# Copyright (c) 2014 NetApp, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Generic Driver for shares.""" import os import time from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import importutils from oslo_utils import units import retrying import six from manila.common import constants as const from manila import compute from manila import context from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.share import driver from manila.share.drivers import service_instance from manila import utils from manila import volume LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) share_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('smb_template_config_path', default='$state_path/smb.conf', help="Path to smb config."), cfg.StrOpt('volume_name_template', default='manila-share-%s', help="Volume name template."), cfg.StrOpt('volume_snapshot_name_template', default='manila-snapshot-%s', help="Volume snapshot name template."), cfg.StrOpt('share_mount_path', default='/shares', help="Parent path in service instance where shares " "will be mounted."), cfg.IntOpt('max_time_to_create_volume', default=180, help="Maximum time to wait for creating cinder volume."), cfg.IntOpt('max_time_to_extend_volume', default=180, help="Maximum time to wait for extending cinder volume."), cfg.IntOpt('max_time_to_attach', default=120, help="Maximum time to wait for attaching cinder volume."), cfg.StrOpt('service_instance_smb_config_path', default='$share_mount_path/smb.conf', help="Path to SMB config in service instance."), cfg.ListOpt('share_helpers', default=[ 'CIFS=manila.share.drivers.helpers.CIFSHelperIPAccess', 'NFS=manila.share.drivers.helpers.NFSHelper', ], help='Specify list of share export helpers.'), cfg.StrOpt('share_volume_fstype', default='ext4', choices=['ext4', 'ext3'], help='Filesystem type of the share volume.'), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_volume_type', help='Name or id of cinder volume type which will be used ' 'for all volumes created by driver.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(share_opts) # NOTE(u_glide): These constants refer to the column number in the "df" output BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE_INDEX = 1 USED_SPACE_INDEX = 2 def ensure_server(f): def wrap(self, context, *args, **kwargs): server = kwargs.get('share_server') if not self.driver_handles_share_servers: if not server: server = self.service_instance_manager.get_common_server() kwargs['share_server'] = server else: raise exception.ManilaException( _("Share server handling is not available. " "But 'share_server' was provided. '%s'. " "Share network should not be used.") % server.get('id')) elif not server: raise exception.ManilaException( _("Share server handling is enabled. But 'share_server' " "is not provided. Make sure you used 'share_network'.")) if not server.get('backend_details'): raise exception.ManilaException( _("Share server '%s' does not have backend details.") % server['id']) if not self.service_instance_manager.ensure_service_instance( context, server['backend_details']): raise exception.ServiceInstanceUnavailable() return f(self, context, *args, **kwargs) return wrap class GenericShareDriver(driver.ExecuteMixin, driver.ShareDriver): """Executes commands relating to Shares.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Do initialization.""" super(GenericShareDriver, self).__init__( [False, True], *args, **kwargs) self.admin_context = context.get_admin_context() self.configuration.append_config_values(share_opts) self._helpers = {} self.backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get( 'share_backend_name') or "Cinder_Volumes" self.ssh_connections = {} self._setup_service_instance_manager() self.private_storage = kwargs.get('private_storage') def _setup_service_instance_manager(self): self.service_instance_manager = ( service_instance.ServiceInstanceManager( driver_config=self.configuration)) def _ssh_exec(self, server, command, check_exit_code=True): connection = self.ssh_connections.get(server['instance_id']) ssh_conn_timeout = self.configuration.ssh_conn_timeout if not connection: ssh_pool = utils.SSHPool(server['ip'], 22, ssh_conn_timeout, server['username'], server.get('password'), server.get('pk_path'), max_size=1) ssh = ssh_pool.create() self.ssh_connections[server['instance_id']] = (ssh_pool, ssh) else: ssh_pool, ssh = connection if not ssh.get_transport().is_active(): ssh_pool.remove(ssh) ssh = ssh_pool.create() self.ssh_connections[server['instance_id']] = (ssh_pool, ssh) # (aovchinnikov): ssh_execute does not behave well when passed # parameters with spaces. wrap = lambda token: "\"" + token + "\"" command = [wrap(tkn) if tkn.count(' ') else tkn for tkn in command] return processutils.ssh_execute(ssh, ' '.join(command), check_exit_code=check_exit_code) def check_for_setup_error(self): """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met.""" def