# Copyright (c) 2014 NetApp, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Generic Driver for shares.""" import os import re import time from oslo.config import cfg from manila import compute from manila import context from manila import exception from manila.openstack.common import excutils from manila.openstack.common import importutils from manila.openstack.common import lockutils from manila.openstack.common import log as logging from manila.openstack.common import processutils from manila.share import driver from manila.share.drivers import service_instance from manila import utils from manila import volume LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) share_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('smb_template_config_path', default='$state_path/smb.conf', help="Path to smb config."), cfg.StrOpt('volume_name_template', default='manila-share-%s', help="Volume name template."), cfg.StrOpt('volume_snapshot_name_template', default='manila-snapshot-%s', help="Volume snapshot name template."), cfg.StrOpt('share_mount_path', default='/shares', help="Parent path in service instance where shares " "will be mounted."), cfg.IntOpt('max_time_to_create_volume', default=180, help="Maximum time to wait for creating cinder volume."), cfg.IntOpt('max_time_to_attach', default=120, help="Maximum time to wait for attaching cinder volume."), cfg.StrOpt('service_instance_smb_config_path', default='$share_mount_path/smb.conf', help="Path to smb config in service instance."), cfg.ListOpt('share_helpers', default=[ 'CIFS=manila.share.drivers.generic.CIFSHelper', 'NFS=manila.share.drivers.generic.NFSHelper', ], help='Specify list of share export helpers.'), cfg.StrOpt('share_volume_fstype', default='ext4', choices=['ext4', 'ext3'], help='Filesystem type of the share volume.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(share_opts) def ensure_server(f): def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): server = kwargs.get('share_server') context = args[0] if not server: # For now generic driver does not support flat networking. # When we implement flat networking in generic driver # we will not need share server to be passed and # will change this logic. raise exception.ManilaException(_('Share server not found.')) if not server.get('backend_details'): raise exception.ManilaException(_('Share server backend ' 'details missing.')) if not self.service_instance_manager.ensure_service_instance( context, server['backend_details']): raise exception.ServiceInstanceUnavailable() return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrap class GenericShareDriver(driver.ExecuteMixin, driver.ShareDriver): """Executes commands relating to Shares.""" def __init__(self, db, *args, **kwargs): """Do initialization.""" super(GenericShareDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.admin_context = context.get_admin_context() self.db = db self.configuration.append_config_values(share_opts) self.configuration.append_config_values(service_instance.server_opts) self._helpers = {} self.backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get( 'share_backend_name') or "Cinder_Volumes" self.ssh_connections = {} def _ssh_exec(self, server, command): connection = self.ssh_connections.get(server['instance_id']) if not connection: ssh_pool = utils.SSHPool(server['ip'], 22, None, server['username'], server['password'], server['pk_path'], max_size=1) ssh = ssh_pool.create() self.ssh_connections[server['instance_id']] = (ssh_pool, ssh) else: ssh_pool, ssh = connection if not ssh.get_transport().is_active(): ssh_pool.remove(server['ssh']) ssh = ssh_pool.create() self.ssh_connections[server['instance_id']] = (ssh_pool, ssh) return processutils.ssh_execute(ssh, ' '.join(command)) def check_for_setup_error(self): """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met.""" pass def do_setup(self, context): """Any initialization the generic driver does while starting.""" super(GenericShareDriver, self).do_setup(context) self.compute_api = compute.API() self.volume_api = volume.API() self.service_instance_manager = service_instance.\ ServiceInstanceManager(self.db, self._helpers, driver_config=self.configuration) self.share_networks_servers = ( self.service_instance_manager.share_networks_servers) self._setup_helpers() def _setup_helpers(self): """Initializes protocol-specific NAS drivers.""" for helper_str in self.configuration.share_helpers: share_proto, __, import_str = helper_str.partition('=') helper = importutils.import_class(import_str) self._helpers[share_proto.upper()] = helper( self._execute, self._ssh_exec, self.configuration) @ensure_server def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Creates share.""" server_details = share_server['backend_details'] volume = self._allocate_container(self.admin_context, share) volume = self._attach_volume( self.admin_context, share, server_details['instance_id'], volume) self._format_device(server_details, volume) self._mount_device(context, share, server_details, volume) location = self._get_helper(share).create_export( server_details, share['name']) return location def _format_device(self, server_details, volume): """Formats device attached to the service vm.""" command = ['sudo', 'mkfs.