0 fi # Bootstrap and exit if KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP variable is set. This catches all cases # of the KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP variable being set, including empty. if [[ "${!KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP[@]}" ]]; then sudo -H -u keystone keystone-manage ${EXTRA_KEYSTONE_MANAGE_ARGS} db_sync exit 0 fi ARGS="-DFOREGROUND"