do_setup(self, context): """Any initialization the generic driver does while starting.""" super(GenericShareDriver, self).do_setup(context) self.compute_api = compute.API() self.volume_api = volume.API() self._setup_helpers() common_sv_available = False share_server = None sv_fetch_retry_interval = 5 while not (common_sv_available or self.driver_handles_share_servers): try: # Verify availability of common server share_server = ( self.service_instance_manager.get_common_server()) common_sv_available = self._is_share_server_active( context, share_server) except Exception as ex: LOG.error(ex) if not common_sv_available: time.sleep(sv_fetch_retry_interval) LOG.warning("Waiting for the common service VM to become " "available. " "Driver is currently uninitialized. " "Share server: %(share_server)s " "Retry interval: %(retry_interval)s", dict(share_server=share_server, retry_interval=sv_fetch_retry_interval)) def _setup_helpers(self): """Initializes protocol-specific NAS drivers.""" helpers = self.configuration.share_helpers if helpers: for helper_str in helpers: share_proto, __, import_str = helper_str.partition('=') helper = importutils.import_class(import_str) self._helpers[share_proto.upper()] = helper( self._execute, self._ssh_exec, self.configuration) else: raise exception.ManilaException( "No protocol helpers selected for Generic Driver. " "Please specify using config option 'share_helpers'.") @ensure_server def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Creates share.""" return self._create_share( context, share, snapshot=None, share_server=share_server, ) def _create_share(self, context, share, snapshot, share_server=None): helper = self._get_helper(share) server_details = share_server['backend_details'] volume = self._allocate_container( self.admin_context, share, snapshot=snapshot) volume = self._attach_volume( self.admin_context, share, server_details['instance_id'], volume) if not snapshot: self._format_device(server_details, volume) self._mount_device(share, server_details, volume) export_locations = helper.create_exports( server_details, share['name']) return export_locations @utils.retry(exception.ProcessExecutionError, backoff_rate=1) def _is_device_file_available(self, server_details, volume): """Checks whether the device file is available""" command = ['sudo', 'test', '-b', volume['mountpoint']] self._ssh_exec(server_details, command) def _format_device(self, server_details, volume): """Formats device attached to the service vm.""" self._is_device_file_available(server_details, volume) command = ['sudo', 'mkfs.%s' % self.configuration.share_volume_fstype, volume['mountpoint']] self._ssh_exec(server_details, command) def _is_device_mounted(self, mount_path, server_details, volume=None): """Checks whether volume already mounted or not.""" log_data = { 'mount_path': mount_path, 'server_id': server_details['instance_id'], } if volume and volume.get('mountpoint', ''): log_data['volume_id'] = volume['id'] log_data['dev_mount_path'] = volume['mountpoint'] msg = ("Checking whether volume '%(volume_id)s' with mountpoint " "'%(dev_mount_path)s' is mounted on mount path '%(mount_p" "ath)s' on server '%(server_id)s' or not." % log_data) else: msg = ("Checking whether mount path '%(mount_path)s' exists on " "server '%(server_id)s' or not." % log_data) LOG.debug(msg) mounts_list_cmd = ['sudo', 'mount'] output, __ = self._ssh_exec(server_details, mounts_list_cmd) mounts = output.split('\n') for mount in mounts: mount_elements = mount.split(' ') if (len(mount_elements) > 2 and mount_path == mount_elements[2]): if volume: # Mount goes with device path and mount path if (volume.get('mountpoint', '') == mount_elements[0]): return True else: # Unmount goes only by mount path return True return False def _sync_mount_temp_and_perm_files(self, server_details): """Sync temporary and permanent files for mounted filesystems.""" try: self._ssh_exec( server_details, ['sudo', 'cp', const.MOUNT_FILE_TEMP, const.MOUNT_FILE], ) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error("Failed to sync mount files on server '%s'.", server_details['instance_id']) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=six.text_type(e)) try: # Remount it to avoid postponed point of failure self._ssh_exec(server_details, ['sudo', 'mount', '-a']) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error("Failed to mount all shares on server '%s'.", server_details['instance_id']) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=six.text_type(e)) def _mount_device(self, share, server_details, volume): """Mounts block device to the directory on service vm. Mounts attached and formatted block device to the directory if not mounted yet. """ @utils.synchronized('generic_driver_mounts_' '%s' % server_details['instance_id']) def _mount_device_with_lock(): mount_path = self._get_mount_path(share) device_path = volume['mountpoint'] log_data = { 'dev': device_path, 'path': mount_path, 'server': server_details['instance_id'], } try: if not self._is_device_mounted(mount_path, server_details, volume): LOG.debug("Mounting '%(dev)s' to path '%(path)s' on " "server '%(server)s'.", log_data) mount_cmd = ( 'sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', mount_path, '&&', 'sudo', 'mount', device_path, mount_path, '&&', 'sudo', 'chmod', '777', mount_path, '&&', 'sudo', 'umount', mount_path, # NOTE(vponomaryov): 'tune2fs' is required to make # filesystem of share created from snapshot have # unique ID, in case of LVM volumes, by default, # it will have the same UUID as source volume one. # 'tune2fs' command can be executed only when device # is not mounted and also, in current case, it takes # effect only after it was mounted. Closes #1645751 '&&', 'sudo', 'tune2fs', '-U', 'random', device_path, '&&', 'sudo', 'mount', device_path, mount_path, ) self._ssh_exec(server_details, mount_cmd) # Add mount permanently self._sync_mount_temp_and_perm_files(server_details) else: LOG.warning("Mount point '%(path)s' already exists on " "server '%(server)s'.", log_data) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=six.text_type(e)) return _mount_device_with_lock() @utils.retry(exception.ProcessExecutionError) def _unmount_device(self, share, server_details): """Unmounts block device from directory on service vm.""" @utils.synchronized('generic_driver_mounts_' '%s' % server_details['instance_id']) def _unmount_device_with_lock(): mount_path = self._get_mount_path(share) log_data = { 'path': mount_path, 'server': server_details['instance_id'], } if self._is_device_mounted(mount_path, server_details): LOG.debug("Unmounting path '%(path)s' on server " "'%(server)s'.", log_data) unmount_cmd = ['sudo', 'umount', mount_path, '&&', 'sudo', 'rmdir', mount_path] self._ssh_exec(server_details, unmount_cmd) # Remove mount permanently self._sync_mount_temp_and_perm_files(server_details) else: LOG.warning("Mount point '%(path)s' does not exist on " "server '%(server)s'.", log_data) return _unmount_device_with_lock() def _get_mount_path(self, share): """Returns the path to use for mount device in service vm.""" return os.path.join(self.configuration.share_mount_path, share['name']) def _attach_volume(self, context, share, instance_id, volume): """Attaches cinder volume to service vm.""" @utils.synchronized( "generic_driver_attach_detach_%s" % instance_id, external=True) def do_attach(volume): if volume['status'] == 'in-use': attached_volumes = [vol.id for vol in self.compute_api.instance_volumes_list( self.admin_context, instance_id)] if volume['id'] in attached_volumes: return volume else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume %s is already attached to another instance') % volume['id']) @retrying.retry(stop_max_attempt_number=3, wait_fixed=2000, retry_on_exception=lambda exc: True) def attach_volume(): self.compute_api.instance_volume_attach( self.admin_context, instance_id, volume['id']) attach_volume() t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_attach: volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume['id']) if volume['status'] == 'in-use': return volume elif volume['status'] != 'attaching': raise exception.ManilaException( _('Failed to attach volume %s') % volume['id']) time.sleep(1) else: err_msg = { 'volume_id': volume['id'], 'max_time': self.configuration.max_time_to_attach } raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume %(volume_id)s has not been attached in ' '%(max_time)ss. Giving up.') % err_msg) return do_attach(volume) def _get_volume_name(self, share_id): return self.configuration.volume_name_template % share_id def _get_volume(self, context, share_id): """Finds volume, associated to the specific share.""" volume_id = self.private_storage.get(share_id, 'volume_id') if volume_id is not None: return self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id) else: # Fallback to legacy method return self._get_volume_legacy(context, share_id) def _get_volume_legacy(self, context, share_id): # NOTE(u_glide): this method is deprecated and will be removed in # future versions volume_name = self._get_volume_name(share_id) search_opts = {'name': volume_name} if context.is_admin: search_opts['all_tenants'] = True volumes_list = self.volume_api.get_all(context, search_opts) if len(volumes_list) == 1: return volumes_list[0] elif len(volumes_list) > 1: LOG.error( "Expected only one volume in volume list with name " "'%(name)s', but got more than one in a result - " "'%(result)s'.", { 'name': volume_name, 'result': volumes_list}) raise exception.ManilaException( _("Error. Ambiguous volumes for name '%s'") % volume_name) return None def _get_volume_snapshot(self, context, snapshot_id): """Find volume snapshot associated to the specific share snapshot.""" volume_snapshot_id = self.private_storage.get( snapshot_id, 'volume_snapshot_id') if volume_snapshot_id is not None: return self.volume_api.get_snapshot(context, volume_snapshot_id) else: # Fallback to legacy method return self._get_volume_snapshot_legacy(context, snapshot_id) def _get_volume_snapshot_legacy(self, context, snapshot_id): # NOTE(u_glide): this method is deprecated and will be removed in # future versions volume_snapshot_name = ( self.configuration.volume_snapshot_name_template % snapshot_id) volume_snapshot_list = self.volume_api.get_all_snapshots( context, {'name': volume_snapshot_name}) volume_snapshot = None if len(volume_snapshot_list) == 1: volume_snapshot = volume_snapshot_list[0] elif len(volume_snapshot_list) > 1: LOG.error( "Expected only one volume snapshot in list with name" "'%(name)s', but got more than one in a result - " "'%(result)s'.", { 'name': volume_snapshot_name, 'result': volume_snapshot_list}) raise exception.ManilaException( _('Error. Ambiguous volume snaphots')) return volume_snapshot def _detach_volume(self, context, share, server_details): """Detaches cinder volume from service vm.""" instance_id = server_details['instance_id'] @utils.synchronized( "generic_driver_attach_detach_%s" % instance_id, external=True) def do_detach(): attached_volumes = [vol.id for vol in self.compute_api.instance_volumes_list( self.admin_context, instance_id)] try: volume = self._get_volume(context, share['id']) except exception.VolumeNotFound: LOG.warning("Volume not found for share %s. " "Possibly already deleted.", share['id']) volume = None if volume and volume['id'] in attached_volumes: self.compute_api.instance_volume_detach( self.admin_context, instance_id, volume['id'] ) t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_attach: volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume['id']) if volume['status'] in (const.STATUS_AVAILABLE, const.STATUS_ERROR): break time.sleep(1) else: err_msg = { 'volume_id': volume['id'], 'max_time': self.configuration.max_time_to_attach } raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume %(volume_id)s has not been detached in ' '%(max_time)ss. Giving up.') % err_msg) do_detach() def _allocate_container(self, context, share, snapshot=None): """Creates cinder volume, associated to share by name.""" volume_snapshot = None if snapshot: volume_snapshot = self._get_volume_snapshot(context, snapshot['id']) volume = self.volume_api.create( context, share['size'], self.configuration.volume_name_template % share['id'], '', snapshot=volume_snapshot, volume_type=self.configuration.cinder_volume_type, availability_zone=share['availability_zone']) self.private_storage.update( share['id'], {'volume_id': volume['id']}) msg_error = _('Failed to create volume') msg_timeout = ( _('Volume has not been created in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume ) return self._wait_for_available_volume( volume, self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume, msg_error=msg_error, msg_timeout=msg_timeout ) def _wait_for_available_volume(self, volume, timeout, msg_error, msg_timeout, expected_size=None): t = time.time() while time.time() - t < timeout: if volume['status'] == const.STATUS_AVAILABLE: if expected_size and volume['size'] != expected_size: LOG.debug("The volume %(vol_id)s is available but the " "volume size does not match the expected size. " "A volume resize operation may be pending. " "Expected size: %(expected_size)s, " "Actual size: %(volume_size)s.", dict(vol_id=volume['id'], expected_size=expected_size, volume_size=volume['size'])) else: break elif 'error' in volume['status'].lower(): raise exception.ManilaException(msg_error) time.sleep(1) volume = self.volume_api.get(self.admin_context, volume['id']) else: raise exception.ManilaException(msg_timeout) return volume def _deallocate_container(self, context, share): """Deletes cinder volume.""" try: volume = self._get_volume(context, share['id']) except exception.VolumeNotFound: LOG.info("Volume not found. Already deleted?") volume = None if volume: if volume['status'] == 'in-use': raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume is still in use and ' 'cannot be deleted now.')) self.volume_api.delete(context, volume['id']) t = time.time() while (time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume): try: volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume['id']) except exception.VolumeNotFound: LOG.debug('Volume was deleted successfully') break time.sleep(1) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume have not been ' 'deleted in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume) def _update_share_stats(self): """Retrieve stats info from share volume group.""" data = dict( share_backend_name=self.backend_name, storage_protocol='NFS_CIFS', reserved_percentage=self.configuration.reserved_share_percentage, ) super(GenericShareDriver, self)._update_share_stats(data) @ensure_server