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# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Common GlussterFS routines."""
import re
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import six
from manila import exception
from manila.i18n import _
from manila.i18n import _LE
from manila.i18n import _LW
from manila.share.drivers.ganesha import utils as ganesha_utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
glusterfs_common_opts = [
help='Remote GlusterFS server node\'s login password. '
'This is not required if '
'\'glusterfs_path_to_private_key\' is '
help='Path of Manila host\'s private SSH key file.'),
def _check_volume_presence(f):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.components.get('volume'):
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
_("Gluster address does not have a volume component."))
return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def volxml_get(xmlout, path, *default):
"""Extract a value by a path from XML."""
value = xmlout.find(path)
if value is None:
if default:
return default[0]
raise exception.InvalidShare(
_('Xpath %s not found in volume query response XML') % path)
return value.text
class GlusterManager(object):
"""Interface with a GlusterFS volume."""
scheme = re.compile('\A(?:(?P<user>[^:@/]+)@)?'
# See this about GlusterFS' convention for Boolean interpretation
# of strings:
# libglusterfs/src/common-utils.c#L1680-L1708
def parse(cls, address):
"""Parse address string into component dict."""
m =
if not m:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
_('Invalid gluster address %s.') % address)
return m.groupdict()
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self.components:
return self.components[attr]
raise AttributeError("'%(typ)s' object has no attribute '%(attr)s'" %
{'typ': type(self).__name__, 'attr': attr})
def __init__(self, address, execf=None, path_to_private_key=None,
remote_server_password=None, requires={}):
"""Initialize a GlusterManager instance.
:param address: the Gluster URI (either string of
[<user>@]<host>[:/<volume>[/<path>]] format or
component dict with "user", "host", "volume",
"path" keys).
:param execf: executor function for management commands.
:param path_to_private_key: path to private ssh key of remote server.
:param remote_server_password: ssh password for remote server.
:param requires: a dict mapping some of the component names to
either True or False; having it specified,
respectively, the presence or absence of the
given component in the uri will be enforced.
self.components = (address if isinstance(address, dict) else
for k, v in requires.items():
if v is None:
if (self.components.get(k) is not None) != v:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
_('Invalid gluster address %s.') % address)
self.path_to_private_key = path_to_private_key
self.remote_server_password = remote_server_password
if execf:
self.gluster_call = self.make_gluster_call(execf)
def host_access(self):
return '@'.join(filter(None, (self.user,
def _build_uri(self, base):
u = base
for sep, comp in ((':/', 'volume'), ('', 'path')):
if self.components[comp] is None:
u = sep.join((u, self.components[comp]))
return u
def qualified(self):
return self._build_uri(self.host_access)
def export(self):
if self.volume:
return self._build_uri(
def make_gluster_call(self, execf):
"""Execute a Gluster command locally or remotely."""
if self.user:
gluster_execf = ganesha_utils.SSHExecutor(, 22, None, self.user,
gluster_execf = ganesha_utils.RootExecutor(execf)
def _gluster_call(*args, **kwargs):
logmsg = kwargs.pop('log', None)
error_policy = kwargs.pop('error_policy', 'coerce')
if (error_policy not in ('raw', 'coerce', 'suppress') and
not isinstance(error_policy[0], int)):
raise TypeError(_("undefined error_policy %s") %
return gluster_execf(*(('gluster',) + args), **kwargs)
except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
if error_policy == 'raw':
elif error_policy == 'coerce':
elif (error_policy == 'suppress' or
exc.exit_code in error_policy):
if logmsg:
LOG.error(_LE("%s: GlusterFS instrumentation failed.") %
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
_("GlusterFS management command '%(cmd)s' failed "
"with details as follows:\n%(details)s.") % {
'cmd': ' '.join(args),
'details': exc.args[0]})
return _gluster_call
def xml_response_check(self, xmlout, command, countpath=None):
"""Sanity check for GlusterFS XML response."""
commandstr = ' '.join(command)
ret = {}
for e in 'opRet', 'opErrno':
ret[e] = int(volxml_get(xmlout, e))
if ret == {'opRet': -1, 'opErrno': 0}:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(_(
'GlusterFS command %(command)s on volume %(volume)s failed'
) % {'volume': self.volume, 'command': command})
if list(six.itervalues(ret)) != [0, 0]:
errdct = {'volume': self.volume, 'command': commandstr,
'opErrstr': volxml_get(xmlout, 'opErrstr', None)}
raise exception.InvalidShare(_(
'GlusterFS command %(command)s on volume %(volume)s got '
'unexpected response: '
'opRet=%(opRet)s, opErrno=%(opErrno)s, opErrstr=%(opErrstr)s'
) % errdct)
if not countpath:
count = volxml_get(xmlout, countpath)
if count != '1':
raise exception.InvalidShare(
_('GlusterFS command %(command)s on volume %(volume)s got '
'ambiguous response: '
'%(count)s records') % {
'volume': self.volume, 'command': commandstr,
'count': count})
def _get_vol_option_via_info(self, option):
"""Get the value of an option set on a GlusterFS volume via volinfo."""
