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# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
ZFS Storage Appliance Proxy
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from manila import exception
from manila.i18n import _, _LE, _LW
from manila.share.drivers.zfssa import restclient
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def factory_restclient(url, logfunc, **kwargs):
return restclient.RestClientURL(url, logfunc, **kwargs)
class ZFSSAApi(object):
"""ZFSSA API proxy class."""
pools_path = '/api/storage/v1/pools'
pool_path = pools_path + '/%s'
projects_path = pool_path + '/projects'
project_path = projects_path + '/%s'
shares_path = project_path + '/filesystems'
share_path = shares_path + '/%s'
snapshots_path = share_path + '/snapshots'
snapshot_path = snapshots_path + '/%s'
clone_path = snapshot_path + '/clone'
service_path = '/api/service/v1/services/%s/enable'
def __init__(self): = None
self.url = None
self.rclient = None
def __del__(self):
if self.rclient:
del self.rclient
def rest_get(self, path, expected):
ret = self.rclient.get(path)
if ret.status != expected:
exception_msg = (_('Rest call to %(host)s %(path)s failed.'
'Status: %(status)d Message: %(data)s')
% {'host':,
'path': path,
'status': ret.status,
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
return ret
def _is_pool_owned(self, pdata):
"""returns True if the pool's owner is the same as the host."""
svc = '/api/system/v1/version'
ret = self.rest_get(svc, restclient.Status.OK)
vdata = jsonutils.loads(
return (vdata['version']['asn'] == pdata['pool']['asn'] and
vdata['version']['nodename'] == pdata['pool']['owner'])
def set_host(self, host, timeout=None): = host
self.url = "https://%s:215" %
self.rclient = factory_restclient(self.url, LOG.debug, timeout=timeout)
def login(self, auth_str):
"""Login to the appliance."""
if self.rclient and not self.rclient.islogin():
def enable_service(self, service):
"""Enable the specified service."""
svc = self.service_path % service
ret = self.rclient.put(svc)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.ACCEPTED:
exception_msg = (_("Cannot enable %s service.") % service)
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def verify_avail_space(self, pool, project, share, size):
"""Check if there is enough space available to a new share."""
self.verify_project(pool, project)
avail = self.get_project_stats(pool, project)
if avail < size:
exception_msg = (_('Error creating '
'share: %(share)s on '
'pool: %(pool)s. '
'Not enough space.')
% {'share': share,
'pool': pool})
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def get_pool_stats(self, pool):
"""Get space_available and used properties of a pool.
returns (avail, used).
svc = self.pool_path % pool
ret = self.rclient.get(svc)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.OK:
exception_msg = (_('Error getting pool stats: '
'pool: %(pool)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %(')
% {'pool': pool,
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=exception_msg)
val = jsonutils.loads(
if not self._is_pool_owned(val):
exception_msg = (_('Error pool ownership: '
'pool %(pool)s is not owned '
'by %(host)s.')
% {'pool': pool,
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=pool)
avail = val['pool']['usage']['available']
used = val['pool']['usage']['used']
return avail, used
def get_project_stats(self, pool, project):
"""Get space_available of a project.
Used to check whether a project has enough space (after reservation)
or not.
svc = self.project_path % (pool, project)
ret = self.rclient.get(svc)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.OK:
exception_msg = (_('Error getting project stats: '
'pool: %(pool)s '
'project: %(project)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %(')
% {'pool': pool,
'project': project,
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=exception_msg)
val = jsonutils.loads(
avail = val['project']['space_available']
return avail
def create_project(self, pool, project, arg):
"""Create a project on a pool. Check first whether the pool exists."""
svc = self.project_path % (pool, project)
ret = self.rclient.get(svc)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.OK:
svc = self.projects_path % pool
ret =, arg)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.CREATED:
exception_msg = (_('Error creating project: '
'%(project)s on '
'pool: %(pool)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %(')
% {'project': project,
'pool': pool,
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def verify_pool(self, pool):
"""Checks whether pool exists."""
svc = self.pool_path % pool
self.rest_get(svc, restclient.Status.OK)
def verify_project(self, pool, project):
"""Checks whether project exists."""
svc = self.project_path % (pool, project)
ret = self.rest_get(svc, restclient.Status.OK)
return ret
def create_share(self, pool, project, share):
"""Create a share in the specified pool and project."""
self.verify_avail_space(pool, project, share, share['quota'])
svc = self.share_path % (pool, project, share['name'])
ret = self.rclient.get(svc)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.OK:
svc = self.shares_path % (pool, project)
ret =, share)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.CREATED:
exception_msg = (_('Error creating '
'share: %(name)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %(')
% {'name': share['name'],
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
exception_msg = (_('Share with name %s already exists.')
% share['name'])
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def get_share(self, pool, project, share):
"""Return share properties."""
svc = self.share_path % (pool, project, share)
ret = self.rest_get(svc, restclient.Status.OK)
val = jsonutils.loads(
return val['filesystem']
def modify_share(self, pool, project, share, arg):
"""Modify a set of properties of a share."""
svc = self.share_path % (pool, project, share)
ret = self.rclient.put(svc, arg)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.ACCEPTED:
exception_msg = (_('Error modifying %(arg)s '
' of share %(id)s.')
