# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc import collections import logging import six from metalsmith import _utils from metalsmith import exceptions LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Filter(object): """Base class for filters.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, node): """Validate this node. :param node: Node object. :return: True/False """ @abc.abstractmethod def fail(self): """Fail scheduling because no nodes are left. Must raise an exception. """ @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Reserver(object): """Base class for reservers.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, node): """Reserve this node. :param node: Node object. :return: updated Node object if it was reserved :raises: any Exception to indicate that the next node should be tried """ @abc.abstractmethod def fail(self): """Fail reservation because no nodes are left. Must raise an exception. """ def schedule_node(nodes, filters, reserver, dry_run=False): """Schedule one node. :param nodes: List of input nodes. :param filters: List of callable Filter objects to filter/validate nodes. They are called in passes. If a pass yields no nodes, an error is raised. :param reserver: A callable Reserver object. Must return the updated node or raise an exception. :param dry_run: If True, reserver is not actually called. :return: The resulting node """ for f in filters: f_name = f.__class__.__name__ LOG.debug('Running filter %(filter)s on %(count)d node(s)', {'filter': f_name, 'count': len(nodes)}) nodes = list(filter(f, nodes)) if not nodes: LOG.debug('Filter %s yielded no nodes', f_name) f.fail() assert False, "BUG: %s.fail did not raise" % f_name LOG.debug('Filter %(filter)s yielded %(count)d node(s)', {'filter': f_name, 'count': len(nodes)}) if dry_run: LOG.debug('Dry run, not reserving any nodes') return nodes[0] for node in nodes: try: result = reserver(node) except Exception as exc: LOG.debug('Node %(node)s was not reserved (%(exc)s), moving on ' 'to the next one', {'node': _utils.log_node(node), 'exc': exc}) else: LOG.info('Node %s reserved for deployment', _utils.log_node(result)) return result LOG.debug('No nodes could be reserved') reserver.fail() assert False, "BUG: %s.fail did not raise" % reserver.__class__.__name__ class NodeTypeFilter(Filter): """Filter that checks resource class and conductor group.""" def __init__(self, resource_class=None, conductor_group=None): self.resource_class = resource_class self.conductor_group = conductor_group def __call__(self, node): return ( (self.resource_class is None or node.resource_class == self.resource_class) and (self.conductor_group is None or node.conductor_group == self.conductor_group) ) def fail(self): raise exceptions.NodesNotFound(self.resource_class, self.conductor_group) class CapabilitiesFilter(Filter): """Filter that checks capabilities.""" def __init__(self, capabilities): self._capabilities = capabilities self._counter = collections.Counter() def __call__(self, node): try: caps = _utils.get_capabilities(node) except Exception: LOG.exception('Malformed capabilities on node %(node)s: %(caps)s', {'node': _utils.log_node(node), 'caps': node.properties.get('capabilities')}) return False LOG.debug('Capabilities for node %(node)s: %(caps)s', {'node': _utils.log_node(node), 'caps': caps}) for key, value in self._capabilities.items(): try: node_value = caps[key] except KeyError: LOG.debug('Node %(node)s does not have capability %(cap)s', {'node': _utils.log_node(node), 'cap': key}) return False else: self._counter["%s=%s" % (key, node_value)] += 1 if value != node_value: LOG.debug('Node %(node)s has capability %(cap)s of ' 'value "%(node_val)s" instead of "%(expected)s"', {'node': _utils.log_node(node), 'cap': key, 'node_val': node_value, 'expected': value}) return False return True def fail(self): existing = ", ".join("%s (%d node(s))" % item for item in self._counter.items()) requested = ', '.join("%s=%s" % item for item in self._capabilities.items()) message = ("No available nodes found with capabilities %(req)s, " "existing capabilities: %(exist)s" % {'req': requested, 'exist': existing or 'none'}) raise exceptions.CapabilitiesNotFound(message, self._capabilities) class CustomPredicateFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, predicate): self.predicate = predicate self._failed_nodes = [] def __call__(self, node): if not self.predicate(node): self._failed_nodes.append(node) return False return True def fail(self): message = 'No nodes satisfied the custom predicate %s' % self.predicate raise exceptions.CustomPredicateFailed(message, self._failed_nodes) class IronicReserver(Reserver): def __init__(self, api): self._api = api self._failed_nodes = [] def validate(self, node): try: self._api.validate_node(node) except RuntimeError as exc: message = ('Node %(node)s failed validation: %(err)s' % {'node': _utils.log_node(node), 'err': exc}) LOG.warning(message) raise exceptions.ValidationFailed(message) def __call__(self, node): try: self.validate(node) return self._api.reserve_node(node, instance_uuid=node.uuid) except Exception: self._failed_nodes.append(node) raise def fail(self): raise exceptions.NoNodesReserved(self._failed_nodes)