args = ('--xml', 'volume', 'info', self.volume)
out, err = self.gluster_call(*args, log=_LE("retrieving volume info"))
if not out:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
'gluster volume info %s: no data received' %
volxml = etree.fromstring(out)
self.xml_response_check(volxml, args[1:], './volInfo/volumes/count')
for e in volxml.findall(".//option"):
o, v = (volxml_get(e, a) for a in ('name', 'value'))
if o == option:
return v
def _get_vol_user_option(self, useropt):
"""Get the value of an user option set on a GlusterFS volume."""
option = '.'.join(('user', useropt))
return self._get_vol_option_via_info(option)
def _get_vol_regular_option(self, option):
"""Get the value of a regular option set on a GlusterFS volume."""
args = ('--xml', 'volume', 'get', self.volume, option)
out, err = self.gluster_call(*args, check_exit_code=False)
if not out:
# all input is valid, but the option has not been set
# (nb. some options do come by a null value, but some
# don't even have that, see eg. cluster.nufa)
optxml = etree.fromstring(out)
except Exception:
# non-xml output indicates that GlusterFS backend does not support
# 'vol get', we fall back to 'vol info' based retrieval (glusterfs
# < 3.7).
return self._get_vol_option_via_info(option)
self.xml_response_check(optxml, args[1:], './volGetopts/count')
return volxml_get(optxml, './volGetopts/Value')
def get_vol_option(self, option, boolean=False):
"""Get the value of an option set on a GlusterFS volume."""
useropt = re.sub('\Auser\.', '', option)
if option == useropt:
value = self._get_vol_regular_option(option)
value = self._get_vol_user_option(useropt)
if not boolean or value is None:
return value
if value.upper() in self.GLUSTERFS_TRUE_VALUES:
return True
if value.upper() in self.GLUSTERFS_FALSE_VALUES:
return False
raise exception.GlusterfsException(_(
"GlusterFS volume option on volume %(volume)s: "
"%(option)s=%(value)s cannot be interpreted as Boolean") % {
'volume': self.volume, 'option': option, 'value': value})
def set_vol_option(self, option, value, ignore_failure=False):
value = {True: self.GLUSTERFS_TRUE_VALUES[0],
False: self.GLUSTERFS_FALSE_VALUES[0]}.get(value, value)
if value is None:
args = ('reset', (option,))
args = ('set', (option, value))
'volume', args[0], self.volume, *args[1], error_policy=(1,))
def get_gluster_version(self):
"""Retrieve GlusterFS version.
:returns: version (as tuple of strings, example: ('3', '6', '0beta2'))
out, err = self.gluster_call('--version',
log=_LE("GlusterFS version query"))
owords = out.split()
if owords[0] != 'glusterfs':
raise RuntimeError
vers = owords[1].split('.')
# provoke an exception if vers does not start with two numerals
except Exception:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
_("Cannot parse version info obtained from server "
"%(server)s, version info: %(info)s") %
{'server':, 'info': out})
return vers
def check_gluster_version(self, minvers):
"""Retrieve and check GlusterFS version.
:param minvers: minimum version to require
(given as tuple of integers, example: (3, 6))
vers = self.get_gluster_version()
if self.numreduct(vers) < minvers:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(_(
"Unsupported GlusterFS version %(version)s on server "
"%(server)s, minimum requirement: %(minvers)s") % {
'version': '.'.join(vers),
'minvers': '.'.join(six.text_type(c) for c in minvers)})
def numreduct(vers):
"""The numeric reduct of a tuple of strings.
That is, applying an integer conversion map on the longest
initial segment of vers which consists of numerals.
numvers = []
for c in vers:
except ValueError:
return tuple(numvers)
def _mount_gluster_vol(execute, gluster_export, mount_path, ensure=False):
"""Mount a GlusterFS volume at the specified mount path.
:param execute: command exectution function
:param gluster_export: GlusterFS export to mount
:param mount_path: path to mount at
:param ensure: boolean to allow remounting a volume with a warning
execute('mkdir', '-p', mount_path)
command = ['mount', '-t', 'glusterfs', gluster_export, mount_path]
execute(*command, run_as_root=True)
except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
if ensure and 'already mounted' in exc.stderr:
LOG.warning(_LW("%s is already mounted."), gluster_export)
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
'Unable to mount Gluster volume'
def _umount_gluster_vol(execute, mount_path):
"""Unmount a GlusterFS volume at the specified mount path.
:param execute: command exectution function
:param mount_path: path where volume is mounted
execute('umount', mount_path, run_as_root=True)
except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
msg = (_("Unable to unmount gluster volume. "
"mount_dir: %(mount_path)s, Error: %(error)s") %
{'mount_path': mount_path, 'error': exc.stderr})
raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)
def _restart_gluster_vol(gluster_mgr):
"""Restart a GlusterFS volume through its manager.
:param gluster_mgr: GlusterManager instance
# TODO(csaba): '--mode=script' ensures that the Gluster CLI runs in
# script mode. This seems unnecessary as the Gluster CLI is
# expected to run in non-interactive mode when the stdin is not
# a terminal, as is the case below. But on testing, found the
# behaviour of Gluster-CLI to be the contrary. Need to investigate
# this odd-behaviour of Gluster-CLI.
'volume', 'stop', gluster_mgr.volume, '--mode=script',
log=_LE("stopping GlusterFS volume %s") % gluster_mgr.volume)
'volume', 'start', gluster_mgr.volume,
log=_LE("starting GlusterFS volume %s") % gluster_mgr.volume)