
603 lines
19 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
import socket
import string
import struct
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import bay_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import baymodel_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import baymodelpatch_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import baypatch_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import cert_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import cluster_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import cluster_template_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import cluster_templatepatch_model
from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import clusterpatch_model
from magnum.tests.functional.common import config
def random_int(min_int=1, max_int=100):
return random.randrange(min_int, max_int)
def gen_coe_dep_network_driver(coe):
allowed_driver_types = {
'kubernetes': ['flannel', None],
'swarm': ['docker', 'flannel', None],
'swarm-mode': ['docker', None],
'mesos': ['docker', None],
driver_types = allowed_driver_types[coe]
return driver_types[random.randrange(0, len(driver_types))]
def gen_coe_dep_volume_driver(coe):
allowed_driver_types = {
'kubernetes': ['cinder', None],
'swarm': ['rexray', None],
'swarm-mode': ['rexray', None],
'mesos': ['rexray', None],
driver_types = allowed_driver_types[coe]
return driver_types[random.randrange(0, len(driver_types))]
def gen_random_port():
return random_int(49152, 65535)
def gen_docker_volume_size(min_int=3, max_int=5):
return random_int(min_int, max_int)
def gen_fake_ssh_pubkey():
chars = "".join(
random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase +
string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '/+=')
for _ in range(372))
return "ssh-rsa " + chars
def gen_random_ip():
return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
def gen_url(scheme="http", domain="", port=80):
return "%s://%s:%s" % (scheme, domain, port)
def gen_http_proxy():
return gen_url(port=gen_random_port())
def gen_https_proxy():
return gen_url(scheme="https", port=gen_random_port())
def gen_no_proxy():
return ",".join(gen_random_ip() for x in range(3))
def baymodel_data(**kwargs):
"""Generates random baymodel data
Keypair and image id cannot be random for the baymodel to be valid due to
validations for the presence of keypair and image id prior to baymodel
:param keypair_id: keypair name
:param image_id: image id or name
:returns: BayModelEntity with generated data
data = {
"name": data_utils.rand_name('bay'),
"coe": "swarm-mode",
"tls_disabled": False,
"network_driver": None,
"volume_driver": None,
"labels": {},
"public": False,
"dns_nameserver": "",
"flavor_id": data_utils.rand_name('bay'),
"master_flavor_id": data_utils.rand_name('bay'),
"external_network_id": config.Config.nic_id,
"keypair_id": data_utils.rand_name('bay'),
"image_id": data_utils.rand_name('bay')
model = baymodel_model.BayModelEntity.from_dict(data)
return model
def baymodel_replace_patch_data(path, value=data_utils.rand_name('bay')):
"""Generates random baymodel patch data
:param path: path to replace
:param value: value to replace in patch
:returns: BayModelPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": path,
"value": value,
"op": "replace"
return baymodelpatch_model.BayModelPatchCollection.from_dict(data)
def baymodel_remove_patch_data(path):
"""Generates baymodel patch data by removing value
:param path: path to remove
:returns: BayModelPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": path,
"op": "remove"
return baymodelpatch_model.BayModelPatchCollection.from_dict(data)
def baymodel_data_with_valid_keypair_image_flavor():
"""Generates random baymodel data with valid keypair,image and flavor
:returns: BayModelEntity with generated data
return baymodel_data(keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id,
def baymodel_data_with_missing_image():
"""Generates random baymodel data with missing image
:returns: BayModelEntity with generated data
return baymodel_data(keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id,
def baymodel_data_with_missing_flavor():
"""Generates random baymodel data with missing flavor
:returns: BayModelEntity with generated data
return baymodel_data(keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id,
def baymodel_data_with_missing_keypair():
"""Generates random baymodel data with missing keypair
:returns: BayModelEntity with generated data
return baymodel_data(image_id=config.Config.image_id,
def baymodel_valid_data_with_specific_coe(coe):
"""Generates random baymodel data with valid keypair and image
:param coe: coe
:returns: BayModelEntity with generated data
