
79 lines
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- name: Create a port
command: openstack port create --network private test-port
when: precreate_port
- name: Set port argument
nic: --port test-port
when: precreate_port
- name: Set network argument
nic: --network private
when: not precreate_port
- name: Deploy a node
command: >
metalsmith --debug deploy
{{ nic }}
--image {{ image }}
--ssh-public-key {{ ssh_key_file }}
--root-disk-size 9
- name: Find the deployed node
command: openstack baremetal node list --provision-state active -f value -c UUID
register: active_node_result
- name: Check that the deployed node was found
msg: The deployed node cannot be found
when: active_node_result.stdout == ""
- name: Set active node fact
active_node: "{{ active_node_result.stdout }}"
- name: Show active node information
command: openstack baremetal node show {{ active_node }}
- name: Undeploy a node
command: metalsmith --debug undeploy {{ active_node }}
- name: Get the current status of the deployed node
command: openstack baremetal node show {{ active_node }} -f json
register: undeployed_node_result
- name: Parse node state
undeployed_node: "{{ undeployed_node_result.stdout | from_json }}"
- name: Check that the node was undeployed
msg: The node is in unexpected status {{ undeployed_node }}
when: undeployed_node.provision_state != "available"
- name: Check that the node extra was cleared
msg: The node still has extra {{ undeployed_node }}
when: undeployed_node.extra != {}
- name: Get attached VIFs for the node
command: openstack baremetal node vif list {{ active_node }} -f value -c ID
register: vif_list_output
- name: Check that no VIFs are still attached
msg: Some VIFs are still attached
when: vif_list_output.stdout != ""
- name: Show remaining ports
command: openstack port list
- name: Delete created port
command: openstack port delete test-port
when: precreate_port
# FIXME(dtantsur): fails because of ironic mis-behavior
ignore_errors: true