def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot, share_server=None): """Is called to create share from snapshot.""" return self._create_share( context, share, snapshot=snapshot, share_server=share_server, ) @ensure_server def extend_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None): server_details = share_server['backend_details'] helper = self._get_helper(share) helper.disable_access_for_maintenance(server_details, share['name']) self._unmount_device(share, server_details) volume = self._get_volume(self.admin_context, share['id']) if int(new_size) > volume['size']: self._detach_volume(self.admin_context, share, server_details) volume = self._extend_volume(self.admin_context, volume, new_size) volume = self._attach_volume( self.admin_context, share, server_details['instance_id'], volume) self._resize_filesystem(server_details, volume) self._mount_device(share, server_details, volume) helper.restore_access_after_maintenance(server_details, share['name']) def _extend_volume(self, context, volume, new_size): self.volume_api.extend(context, volume['id'], new_size) msg_error = _('Failed to extend volume %s') % volume['id'] msg_timeout = ( _('Volume has not been extended in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_extend_volume ) return self._wait_for_available_volume( volume, self.configuration.max_time_to_extend_volume, msg_error=msg_error, msg_timeout=msg_timeout, expected_size=new_size ) @ensure_server def shrink_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None): server_details = share_server['backend_details'] helper = self._get_helper(share) export_location = share['export_locations'][0]['path'] mount_path = helper.get_share_path_by_export_location( server_details, export_location) consumed_space = self._get_consumed_space(mount_path, server_details) LOG.debug("Consumed space on share: %s", consumed_space) if consumed_space >= new_size: raise exception.ShareShrinkingPossibleDataLoss( share_id=share['id']) volume = self._get_volume(self.admin_context, share['id']) helper.disable_access_for_maintenance(server_details, share['name']) self._unmount_device(share, server_details) try: self._resize_filesystem(server_details, volume, new_size=new_size) except exception.Invalid: raise exception.ShareShrinkingPossibleDataLoss( share_id=share['id']) except Exception as e: msg = _("Cannot shrink share: %s") % six.text_type(e) raise exception.Invalid(msg) finally: self._mount_device(share, server_details, volume) helper.restore_access_after_maintenance(server_details, share['name']) def _resize_filesystem(self, server_details, volume, new_size=None): """Resize filesystem of provided volume.""" check_command = ['sudo', 'fsck', '-pf', volume['mountpoint']] self._ssh_exec(server_details, check_command) command = ['sudo', 'resize2fs', volume['mountpoint']] if new_size: command.append("%sG" % six.text_type(new_size)) try: self._ssh_exec(server_details, command) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.stderr.find('New size smaller than minimum') != -1: msg = (_("Invalid 'new_size' provided: %s") % six.text_type(new_size)) raise exception.Invalid(msg) else: msg = _("Cannot resize file-system: %s") % six.text_type(e) raise exception.ManilaException(msg) def _is_share_server_active(self, context, share_server): """Check if the share server is active.""" has_active_share_server = ( share_server and share_server.get('backend_details') and self.service_instance_manager.ensure_service_instance( context, share_server['backend_details'])) return has_active_share_server def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Deletes share.""" helper = self._get_helper(share) if not self.driver_handles_share_servers: share_server = self.service_instance_manager.get_common_server() if self._is_share_server_active(context, share_server): helper.remove_exports( share_server['backend_details'], share['name']) self._unmount_device(share, share_server['backend_details']) self._detach_volume(self.admin_context, share, share_server['backend_details']) # Note(jun): It is an intended breakage to deal with the cases # with any reason that caused absence of Nova instances. self._deallocate_container(self.admin_context, share) self.private_storage.delete(share['id']) def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Creates a snapshot.""" model_update = {} volume = self._get_volume( self.admin_context, snapshot['share_instance_id']) volume_snapshot_name = (self.configuration. volume_snapshot_name_template % snapshot['id']) volume_snapshot = self.volume_api.create_snapshot_force( self.admin_context, volume['id'], volume_snapshot_name, '') t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume: if volume_snapshot['status'] == const.STATUS_AVAILABLE: break if volume_snapshot['status'] == const.STATUS_ERROR: raise exception.ManilaException(_('Failed