
313 lines
9.7 KiB

* Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
ClusterWorkflow.$inject = [
function ClusterWorkflow(basePath, workflowService, gettext, magnum, nova) {
var workflow = {
init: init
function init(action, title, $scope) {
var schema, form, model, nflavors, mflavors;
var clusterTemplates = [{value:"", name: gettext("Choose a Cluster Template")}];
var keypairs = [{value:"", name: gettext("Choose a Keypair")}];
var dockerVolumeSizeDescription = gettext(
"If not specified, the value specified in Cluster Template will be used.");
// schema
schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
'name': {
title: gettext('Cluster Name'),
type: 'string'
'cluster_template_id': {
title: gettext('Cluster Template'),
type: 'string'
'master_count': {
title: gettext('Master Count'),
type: 'number',
minimum: 1
'node_count': {
title: gettext('Node Count'),
type: 'number',
minimum: 1
'discovery_url': {
title: gettext('Discovery URL'),
type: 'string'
'create_timeout': {
title: gettext('Timeout'),
type: 'number',
minimum: 0
'keypair': {
title: gettext('Keypair'),
type: 'string'
'docker_volume_size': {
title: gettext('Docker Volume Size (GB)'),
type: 'number'
'master_flavor_id': {
title: gettext('Master Flavor ID'),
type: 'string'
'flavor_id': {
title: gettext('Node Flavor ID'),
type: 'string'
'rollback': {
title: gettext('Rollback cluster on update failure'),
type: 'boolean'
'labels': {
title: gettext('Labels'),
type: 'string'
// form
form = [
tabs: [
title: gettext('Info'),
help: basePath + 'clusters/workflow/',
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'row',
items: [
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'col-xs-12',
items: [
key: 'name',
placeholder: gettext('Name of the cluster.'),
readonly: action === 'update'
key: 'cluster_template_id',
type: 'select',
titleMap: clusterTemplates,
required: true,
readonly: action === 'update'
type: 'template',
templateUrl: basePath + 'clusters/workflow/cluster-template.html'
required: true
title: gettext('Size'),
help: basePath + 'clusters/workflow/',
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'row',
items: [
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'col-xs-12',
items: [
key: 'master_count',
placeholder: gettext('The number of master nodes for the cluster.'),
readonly: action === 'update'
key: 'node_count',
placeholder: gettext('The cluster node count.')
key: 'docker_volume_size',
placeholder: gettext('Specify the size in GB for the docker volume'),
description: dockerVolumeSizeDescription,
readonly: action === 'update'
key: 'rollback',
condition: action === 'create'
title: gettext('Misc'),
help: basePath + 'clusters/workflow/',
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'row',
items: [
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'col-xs-12',
items: [
key: 'discovery_url',
placeholder: gettext('Specifies custom discovery url for node discovery.'),
readonly: action === 'update'
key: 'create_timeout',
/* eslint-disable max-len */
placeholder: gettext('The timeout for cluster creation in minutes.'),
description: gettext('Set to 0 for no timeout. The default is no timeout.'),
readonly: action === 'update'
key: 'keypair',
type: 'select',
titleMap: keypairs,
required: true,
readonly: action === 'update'
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'col-xs-6',
items: [
key: 'master_flavor_id',
type: 'select',
titleMap: mflavors,
readonly: action === 'update'
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'col-xs-6',
items: [
key: 'flavor_id',
type: 'select',
titleMap: nflavors,
readonly: action === 'update'
required: true
title: gettext('Labels'),
help: basePath + 'clusters/workflow/',
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'row',
items: [
type: 'section',
htmlClass: 'col-xs-12',
items: [
key: 'labels',
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: gettext('KEY1=VALUE1, KEY2=VALUE2...'),
readonly: action === 'update'
nova.getFlavors(false, false).then(onGetFlavors);
function onGetKeypairs(response) {
angular.forEach(, function(item) {
keypairs.push({value:, name:});
function onGetFlavors(response) {
nflavors = [{value:"", name: gettext("Choose a Flavor for the Node")}];
mflavors = [{value:"", name: gettext("Choose a Flavor for the Master Node")}];
angular.forEach(, function(item) {
nflavors.push({value:, name:});
mflavors.push({value:, name:});
form[0].tabs[2].items[1].items[0].titleMap = nflavors;
form[0].tabs[2].items[2].items[0].titleMap = mflavors;
function onGetClusterTemplates(response) {
angular.forEach(, function(item) {
clusterTemplates.push({value:, name:});
model = {
name: "",
cluster_template_id: "",
master_count: null,
node_count: null,
docker_volume_size: "",
rollback: false,
discovery_url: "",
create_timeout: null,
keypair: "",
flavor_id: "",
master_flavor_id: "",
labels: ""
var config = {
title: title,
schema: schema,
form: form,
model: model
$scope.model = model;
return config;
return workflow;