. /etc/sysconfig/heat-params ssh_cmd="ssh -F /srv/magnum/.ssh/config root@localhost" # make sure we pick up any modified unit files $ssh_cmd systemctl daemon-reload # if the certificate manager api is enabled, wait for the ca key to be handled # by the heat container agent (required for the controller-manager) while [ ! -f /etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.key ] && \ [ "$(echo $CERT_MANAGER_API | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" == "true" ]; do echo "waiting for CA to be made available for certificate manager api" sleep 2 done echo "starting services" if [ ${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} = "containerd" ] ; then container_runtime_service="containerd" else container_runtime_service="docker" fi for action in enable restart; do for service in etcd ${container_runtime_service} kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler kubelet kube-proxy; do echo "$action service $service" $ssh_cmd systemctl $action $service done done # Label self as master until [ "ok" = "$(curl --silent" ] && \ kubectl patch node ${INSTANCE_NAME} \ --patch '{"metadata": {"labels": {"node-role.kubernetes.io/master": ""}}}' do echo "Trying to label master node with node-role.kubernetes.io/master=\"\"" sleep 5s done if [ "$(echo $USE_PODMAN | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" == "true" ]; then KUBE_DIGEST=$($ssh_cmd podman image inspect ${CONTAINER_INFRA_PREFIX:-${HYPERKUBE_PREFIX}}hyperkube:${KUBE_TAG} --format "{{.Digest}}") if [ -n "${KUBE_IMAGE_DIGEST}" ] && [ "${KUBE_IMAGE_DIGEST}" != "${KUBE_DIGEST}" ]; then printf "The sha256 ${KUBE_DIGEST} of current hyperkube image cannot match the given one: ${KUBE_IMAGE_DIGEST}." exit 1 fi fi