% {'arg': arg,
'id': share})
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def delete_share(self, pool, project, share):
"""Delete a share.
The function assumes the share has no clone or snapshot.
svc = self.share_path % (pool, project, share)
ret = self.rclient.delete(svc)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.NO_CONTENT:
exception_msg = (_LE('Error deleting '
'share: %(share)s to '
'pool: %(pool)s '
'project: %(project)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %('),
{'share': share,
'pool': pool,
'project': project,
'ret.status': ret.status,
def create_snapshot(self, pool, project, share, snapshot):
"""Create a snapshot of the given share."""
svc = self.snapshots_path % (pool, project, share)
arg = {'name': snapshot}
ret =, arg)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.CREATED:
exception_msg = (_('Error creating '
'snapshot: %(snapshot)s on '
'share: %(share)s to '
'pool: %(pool)s '
'project: %(project)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %(')
% {'snapshot': snapshot,
'share': share,
'pool': pool,
'project': project,
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def delete_snapshot(self, pool, project, share, snapshot):
"""Delete a snapshot that has no clone."""
svc = self.snapshot_path % (pool, project, share, snapshot)
ret = self.rclient.delete(svc)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.NO_CONTENT:
exception_msg = (_('Error deleting '
'snapshot: %(snapshot)s on '
'share: %(share)s to '
'pool: %(pool)s '
'project: %(project)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %(')
% {'snapshot': snapshot,
'share': share,
'pool': pool,
'project': project,
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def clone_snapshot(self, pool, project, snapshot, clone, arg):
"""Create a new share from the given snapshot."""
self.verify_avail_space(pool, project, clone['id'], clone['size'])
svc = self.clone_path % (pool, project,
ret = self.rclient.put(svc, arg)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.CREATED:
exception_msg = (_('Error cloning '
'snapshot: %(snapshot)s on '
'share: %(share)s of '
'Pool: %(pool)s '
'project: %(project)s '
'return code: %(ret.status)d '
'message: %(')
% {'snapshot': snapshot['id'],
'share': snapshot['share_id'],
'pool': pool,
'project': project,
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)
def has_clones(self, pool, project, share, snapshot):
"""Check whether snapshot has existing clones."""
svc = self.snapshot_path % (pool, project, share, snapshot)
ret = self.rest_get(svc, restclient.Status.OK)
val = jsonutils.loads(
return val['snapshot']['numclones'] != 0
def allow_access_nfs(self, pool, project, share, access):
"""Allow an IP access to a share through NFS."""
if access['access_type'] != 'ip':
reason = _('Only ip access type allowed.')
raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason)
ip = access['access_to']
details = self.get_share(pool, project, share)
sharenfs = details['sharenfs']
if sharenfs == 'on' or sharenfs == 'rw':
LOG.debug('Share %s has read/write permission'
'open to all.', share)
if sharenfs == 'off':
sharenfs = 'sec=sys'
if ip in sharenfs:
LOG.debug('Access to share %(share)s via NFS '
'already granted to %(ip)s.',
{'share': share,
'ip': ip})
entry = (',rw=@%s' % ip)
if '/' not in ip:
entry = "%s/32" % entry
arg = {'sharenfs': sharenfs + entry}
self.modify_share(pool, project, share, arg)
def deny_access_nfs(self, pool, project, share, access):
"""Denies access of an IP to a share through NFS.
Since sharenfs property allows a combination of mutiple syntaxes:
The function checks what syntax is used and remove the IP accordingly.
if access['access_type'] != 'ip':
reason = _('Only ip access type allowed.')
raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason)
ip = access['access_to']
entry = ('@%s' % ip)
if '/' not in ip:
entry = "%s/32" % entry
details = self.get_share(pool, project, share)
if entry not in details['sharenfs']:
LOG.debug('IP %(ip)s does not have access '
'to Share %(share)s via NFS.',
{'ip': ip,
'share': share})
sharenfs = str(details['sharenfs'])
argval = ''
if sharenfs.find((',rw=%s:' % entry)) >= 0:
argval = sharenfs.replace(('%s:' % entry), '')
elif sharenfs.find((',rw=%s' % entry)) >= 0:
argval = sharenfs.replace((',rw=%s' % entry), '')
elif sharenfs.find((':%s' % entry)) >= 0:
argval = sharenfs.replace((':%s' % entry), '')
arg = {'sharenfs': argval}
LOG.debug('deny_access: %s', argval)
self.modify_share(pool, project, share, arg)
def create_schema(self, schema):
"""Create a custom ZFSSA schema."""
base = '/api/storage/v1/schema'
svc = "%(base)s/%(prop)s" % {'base': base, 'prop': schema['property']}
ret = self.rclient.get(svc)
if ret.status == restclient.Status.OK:
LOG.warning(_LW('Property %s already exists.'), schema['property'])
ret =, schema)
if ret.status != restclient.Status.CREATED:
exception_msg = (_('Error Creating '
'Property: %(property)s '
'Type: %(type)s '
'Description: %(description)s '
'Return code: %(ret.status)d '
'Message: %(')
% {'property': schema['property'],
'type': schema['type'],
'description': schema['description'],
'ret.status': ret.status,
raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=exception_msg)