return baymodel_data(keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id,
image_id=config.Config.image_id, coe=coe)
def valid_swarm_mode_baymodel(is_public=False):
"""Generates a valid swarm mode baymodel with valid data
:returns: BayModelEntity with generated data
return baymodel_data(image_id=config.Config.image_id,
flavor_id=config.Config.flavor_id, public=is_public,
keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id, coe="swarm-mode",
http_proxy=None, https_proxy=None, no_proxy=None,
network_driver=None, volume_driver=None, labels={},
def bay_data(name=data_utils.rand_name('bay'),
node_count=random_int(1, 5), discovery_url=gen_random_ip(),
bay_create_timeout=random_int(1, 30),
master_count=random_int(1, 5)):
"""Generates random bay data
BayModel_id cannot be random for the bay to be valid due to
validations for the presence of baymodel prior to baymodel
:param name: bay name (must be unique)
:param baymodel_id: baymodel unique id (must already exist)
:param node_count: number of agents for bay
:param discovery_url: url provided for node discovery
:param bay_create_timeout: timeout in minutes for bay create
:param master_count: number of master nodes for the bay
:returns: BayEntity with generated data
data = {
"name": name,
"baymodel_id": baymodel_id,
"node_count": node_count,
"discovery_url": None,
"bay_create_timeout": bay_create_timeout,
"master_count": master_count
model = bay_model.BayEntity.from_dict(data)
return model
def valid_bay_data(baymodel_id, name=data_utils.rand_name('bay'), node_count=1,
master_count=1, bay_create_timeout=None):
"""Generates random bay data with valid
:param baymodel_id: baymodel unique id that already exists
:param name: bay name (must be unique)
:param node_count: number of agents for bay
:returns: BayEntity with generated data
return bay_data(baymodel_id=baymodel_id, name=name,
master_count=master_count, node_count=node_count,
def bay_name_patch_data(name=data_utils.rand_name('bay')):
"""Generates random baymodel patch data
:param name: name to replace in patch
:returns: BayPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/name",
"value": name,
"op": "replace"
return baypatch_model.BayPatchCollection.from_dict(data)
def bay_api_addy_patch_data(address=''):
"""Generates random bay patch data
:param name: name to replace in patch
:returns: BayPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/api_address",
"value": address,
"op": "replace"
return baypatch_model.BayPatchCollection.from_dict(data)
def bay_node_count_patch_data(node_count=2):
"""Generates random bay patch data
:param name: name to replace in patch
:returns: BayPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/node_count",
"value": node_count,
"op": "replace"
return baypatch_model.BayPatchCollection.from_dict(data)
def cert_data(cluster_uuid, csr_data):
data = {
"cluster_uuid": cluster_uuid,
"csr": csr_data}
model = cert_model.CertEntity.from_dict(data)
return model
def cluster_template_data(**kwargs):
"""Generates random cluster_template data
Keypair and image id cannot be random for the cluster_template to be valid
due to validations for the presence of keypair and image id prior to
cluster_template creation.
:param keypair_id: keypair name
:param image_id: image id or name
:returns: ClusterTemplateEntity with generated data
data = {
"name": data_utils.rand_name('cluster'),
"coe": "swarm-mode",
"tls_disabled": False,
"network_driver": None,
"volume_driver": None,
"labels": {},
"public": False,
"dns_nameserver": "",
"flavor_id": data_utils.rand_name('cluster'),
"master_flavor_id": data_utils.rand_name('cluster'),
"external_network_id": config.Config.nic_id,
"keypair_id": data_utils.rand_name('cluster'),
"image_id": data_utils.rand_name('cluster')
model = cluster_template_model.ClusterTemplateEntity.from_dict(data)
return model
def cluster_template_replace_patch_data(path,
"""Generates random ClusterTemplate patch data
:param path: path to replace
:param value: value to replace in patch
:returns: ClusterTemplatePatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": path,
"value": value,
"op": "replace"
collection = cluster_templatepatch_model.ClusterTemplatePatchCollection
return collection.from_dict(data)
def cluster_template_remove_patch_data(path):
"""Generates ClusterTemplate patch data by removing value
:param path: path to remove
:returns: ClusterTemplatePatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": path,
"op": "remove"
collection = cluster_templatepatch_model.ClusterTemplatePatchCollection
return collection.from_dict(data)
def cluster_template_name_patch_data(name=data_utils.rand_name('cluster')):
"""Generates random cluster_template patch data
:param name: name to replace in patch