%s' % self.configuration.share_volume_fstype, volume['mountpoint']] self._ssh_exec(server_details, command) def _mount_device(self, context, share, server_details, volume): """Mounts attached and formatted block device to the directory.""" mount_path = self._get_mount_path(share) command = ['sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', mount_path, ';'] command.extend(['sudo', 'mount', volume['mountpoint'], mount_path]) try: self._ssh_exec(server_details, command) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: if 'already mounted' not in e.stderr: raise LOG.debug('Share %s is already mounted' % share['name']) command = ['sudo', 'chmod', '777', mount_path] self._ssh_exec(server_details, command) def _unmount_device(self, share, server_details): """Unmounts device from directory on service vm.""" mount_path = self._get_mount_path(share) command = ['sudo', 'umount', mount_path, ';'] command.extend(['sudo', 'rmdir', mount_path]) try: self._ssh_exec(server_details, command) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: if 'not found' in e.stderr: LOG.debug('%s is not mounted' % share['name']) def _get_mount_path(self, share): """Returns the path to use for mount device in service vm.""" return os.path.join(self.configuration.share_mount_path, share['name']) def _attach_volume(self, context, share, instance_id, volume): """Attaches cinder volume to service vm.""" @lockutils.synchronized(instance_id, external=True, lock_path="attach_detach_locks") def do_attach(volume): if volume['status'] == 'in-use': attached_volumes = [vol.id for vol in self.compute_api.instance_volumes_list( self.admin_context, instance_id)] if volume['id'] in attached_volumes: return volume else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume %s is already attached to another instance') % volume['id']) self.compute_api.instance_volume_attach(self.admin_context, instance_id, volume['id'], ) t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_attach: volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume['id']) if volume['status'] == 'in-use': return volume elif volume['status'] != 'attaching': raise exception.ManilaException( _('Failed to attach volume %s') % volume['id']) time.sleep(1) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume have not been attached in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_attach) return do_attach(volume) def _get_volume(self, context, share_id): """Finds volume, associated to the specific share.""" volume_name = self.configuration.volume_name_template % share_id search_opts = {'display_name': volume_name} if context.is_admin: search_opts['all_tenants'] = True volumes_list = self.volume_api.get_all(context, search_opts) volume = None if len(volumes_list) == 1: volume = volumes_list[0] elif len(volumes_list) > 1: raise exception.ManilaException(_('Error. Ambiguous volumes')) return volume def _get_volume_snapshot(self, context, snapshot_id): """Finds volume snaphots, associated to the specific share snaphots.""" volume_snapshot_name = ( self.configuration.volume_snapshot_name_template % snapshot_id) volume_snapshot_list = self.volume_api.get_all_snapshots( context, {'display_name': volume_snapshot_name}) volume_snapshot = None if len(volume_snapshot_list) == 1: volume_snapshot = volume_snapshot_list[0] elif len(volume_snapshot_list) > 1: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Error. Ambiguous volume snaphots')) return volume_snapshot def _detach_volume(self, context, share, server_details): """Detaches cinder volume from service vm.""" instance_id = server_details['instance_id'] @lockutils.synchronized(instance_id, external=True, lock_path="attach_detach_locks") def do_detach(): attached_volumes = [vol.id for vol in self.compute_api.instance_volumes_list( self.admin_context, instance_id)] volume = self._get_volume(context, share['id']) if volume and volume['id'] in attached_volumes: self.compute_api.instance_volume_detach( self.admin_context, instance_id, volume['id'] ) t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_attach: volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume['id']) if volume['status'] in ('available', 'error'): break time.sleep(1) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume have not been detached in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_attach) do_detach() def _allocate_container(self, context, share, snapshot=None): """Creates cinder volume, associated to share by name.""" volume_snapshot = None if snapshot: volume_snapshot = self._get_volume_snapshot(context, snapshot['id']) volume = self.volume_api.create( context, share['size'], self.configuration.volume_name_template % share['id'], '', snapshot=volume_snapshot) t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume: if volume['status'] == 'available': break if volume['status'] == 'error': raise exception.ManilaException(_('Failed to create volume')) time.sleep(1) volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume['id']) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume have not been created ' 'in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume) return volume def _deallocate_container(self, context, share): """Deletes cinder volume.""" volume = self._get_volume(context, share['id']) if volume: self.volume_api.delete(context, volume['id']) t = time.time() while (time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume): try: volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume['id']) except exception.VolumeNotFound: LOG.debug('Volume was deleted succesfully') break time.sleep(1) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume have not been ' 'deleted in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume) def get_share_stats(self, refresh=False): """Get share status. If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first. """ if refresh: self._update_share_status() return self._stats def _update_share_status(self): """Retrieve status info from share volume group.""" LOG.debug("Updating share