heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 description: > This template will boot a Kubernetes cluster with one or more minions (as specified by the number_of_minions parameter, which defaults to 1). parameters: ssh_key_name: type: string description: name of ssh key to be provisioned on our server external_network: type: string description: uuid/name of a network to use for floating ip addresses default: public fixed_network: type: string description: > name of private network into which servers get deployed Important: the Load Balancer feature in Kubernetes requires that the name for the fixed_network must be "private" for the address lookup in Kubernetes to work properly fixed_subnet: type: string description: Sub network from which to allocate fixed addresses. default: private-subnet server_image: type: string description: glance image used to boot the server master_flavor: type: string default: m1.small description: flavor to use when booting the server minion_flavor: type: string default: baremetal description: flavor to use when booting the server prometheus_monitoring: type: boolean default: false description: > whether or not to have the grafana-prometheus-cadvisor monitoring setup grafana_admin_passwd: type: string default: admin hidden: true description: > admin user password for the Grafana monitoring interface dns_nameserver: type: string description: address of a dns nameserver reachable in your environment default: number_of_masters: type: number description: how many kubernetes masters to spawn default: 1 number_of_minions: type: number description: how many kubernetes minions to spawn default: 1 portal_network_cidr: type: string description: > address range used by kubernetes for service portals default: network_driver: type: string description: network driver to use for instantiating container networks default: flannel flannel_network_cidr: type: string description: network range for flannel overlay network default: flannel_network_subnetlen: type: number description: size of subnet assigned to each minion default: 24 flannel_backend: type: string description: > specify the backend for flannel, default udp backend default: "udp" constraints: - allowed_values: ["udp", "vxlan", "host-gw"] system_pods_initial_delay: type: number description: > health check, time to wait for system pods (podmaster, scheduler) to boot (in seconds) default: 30 system_pods_timeout: type: number description: > health check, timeout for system pods (podmaster, scheduler) to answer. (in seconds) default: 5 admission_control_list: type: string description: > List of admission control plugins to activate default: "NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota" kube_allow_priv: type: string description: > whether or not kubernetes should permit privileged containers. default: "true" constraints: - allowed_values: ["true", "false"] etcd_volume_size: type: number description: > size of the cinder volume for etcd storage default: 0 docker_volume_size: type: number description: > size of a cinder volume to allocate to docker for container/image storage default: 0 docker_volume_type: type: string description: > type of a cinder volume to allocate to docker for container/image storage docker_storage_driver: type: string description: docker storage driver name default: "devicemapper" constraints: - allowed_values: ["devicemapper", "overlay"] wait_condition_timeout: type: number description: > timeout for the Wait Conditions default: 6000 minions_to_remove: type: comma_delimited_list description: > List of minions to be removed when doing an update. Individual minion may be referenced several ways: (1) The resource name (e.g. ['1', '3']), (2) The private IP address ['', '']. Note: the list should be empty when doing an create. default: [] discovery_url: type: string description: > Discovery URL used for bootstrapping the etcd cluster. registry_enabled: type: boolean description: > Indicates whether the docker registry is enabled. default: false registry_port: type: number description: port of registry service default: 5000 swift_region: type: string description: region of swift service default: "" registry_container: type: string description: > name of swift container which docker registry stores images in default: "container" registry_insecure: type: boolean description: > indicates whether to skip TLS verification between registry and backend storage default: true registry_chunksize: type: number description: > size fo the data segments for the swift dynamic large objects default: 5242880 volume_driver: type: string description: volume driver to use for container storage default: "" region_name: type: string description: A logically separate section of the cluster username: type: string description: > user account password: type: string description: > user password, not set in current implementation, only used to fill in for Kubernetes config file default: ChangeMe hidden: true tenant_name: type: string description: > tenant name loadbalancing_protocol: type: string description: > The protocol which is used for load balancing. If you want to change tls_disabled option to 'True', please change this to "HTTP". default: TCP constraints: - allowed_values: ["TCP", "HTTP"] tls_disabled: type: boolean description: whether or not to disable TLS default: False kube_dashboard_enabled: type: boolean description: whether or not to disable kubernetes dashboard