# Copyright 2015 - StackStorm, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock from oslo_config import cfg from mistral.db.v2 import api as db_api from mistral.executors import default_executor as d_exe from mistral.executors import remote_executor as r_exe from mistral.services import workbooks as wb_service from mistral.services import workflows as wf_service from mistral.tests.unit.engine import base # Use the set_default method to set value otherwise in certain test cases # the change in value is not permanent. cfg.CONF.set_default('auth_enable', False, group='pecan') TARGET = '' WORKBOOK = """ --- version: '2.0' name: my_wb workflows: wf1: type: reverse input: - param1 - param2 output: final_result: <% $.final_result %> tasks: task1: action: std.echo output=<% $.param1 %> target: <% env().var1 %> publish: result1: <% task(task1).result %> task2: requires: [task1] action: std.echo output="'<% $.result1 %> & <% $.param2 %>'" target: <% env().var1 %> publish: final_result: <% task(task2).result %> wf2: output: slogan: <% $.slogan %> tasks: task1: workflow: wf1 input: param1: <% env().var2 %> param2: <% env().var3 %> task_name: task2 publish: slogan: > <% task(task1).result.final_result %> is a cool <% env().var4 %>! """ def _run_at_target(action_ex_id, action_cls_str, action_cls_attrs, params, safe_rerun, execution_context, target=None, async_=True, timeout=None): # We'll just call executor directly for testing purposes. executor = d_exe.DefaultExecutor() executor.run_action( action_ex_id, action_cls_str, action_cls_attrs, params, safe_rerun, execution_context=execution_context, target=target, async_=async_, timeout=timeout ) MOCK_RUN_AT_TARGET = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=_run_at_target) class EnvironmentTest(base.EngineTestCase): def setUp(self): super(EnvironmentTest, self).setUp() wb_service.create_workbook_v2(WORKBOOK) @mock.patch.object(r_exe.RemoteExecutor, 'run_action', MOCK_RUN_AT_TARGET) def _test_subworkflow(self, env): wf2_ex = self.engine.start_workflow('my_wb.wf2', env=env) # Execution of 'wf2'. self.assertIsNotNone(wf2_ex) self.assertDictEqual({}, wf2_ex.input) self.assertDictContainsSubset({'env': env}, wf2_ex.params) self._await(lambda: len(db_api.get_workflow_executions()) == 2, 0.5, 5) wf_execs = db_api.get_workflow_executions() self.assertEqual(2, len(wf_execs)) # Execution of 'wf1'. wf2_ex = self._assert_single_item(wf_execs, name='my_wb.wf2') wf1_ex = self._assert_single_item(wf_execs, name='my_wb.wf1') expected_start_params = { 'task_name': 'task2', 'task_execution_id': wf1_ex.task_execution_id, 'env': env } expected_wf1_input = { 'param1': 'Bonnie', 'param2': 'Clyde' } self.assertIsNotNone(wf1_ex.task_execution_id) self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected_start_params, wf1_ex.params) self.assertDictEqual(wf1_ex.input, expected_wf1_input) # Wait till workflow 'wf1' is completed. self.await_workflow_success(wf1_ex.id) with db_api.transaction(): wf1_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(wf1_ex.id) self.assertDictEqual( {'final_result': "'Bonnie & Clyde'"}, wf1_ex.output ) # Wait till workflow 'wf2' is completed. self.await_workflow_success(wf2_ex.id) with db_api.transaction(): wf2_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(wf2_ex.id) self.assertDictEqual( {'slogan': "'Bonnie & Clyde' is a cool movie!\n"}, wf2_ex.output ) with db_api.transaction(): # Check if target is resolved. wf1_task_execs = db_api.get_task_executions( workflow_execution_id=wf1_ex.id ) self._assert_single_item(wf1_task_execs, name='task1') self._assert_single_item(wf1_task_execs, name='task2') for t_ex in wf1_task_execs: a_ex = t_ex.action_executions[0] callback_url = '/v2/action_executions/%s' % a_ex.id r_exe.RemoteExecutor.run_action.assert_any_call( a_ex.id, 'mistral.actions.std_actions.EchoAction', {}, a_ex.input, False, { 'task_id': t_ex.id, 'callback_url': callback_url, 'workflow_execution_id': wf1_ex.id, 'workflow_name': wf1_ex.name, 'action_execution_id': a_ex.id, }, target=TARGET, timeout=None ) def test_subworkflow_env_task_input(self): env = { 'var1': TARGET, 'var2': 'Bonnie', 'var3': 'Clyde', 'var4': 'movie' } self._test_subworkflow(env) def test_subworkflow_env_recursive(self): env = { 'var1': TARGET, 'var2': 'Bonnie', 'var3': '<% env().var5 %>', 'var4': 'movie', 'var5': 'Clyde' } self._test_subworkflow(env) def test_evaluate_env_parameter(self): wf_text = """--- version: '2.0' wf: tasks: task1: action: std.noop publish: var1: <% env().var1 %> var2: <% env().var2 %> """ wf_service.create_workflows(wf_text) env = { "var1": "val1", "var2": "<% env().var1 %>" } # Run with 'evaluate_env' set to True. wf_ex = self.engine.start_workflow( 'wf', env=env, evaluate_env=True ) self.await_workflow_success(wf_ex.id) with db_api.transaction(): wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(wf_ex.id) t = self._assert_single_item(wf_ex.task_executions, name='task1') self.assertDictEqual( { "var1": "val1", "var2": "val1" }, t.published ) # Run with 'evaluate_env' set to False. wf_ex = self.engine.start_workflow( 'wf', env=env, evaluate_env=False ) self.await_workflow_success(wf_ex.id) with db_api.transaction(): wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(wf_ex.id) t = self._assert_single_item(wf_ex.task_executions, name='task1') self.assertDictEqual( { "var1": "val1", "var2": "<% env().var1 %>" }, t.published ) def test_evaluate_env_parameter_subworkflow(self): wf_text = """--- version: '2.0' parent_wf: tasks: task1: workflow: sub_wf sub_wf: output: result: <% $.result %> tasks: task1: action: std.noop publish: result: <% env().dummy %> """ wf_service.create_workflows(wf_text) # Run with 'evaluate_env' set to False. env = {"dummy": "<% $.ENSURE.MISTRAL.DOESNT.EVALUATE.ENV %>"} parent_wf_ex = self.engine.start_workflow( 'parent_wf', env=env, evaluate_env=False ) self.await_workflow_success(parent_wf_ex.id) with db_api.transaction(): parent_wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(parent_wf_ex.id) t = self._assert_single_item( parent_wf_ex.task_executions, name='task1' ) sub_wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_executions( task_execution_id=t.id )[0] self.assertDictEqual( { "result": "<% $.ENSURE.MISTRAL.DOESNT.EVALUATE.ENV %>" }, sub_wf_ex.output ) # Run with 'evaluate_env' set to True. env = {"dummy": "<% 1 + 1 %>"} parent_wf_ex = self.engine.start_workflow( 'parent_wf', env=env, evaluate_env=True ) self.await_workflow_success(parent_wf_ex.id) with db_api.transaction(): parent_wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(parent_wf_ex.id) t = self._assert_single_item( parent_wf_ex.task_executions, name='task1' ) sub_wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_executions( task_execution_id=t.id )[0] self.assertDictEqual( { "result": 2 }, sub_wf_ex.output )