:returns: ClusterTemplatePatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/name",
"value": name,
"op": "replace"
collection = cluster_templatepatch_model.ClusterTemplatePatchCollection
return collection.from_dict(data)
def cluster_template_flavor_patch_data(flavor=data_utils.rand_name('cluster')):
"""Generates random cluster_template patch data
:param flavor: flavor to replace in patch
:returns: ClusterTemplatePatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/flavor_id",
"value": flavor,
"op": "replace"
collection = cluster_templatepatch_model.ClusterTemplatePatchCollection
return collection.from_dict(data)
def cluster_template_data_with_valid_keypair_image_flavor():
"""Generates random clustertemplate data with valid data
:returns: ClusterTemplateEntity with generated data
master_flavor = config.Config.master_flavor_id
return cluster_template_data(keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id,
def cluster_template_data_with_missing_image():
"""Generates random cluster_template data with missing image
:returns: ClusterTemplateEntity with generated data
return cluster_template_data(
def cluster_template_data_with_missing_flavor():
"""Generates random cluster_template data with missing flavor
:returns: ClusterTemplateEntity with generated data
return cluster_template_data(keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id,
def cluster_template_data_with_missing_keypair():
"""Generates random cluster_template data with missing keypair
:returns: ClusterTemplateEntity with generated data
return cluster_template_data(
def cluster_template_valid_data_with_specific_coe(coe):
"""Generates random cluster_template data with valid keypair and image
:param coe: coe
:returns: ClusterTemplateEntity with generated data
return cluster_template_data(keypair_id=config.Config.keypair_id,
image_id=config.Config.image_id, coe=coe)
def valid_swarm_mode_cluster_template(is_public=False):
"""Generates a valid swarm-mode cluster_template with valid data
:returns: ClusterTemplateEntity with generated data
master_flavor_id = config.Config.master_flavor_id
return cluster_template_data(image_id=config.Config.image_id,
http_proxy=None, https_proxy=None,
no_proxy=None, network_driver=None,
volume_driver=None, labels={},
def cluster_data(name=data_utils.rand_name('cluster'),
node_count=random_int(1, 5), discovery_url=gen_random_ip(),
create_timeout=random_int(1, 30),
master_count=random_int(1, 5)):
"""Generates random cluster data
cluster_template_id cannot be random for the cluster to be valid due to
validations for the presence of clustertemplate prior to clustertemplate
:param name: cluster name (must be unique)
:param cluster_template_id: clustertemplate unique id (must already exist)
:param node_count: number of agents for cluster
:param discovery_url: url provided for node discovery
:param create_timeout: timeout in minutes for cluster create
:param master_count: number of master nodes for the cluster
:returns: ClusterEntity with generated data
data = {
"name": name,
"cluster_template_id": cluster_template_id,
"keypair": config.Config.keypair_id,
"node_count": node_count,
"discovery_url": None,
"create_timeout": create_timeout,
"master_count": master_count
model = cluster_model.ClusterEntity.from_dict(data)
return model
def valid_cluster_data(cluster_template_id,
node_count=1, master_count=1, create_timeout=None):
"""Generates random cluster data with valid
:param cluster_template_id: clustertemplate unique id that already exists
:param name: cluster name (must be unique)
:param node_count: number of agents for cluster
:returns: ClusterEntity with generated data
return cluster_data(cluster_template_id=cluster_template_id, name=name,
master_count=master_count, node_count=node_count,
def cluster_name_patch_data(name=data_utils.rand_name('cluster')):
"""Generates random clustertemplate patch data
:param name: name to replace in patch
:returns: ClusterPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/name",
"value": name,
"op": "replace"
return clusterpatch_model.ClusterPatchCollection.from_dict(data)
def cluster_api_addy_patch_data(address=''):
"""Generates random cluster patch data
:param name: name to replace in patch
:returns: ClusterPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/api_address",
"value": address,
"op": "replace"
return clusterpatch_model.ClusterPatchCollection.from_dict(data)
def cluster_node_count_patch_data(node_count=2):
"""Generates random cluster patch data
:param name: name to replace in patch
:returns: ClusterPatchCollection with generated data
data = [{
"path": "/node_count",
"value": node_count,
"op": "replace"
return clusterpatch_model.ClusterPatchCollection.from_dict(data)