status") data = {} # Note(zhiteng): These information are driver/backend specific, # each driver may define these values in its own config options # or fetch from driver specific configuration file. data["share_backend_name"] = self.backend_name data["vendor_name"] = 'Open Source' data["driver_version"] = '1.0' data["storage_protocol"] = 'NFS_CIFS' data['total_capacity_gb'] = 'infinite' data['free_capacity_gb'] = 'infinite' data['reserved_percentage'] = (self.configuration. reserved_share_percentage) data['QoS_support'] = False self._stats = data @ensure_server def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot, share_server=None): """Is called to create share from snapshot.""" volume = self._allocate_container(self.admin_context, share, snapshot) volume = self._attach_volume( self.admin_context, share, share_server['backend_details']['instance_id'], volume) self._mount_device(context, share, share_server['backend_details'], volume) location = self._get_helper(share).create_export( share_server['backend_details'], share['name']) return location @ensure_server def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Deletes share.""" self._get_helper(share).remove_export(share_server['backend_details'], share['name']) self._unmount_device(share, share_server['backend_details']) self._detach_volume(self.admin_context, share, share_server['backend_details']) self._deallocate_container(self.admin_context, share) @ensure_server def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Creates a snapshot.""" volume = self._get_volume(self.admin_context, snapshot['share_id']) volume_snapshot_name = (self.configuration. volume_snapshot_name_template % snapshot['id']) volume_snapshot = self.volume_api.create_snapshot_force( self.admin_context, volume['id'], volume_snapshot_name, '') t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume: if volume_snapshot['status'] == 'available': break if volume_snapshot['status'] == 'error': raise exception.ManilaException(_('Failed to create volume ' 'snapshot')) time.sleep(1) volume_snapshot = self.volume_api.get_snapshot( self.admin_context, volume_snapshot['id']) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume snapshot have not been ' 'created in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume) @ensure_server def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Deletes a snapshot.""" volume_snapshot = self._get_volume_snapshot(self.admin_context, snapshot['id']) if volume_snapshot is None: return self.volume_api.delete_snapshot(self.admin_context, volume_snapshot['id']) t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume: try: snapshot = self.volume_api.get_snapshot(self.admin_context, volume_snapshot['id']) except exception.VolumeSnapshotNotFound: LOG.debug('Volume snapshot was deleted succesfully') break time.sleep(1) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume snapshot have not been ' 'deleted in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume) @ensure_server def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Ensure that storage are mounted and exported.""" volume = self._get_volume(context, share['id']) volume = self._attach_volume( context, share, share_server['backend_details']['instance_id'], volume) self._mount_device(context, share, share_server['backend_details'], volume) self._get_helper(share).create_export(share_server['backend_details'], share['name'], recreate=True) @ensure_server def allow_access(self, context, share, access, share_server=None): """Allow access to the share.""" self._get_helper(share).allow_access(share_server['backend_details'], share['name'], access['access_type'], access['access_to']) @ensure_server def deny_access(self, context, share, access, share_server=None): """Deny access to the share.""" self._get_helper(share).deny_access(share_server['backend_details'], share['name'], access['access_type'], access['access_to']) def _get_helper(self, share): if share['share_proto'].startswith('NFS'): return self._helpers['NFS'] elif share['share_proto'].startswith('CIFS'): return self._helpers['CIFS'] else: raise exception.InvalidShare(reason='Wrong share type') def get_network_allocations_number(self): """Get number of network interfaces to be created.""" # NOTE(vponomaryov): Generic driver does not need allocations, because # Nova will handle it. It is valid for all multitenant drivers, that # use service instance provided by Nova. return 0 def setup_server(self, network_info, metadata=None): msg = "Creating share server '%s'." LOG.debug(msg % network_info['server_id']) server = self.service_instance_manager.set_up_service_instance( self.admin_context, network_info['server_id'], network_info['neutron_net_id'], network_info['neutron_subnet_id'], ) for helper in self._helpers.values(): helper.init_helper(server) return server def teardown_server(self, server_details, security_services=None): instance_id = server_details.get("instance_id") msg = "Removing share infrastructure for service instance '%s'." LOG.debug(msg % instance_id) try: self.service_instance_manager.delete_service_instance( self.admin_context, server_details['instance_id'], server_details['subnet_id'], server_details['router_id'] ) except Exception as e: LOG.warning(e) class NASHelperBase(object): """Interface to work with share.""" def __init__(self, execute, ssh_execute, config_object): self.configuration = config_object self._execute = execute self._ssh_exec = ssh_execute def init_helper(self, server): pass def create_export(self, server, share_name, recreate=False): """Create new export, delete old one if exists.""" raise NotImplementedError() def