to create volume ' 'snapshot')) time.sleep(1) volume_snapshot = self.volume_api.get_snapshot( self.admin_context, volume_snapshot['id']) # NOTE(xyang): We should look at whether we still need to save # volume_snapshot_id in private_storage later, now that is saved # in provider_location. self.private_storage.update( snapshot['id'], {'volume_snapshot_id': volume_snapshot['id']}) # NOTE(xyang): Need to update provider_location in the db so # that it can be used in manage/unmanage snapshot tempest tests. model_update['provider_location'] = volume_snapshot['id'] else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume snapshot have not been ' 'created in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume) return model_update def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Deletes a snapshot.""" volume_snapshot = self._get_volume_snapshot(self.admin_context, snapshot['id']) if volume_snapshot is None: return self.volume_api.delete_snapshot(self.admin_context, volume_snapshot['id']) t = time.time() while time.time() - t < self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume: try: snapshot = self.volume_api.get_snapshot(self.admin_context, volume_snapshot['id']) except exception.VolumeSnapshotNotFound: LOG.debug('Volume snapshot was deleted successfully') self.private_storage.delete(snapshot['id']) break time.sleep(1) else: raise exception.ManilaException( _('Volume snapshot have not been ' 'deleted in %ss. Giving up') % self.configuration.max_time_to_create_volume) @ensure_server def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Ensure that storage are mounted and exported.""" helper = self._get_helper(share) volume = self._get_volume(context, share['id']) # NOTE(vponomaryov): volume can be None for managed shares if volume: volume = self._attach_volume( context, share, share_server['backend_details']['instance_id'], volume) self._mount_device(share, share_server['backend_details'], volume) helper.create_exports( share_server['backend_details'], share['name'], recreate=True) @ensure_server def update_access(self, context, share, access_rules, add_rules, delete_rules, share_server=None): """Update access rules for given share. This driver has two different behaviors according to parameters: 1. Recovery after error - 'access_rules' contains all access_rules, 'add_rules' and 'delete_rules' shall be empty. Previously existing access rules are cleared and then added back according to 'access_rules'. 2. Adding/Deleting of several access rules - 'access_rules' contains all access_rules, 'add_rules' and 'delete_rules' contain rules which should be added/deleted. Rules in 'access_rules' are ignored and only rules from 'add_rules' and 'delete_rules' are applied. :param context: Current context :param share: Share model with share data. :param access_rules: All access rules for given share :param add_rules: Empty List or List of access rules which should be added. access_rules already contains these rules. :param delete_rules: Empty List or List of access rules which should be removed. access_rules doesn't contain these rules. :param share_server: None or Share server model """ self._get_helper(share).update_access(share_server['backend_details'], share['name'], access_rules, add_rules=add_rules, delete_rules=delete_rules) def _get_helper(self, share): helper = self._helpers.get(share['share_proto']) if helper: return helper else: raise exception.InvalidShare( reason="Wrong, unsupported or disabled protocol") def get_network_allocations_number(self): """Get number of network interfaces to be created.""" # NOTE(vponomaryov): Generic driver does not need allocations, because # Nova will handle it. It is valid for all multitenant drivers, that # use service instance provided by Nova. return 0 def _setup_server(self, network_info, metadata=None): msg = "Creating share server '%s'." LOG.debug(msg, network_info['server_id']) server = self.service_instance_manager.set_up_service_instance( self.admin_context, network_info) for helper in self._helpers.values(): helper.init_helper(server) return server def _teardown_server(self, server_details, security_services=None): instance_id = server_details.get("instance_id") LOG.debug("Removing share infrastructure for service instance '%s'.", instance_id) self.service_instance_manager.delete_service_instance( self.admin_context, server_details) def manage_existing(self, share, driver_options): """Manage existing share to manila. Generic driver accepts only one driver_option 'volume_id'. If an administrator provides this option, then appropriate Cinder volume will be managed by Manila as well. :param share: share data :param driver_options: Empty dict or dict with 'volume_id' option. :return: dict with share size, example: {'size': 1} """ helper = self._get_helper(share) share_server = self.service_instance_manager.get_common_server() server_details = share_server['backend_details'] old_export_location = share['export_locations'][0]['path'] mount_path = helper.get_share_path_by_export_location( share_server['backend_details'], old_export_location) LOG.debug("Manage: mount path = %s", mount_path) mounted = self._is_device_mounted(mount_path, server_details) LOG.debug("Manage: is share mounted = %s", mounted) if not mounted: msg = _("Provided share %s is not mounted.") % share['id'] raise exception.ManageInvalidShare(reason=msg) def get_volume(): if 'volume_id' in driver_options: try: return self.volume_api.get( self.admin_context, driver_options['volume_id']) except exception.VolumeNotFound as e: raise exception.ManageInvalidShare(reason=six.text_type(e)) # NOTE(vponomaryov): Manila can only combine volume name by itself, # nowhere to get volume ID from. Return None since Cinder volume # names are not unique or fixed, hence, they can not be used for # sure. return None share_volume = get_volume() if share_volume: instance_volumes = self.compute_api.instance_volumes_list( self.admin_context, server_details['instance_id']) attached_volumes = [vol.id for vol in instance_volumes] LOG.debug('Manage: attached volumes = %s', six.text_type(attached_volumes)) if share_volume['id'] not in attached_volumes: msg = _("Provided volume %s is not attached " "to service instance.") % share_volume['id'] raise exception.ManageInvalidShare(reason=msg) linked_volume_name = self._get_volume_name(share['id']) if share_volume['name'] != linked_volume_name: LOG.debug('Manage: volume_id = %s', share_volume['id']) self.volume_api.update(self.admin_context, share_volume['id'], {'name': linked_volume_name}) self.private_storage.update( share['id'], {'volume_id': share_volume['id']}) share_size = share_volume['size'] else: share_size = self._get_mounted_share_size( mount_path, share_server['backend_details']) export_locations = helper.get_exports_for_share( server_details, old_export_location) return {'size': share_size, 'export_locations': export_locations} def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot, driver_options): """Manage existing share snapshot with manila. :param snapshot: Snapshot data :param driver_options: Not used by the Generic driver currently :return: dict with share snapshot size, example: {'size': 1} """ model_update = {} volume_snapshot = None snapshot_size = snapshot.get('share_size', 0) provider_location = snapshot.get('provider_location') try: volume_snapshot = self.volume_api.get_snapshot( self.admin_context, provider_location) except exception.VolumeSnapshotNotFound as e: raise exception.ManageInvalidShareSnapshot( reason=six.text_type(e)) if volume_snapshot: snapshot_size = volume_snapshot['size'] # NOTE(xyang): volume_snapshot_id is saved in private_storage # in create_snapshot, so saving it here too for consistency. # We should look at whether we still need to save it in # private_storage later. self.private_storage.update( snapshot['id'], {'volume_snapshot_id': volume_snapshot['id']}) # NOTE(xyang): provider_location is used to map a Manila snapshot # to its name on the storage backend and prevent managing of the # same snapshot twice. model_update['provider_location'] = volume_snapshot['id'] model_update['size'] = snapshot_size return model_update def unmanage_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Unmanage share snapshot with manila.""" self.private_storage.delete(snapshot['id']) def _get_mount_stats_by_index(self, mount_path, server_details, index, block_size='G'): """Get mount stats using df shell command. :param mount_path: Share path on share server :param server_details: Share server connection details :param index: Data index in df command output: BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE_INDEX - Size of block device USED_SPACE_INDEX - Used space :param block_size: size of block (example: G, M, Mib, etc) :returns: value of provided index """ share_size_cmd = ['df', '-PB%s' % block_size, mount_path] output, __ = self._ssh_exec(server_details, share_size_cmd) lines = output.split('\n') return int(lines[1].split()[index][:-1]) def _get_mounted_share_size(self, mount_path, server_details): try: size = self._get_mount_stats_by_index( mount_path, server_details, BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE_INDEX) except Exception as e: msg = _("Cannot calculate size of share %(path)s : %(error)s") % { 'path': mount_path, 'error': six.text_type(e) } raise exception.ManageInvalidShare(reason=msg) return size def _get_consumed_space(self, mount_path, server_details): try: size = self._get_mount_stats_by_index( mount_path, server_details, USED_SPACE_INDEX, block_size='M') size /= float(units.Ki) except Exception as e: msg = _("Cannot calculate consumed space on share " "%(path)s : %(error)s") % { 'path': mount_path, 'error': six.text_type(e) } raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg) return size