default: True kubernetes_port: type: number description: > The port which are used by kube-apiserver to provide Kubernetes service. default: 6443 cluster_uuid: type: string description: identifier for the cluster this template is generating magnum_url: type: string description: endpoint to retrieve TLS certs from http_proxy: type: string description: http proxy address for docker default: "" https_proxy: type: string description: https proxy address for docker default: "" no_proxy: type: string description: no proxies for docker default: "" trustee_domain_id: type: string description: domain id of the trustee default: "" trustee_user_id: type: string description: user id of the trustee default: "" trustee_username: type: string description: username of the trustee default: "" trustee_password: type: string description: password of the trustee default: "" hidden: true trust_id: type: string description: id of the trust which is used by the trustee default: "" hidden: true auth_url: type: string description: url for keystone kube_version: type: string description: version of kubernetes used for kubernetes cluster default: v1.7.4 kube_dashboard_version: type: string description: version of kubernetes dashboard used for kubernetes cluster default: v1.5.1 insecure_registry_url: type: string description: insecure registry url default: "" resources: api_lb: type: ../../common/templates/lb.yaml properties: fixed_subnet: {get_param: fixed_subnet} external_network: {get_param: external_network} protocol: {get_param: loadbalancing_protocol} port: {get_param: kubernetes_port} etcd_lb: type: ../../common/templates/lb.yaml properties: fixed_subnet: {get_param: fixed_subnet} external_network: {get_param: external_network} protocol: {get_param: loadbalancing_protocol} port: 2379 ###################################################################### # # security groups. we need to permit network traffic of various # sorts. # secgroup_base: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: rules: - protocol: icmp - protocol: tcp port_range_min: 22 port_range_max: 22 secgroup_kube_master: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: rules: - protocol: tcp port_range_min: 7080 port_range_max: 7080 - protocol: tcp port_range_min: 8080 port_range_max: 8080 - protocol: tcp port_range_min: 2379 port_range_max: 2379 - protocol: tcp port_range_min: 2380 port_range_max: 2380 - protocol: tcp port_range_min: 6443 port_range_max: 6443 - protocol: tcp port_range_min: 30000 port_range_max: 32767 secgroup_kube_minion: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: rules: - protocol: icmp - protocol: tcp - protocol: udp ###################################################################### # # resources that expose the IPs of either the kube master or a given # LBaaS pool depending on whether LBaaS is enabled for the cluster. # api_address_lb_switch: type: Magnum::ApiGatewaySwitcher properties: pool_public_ip: {get_attr: [api_lb, floating_address]} pool_private_ip: {get_attr: [api_lb, address]} master_public_ip: {get_attr: [kube_masters, resource.0.kube_master_external_ip]} master_private_ip: {get_attr: [kube_masters, resource.0.kube_master_ip]} etcd_address_lb_switch: type: Magnum::ApiGatewaySwitcher properties: pool_private_ip: {get_attr: [etcd_lb, address]} master_private_ip: {get_attr: [kube_masters, resource.0.kube_master_ip]} ###################################################################### # # resources that expose the IPs of either floating ip or a given # fixed ip depending on whether FloatingIP is enabled for the cluster. # api_address_floating_switch: type: Magnum::FloatingIPAddressSwitcher properties: public_ip: {get_attr: [api_address_lb_switch, public_ip]} private_ip: {get_attr: [api_address_lb_switch, private_ip]} ###################################################################### # # kubernetes masters. This is a resource group that will create # masters. # kube_masters: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: number_of_masters} resource_def: type: kubemaster.yaml properties: prometheus_monitoring: {get_param: prometheus_monitoring} grafana_admin_passwd: {get_param: grafana_admin_passwd} api_public_address: {get_attr: [api_lb, floating_address]} api_private_address: {get_attr: [api_lb, address]} ssh_key_name: {get_param: ssh_key_name} server_image: {get_param: server_image} master_flavor: {get_param: master_flavor} external_network: {get_param: external_network} kube_allow_priv: {get_param: kube_allow_priv} docker_volume_size: {get_param: docker_volume_size} docker_storage_driver: {get_param: docker_storage_driver} network_driver: {get_param: network_driver} flannel_network_cidr: {get_param: flannel_network_cidr} flannel_network_subnetlen: {get_param: flannel_network_subnetlen} flannel_backend: {get_param: flannel_backend} system_pods_initial_delay: {get_param: system_pods_initial_delay} system_pods_timeout: {get_param: system_pods_timeout} portal_network_cidr: {get_param: portal_network_cidr} admission_control_list: {get_param: admission_control_list} discovery_url: {get_param: discovery_url} cluster_uuid: {get_param: cluster_uuid} magnum_url: {get_param: magnum_url} fixed_network: {get_param: fixed_network} fixed_subnet: {get_param: fixed_subnet} api_pool_id: {get_attr: [api_lb, pool_id]} etcd_pool_id: {get_attr: [etcd_lb, pool_id]} username: {get_param: username} password: {get_param: password} tenant_name: {get_param: tenant_name} kubernetes_port: {get_param: kubernetes_port} tls_disabled: {get_param: tls_disabled} kube_dashboard_enabled: {get_param: kube_dashboard_enabled} secgroup_base_id: {get_resource: secgroup_base} secgroup_kube_master_id: {get_resource: secgroup_kube_master} http_proxy: {get_param: http_proxy} https_proxy: {get_param: https_proxy} no_proxy: {get_param: no_proxy} kube_version: {get_param: kube_version} kube_dashboard_version: {get_param: kube_dashboard_version} trustee_user_id: {get_param: trustee_user_id} trustee_password: {get_param: trustee_password} trust_id: {get_param: trust_id} auth_url: {get_param: auth_url} insecure_registry_url: {get_param: insecure_registry_url} wc_curl_cli: {get_attr: [master_wait_handle, curl_cli]} etcd_lb_vip: {get_attr: [etcd_lb, address]} ###################################################################### # # wait condition handler for kubernetes master # master_wait_handle: type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle master_wait_condition: type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition properties: count: {get_param: number_of_masters} handle: {get_resource: master_wait_handle} timeout: {get_param: wait_condition_timeout} ###################################################################### # # kubernetes minions. This is an resource group that will initially # create minions, and needs to be manually scaled. # kube_minions: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: number_of_minions} removal_policies: [{resource_list: {get_param: minions_to_remove}}] resource_def: type: kubeminion.yaml properties: ssh_key_name: {get_param: ssh_key_name} server_image: {get_param: server_image} minion_flavor: {get_param: minion_flavor} fixed_network: {get_param: fixed_network} fixed_subnet: {get_param: fixed_subnet} secgroup_kube_minion_id: {get_resource: secgroup_kube_minion} flannel_network_cidr: {get_param: flannel_network_cidr} external_network: {get_param: external_network} kube_software_configs: {get_attr: [kubeminion_software_configs, kube_minion_init]} ###################################################################### # # Software configs for kubernetes minions # kubeminion_software_configs: type: kubeminion_software_configs.yaml properties: prometheus_monitoring: {get_param: prometheus_monitoring} network_driver: {get_param: network_driver} kube_master_ip: {get_attr: [api_address_lb_switch, private_ip]} etcd_server_ip: {get_attr: [etcd_address_lb_switch, private_ip]} kube_allow_priv: {get_param: kube_allow_priv} docker_volume_size: {get_param: docker_volume_size} docker_storage_driver: {get_param: docker_storage_driver} registry_enabled: {get_param: registry_enabled} registry_port: {get_param: registry_port} swift_region: {get_param: swift_region} registry_container: {get_param: registry_container} registry_insecure: {get_param: registry_insecure} registry_chunksize: {get_param: registry_chunksize} cluster_uuid: {get_param: cluster_uuid} magnum_url: {get_param: magnum_url} volume_driver: {get_param: volume_driver} region_name: {get_param: region_name} tenant_name: {get_param: tenant_name} auth_url: {get_param: auth_url} username: {get_param: username} password: {get_param: password} kubernetes_port: {get_param: kubernetes_port} tls_disabled: {get_param: tls_disabled} http_proxy: {get_param: http_proxy} https_proxy: {get_param: https_proxy} no_proxy: {get_param: no_proxy} kube_version: {get_param: kube_version} trustee_user_id: {get_param: trustee_user_id} trustee_username: {get_param: trustee_username} trustee_password: {get_param: trustee_password} trustee_domain_id: {get_param: trustee_domain_id} trust_id: {get_param: trust_id} insecure_registry_url: {get_param: insecure_registry_url} wc_curl_cli: {get_attr: [minion_wait_handle, curl_cli]} ###################################################################### # # wait condition handler for kubernetes minions # minion_wait_handle: type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle minion_wait_condition: type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition properties: count: {get_param: number_of_minions} handle: {get_resource: minion_wait_handle} timeout: {get_param: wait_condition_timeout} outputs: api_address: value: str_replace: template: api_ip_address params: api_ip_address: {get_attr: [api_address_floating_switch, ip_address]} description: > This is the API endpoint of the Kubernetes cluster. Use this to access the Kubernetes API. registry_address: value: str_replace: template: localhost:port params: port: {get_param: registry_port} description: This is the url of docker registry server where you can store docker images. kube_masters_private: value: {get_attr: [kube_masters, kube_master_ip]} description: > This is a list of the "private" IP addresses of all the Kubernetes masters. kube_masters: value: {get_attr: [kube_masters, kube_master_external_ip]} description: > This is a list of the "public" IP addresses of all the Kubernetes masters. Use these IP addresses to log in to the Kubernetes masters via ssh. kube_minions_private: value: {get_attr: [kube_minions, kube_minion_ip]} description: > This is a list of the "private" IP addresses of all the Kubernetes minions. kube_minions: value: {get_attr: [kube_minions, kube_minion_external_ip]} description: > This is a list of the "public" IP addresses of all the Kubernetes minions. Use these IP addresses to log in to the Kubernetes minions via ssh.