remove_export(self, server, share_name): """Remove export.""" raise NotImplementedError() def allow_access(self, server, share_name, access_type, access): """Allow access to the host.""" raise NotImplementedError() def deny_access(self, local_path, share_name, access_type, access, force=False): """Deny access to the host.""" raise NotImplementedError() class NFSHelper(NASHelperBase): """Interface to work with share.""" def create_export(self, server, share_name, recreate=False): """Create new export, delete old one if exists.""" return ':'.join([server['ip'], os.path.join( self.configuration.share_mount_path, share_name)]) def init_helper(self, server): try: self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'exportfs']) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: if 'command not found' in e.stderr: raise exception.ManilaException( _('NFS server is not installed on %s') % server['instance_id']) LOG.error(e.stderr) def remove_export(self, server, share_name): """Remove export.""" pass def allow_access(self, server, share_name, access_type, access): """Allow access to the host.""" local_path = os.path.join(self.configuration.share_mount_path, share_name) if access_type != 'ip': reason = 'only ip access type allowed' raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason) # check if presents in export out, _ = self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'exportfs']) out = re.search(re.escape(local_path) + '[\s\n]*' + re.escape(access), out) if out is not None: raise exception.ShareAccessExists(access_type=access_type, access=access) self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'exportfs', '-o', 'rw,no_subtree_check', ':'.join([access, local_path])]) def deny_access(self, server, share_name, access_type, access, force=False): """Deny access to the host.""" local_path = os.path.join(self.configuration.share_mount_path, share_name) self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'exportfs', '-u', ':'.join([access, local_path])]) class CIFSHelper(NASHelperBase): """Manage shares in samba server by net conf tool. Class provides functionality to operate with CIFS shares. Samba server should be configured to use registry as configuration backend to allow dynamically share managements. """ def init_helper(self, server): # This is smoke check that we have required dependency self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'list']) def create_export(self, server, share_name, recreate=False): """Create share at samba server.""" create_cmd = [ 'sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'addshare', share_name, self.configuration.share_mount_path, 'writeable=y', 'guest_ok=y', ] try: self._ssh_exec( server, ['sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'showshare', share_name, ]) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as parent_e: # Share does not exist, create it try: self._ssh_exec(server, create_cmd) except Exception as e: # If we get here, then it will be useful # to log parent exception too. with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(parent_e) else: # Share exists if recreate: self._ssh_exec( server, ['sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'delshare', share_name, ]) self._ssh_exec(server, create_cmd) else: msg = _('Share section %s already defined.') % share_name raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=msg) parameters = { 'browseable': 'yes', '\"create mask\"': '0755', '\"hosts deny\"': '', # deny all by default '\"hosts allow\"': '', '\"read only\"': 'no', } set_of_commands = [':', ] # : is just placeholder for param, value in parameters.items(): # These are combined in one list to run in one process # instead of big chain of one action calls. set_of_commands.extend(['&&', 'sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'setparm', share_name, param, value]) self._ssh_exec(server, set_of_commands) return '//%s/%s' % (server['ip'], share_name) def remove_export(self, server, share_name): """Remove share definition from samba server.""" try: self._ssh_exec( server, ['sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'delshare', share_name]) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning(_("Caught error trying delete share: %(error)s, try" "ing delete it forcibly.") % {'error': e.stderr}) self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'smbcontrol', 'all', 'close-share', share_name]) def allow_access(self, server, share_name, access_type, access): """Add access for share.""" if access_type != 'ip': reason = _('Only ip access type allowed.') raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=reason) hosts = self._get_allow_hosts(server, share_name) if access in hosts: raise exception.ShareAccessExists(access_type=access_type, access=access) hosts.append(access) self._set_allow_hosts(server, hosts, share_name) def deny_access(self, server, share_name, access_type, access, force=False): """Remove access for share.""" try: hosts = self._get_allow_hosts(server, share_name) if access in hosts: # Access rule can be in error state, if so # it can be absent in rules, hence - skip removal. hosts.remove(access) self._set_allow_hosts(server, hosts, share_name) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: if not force: raise def _get_allow_hosts(self, server, share_name): (out, _) = self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'getparm', share_name, '\"hosts allow\"']) return out.split() def _set_allow_hosts(self, server, hosts, share_name): value = "\"" + ' '.join(hosts) + "\"" self._ssh_exec(server, ['sudo', 'net', 'conf', 'setparm', share_name, '\"hosts allow\"', value])