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# Copyright 2015 - Mirantis, Inc.
# Copyright 2015 - StackStorm, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import six
from mistral import exceptions as exc
from mistral.lang import types
from mistral.lang.v2 import base
from mistral.lang.v2 import task_defaults
from mistral.lang.v2 import tasks
from mistral import utils
class WorkflowSpec(base.BaseSpec):
# See http://json-schema.org
_polymorphic_key = ('type', 'direct')
_meta_schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": types.WORKFLOW_TYPE,
"task-defaults": types.NONEMPTY_DICT,
"output": types.NONEMPTY_DICT,
"output-on-error": types.NONEMPTY_DICT,
"vars": types.NONEMPTY_DICT,
"tags": types.UNIQUE_STRING_LIST
"required": ["tasks"],
"additionalProperties": False
def __init__(self, data, validate):
super(WorkflowSpec, self).__init__(data, validate)
self._name = data['name']
self._description = data.get('description')
self._tags = data.get('tags', [])
self._type = data['type'] if 'type' in data else 'direct'
self._input = utils.get_dict_from_entries(data.get('input', []))
self._output = data.get('output', {})
self._output_on_error = data.get('output-on-error', {})
self._vars = data.get('vars', {})
self._task_defaults = self._spec_property(
# Inject 'type' here, so instantiate_spec function can recognize the
# specific subclass of TaskSpec.
for task in six.itervalues(self._data.get('tasks')):
task['type'] = self._type
self._tasks = self._spec_property('tasks', tasks.TaskSpecList)
def validate_schema(self):
super(WorkflowSpec, self).validate_schema()
if not self._data.get('tasks'):
raise exc.InvalidModelException(
"Workflow doesn't have any tasks [data=%s]" % self._data
# Validate expressions.
self.validate_expr(self._data.get('output', {}))
self.validate_expr(self._data.get('vars', {}))
def validate_semantics(self):
super(WorkflowSpec, self).validate_semantics()
# Distinguish workflow name from workflow UUID.
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(self._name):
raise exc.InvalidModelException(
"Workflow name cannot be in the format of UUID."
def _validate_task_link(self, task_name, allow_engine_cmds=True):
valid_task = self._task_exists(task_name)
if allow_engine_cmds:
valid_task |= task_name in tasks.RESERVED_TASK_NAMES
if not valid_task:
raise exc.InvalidModelException(
"Task '%s' not found." % task_name
def _task_exists(self, task_name):
return self.get_tasks()[task_name] is not None
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def get_description(self):
return self._description
def get_tags(self):
return self._tags
def get_type(self):
return self._type
def get_input(self):
return self._input
def get_output(self):
return self._output
def get_output_on_error(self):
return self._output_on_error
def get_vars(self):
return self._vars
def get_task_defaults(self):
return self._task_defaults
def get_tasks(self):
return self._tasks
def get_task(self, name):
return self._tasks[name]
class DirectWorkflowSpec(WorkflowSpec):
_polymorphic_value = 'direct'
_schema = {
"properties": {
"tasks": {
"type": "object",
"minProperties": 1,
"patternProperties": {
"^\w+$": types.NONEMPTY_DICT
def __init__(self, data, validate):
super(DirectWorkflowSpec, self).__init__(data, validate)
# Init simple dictionary based caches for inbound and
# outbound task specifications. In fact, we don't need
# any special cache implementations here because these
# structures can't grow indefinitely.
self.inbound_tasks_cache = {}
self.outbound_tasks_cache = {}
def validate_semantics(self):
super(DirectWorkflowSpec, self).validate_semantics()
# Check if there are start tasks.
if not self.find_start_tasks():
raise exc.DSLParsingException(
'Failed to find start tasks in direct workflow. '
'There must be at least one task without inbound transition.'
'[workflow_name=%s]' % self._name
def _check_workflow_integrity(self):
for t_s in self.get_tasks():
out_task_names = self.find_outbound_task_names(t_s.get_name())
for out_t_name in out_task_names:
def _check_join_tasks(self):
join_tasks = [t for t in self.get_tasks() if t.get_join()]
err_msgs = []
for join_t in join_tasks:
t_name = join_t.get_name()
join_val = join_t.get_join()
in_tasks = self.find_inbound_task_specs(join_t)
if join_val == 'all':
if len(in_tasks) == 0:
"No inbound tasks for task with 'join: all'"
" [task_name=%s]" % t_name
if join_val == 'one':
join_val = 1
if len(in_tasks) < join_val:
"Not enough inbound tasks for task with 'join'"
" [task_name=%s, join=%s, inbound_tasks=%s]" %
(t_name, join_val, len(in_tasks))
if len(err_msgs) > 0:
raise exc.InvalidModelException('\n'.join(err_msgs))
def find_start_tasks(self):
return [
t_s for t_s in self.get_tasks()
if not self.has_inbound_transitions(t_s)
def find_inbound_task_specs(self, task_spec):
task_name = task_spec.get_name()
specs = self.inbound_tasks_cache.get(task_name)
if specs is not None:
return specs
specs = [
t_s for t_s in self.get_tasks()
if self.transition_exists(t_s.get_name(), task_name)
self.inbound_tasks_cache[task_name] = specs
return specs
def find_outbound_task_specs(self, task_spec):
task_name = task_spec.get_name()
specs = self.outbound_tasks_cache.get(task_name)
if specs is not None:
return specs
specs = [
t_s for t_s in self.get_tasks()
if self.transition_exists(task_name, t_s.get_name())
self.outbound_tasks_cache[task_name] = specs
return specs
def has_inbound_transitions(self, task_spec):
return len(self.find_inbound_task_specs(task_spec)) > 0
def has_outbound_transitions(self, task_spec):
return len(self.find_outbound_task_specs(task_spec)) > 0
def find_outbound_task_names(self, task_name):
t_names = set()
for tup in self.get_on_error_clause(task_name):
for tup in self.get_on_success_clause(task_name):
for tup in self.get_on_complete_clause(task_name):
return t_names
def transition_exists(self, from_task_name, to_task_name):
t_names = self.find_outbound_task_names(from_task_name)
return to_task_name in t_names
def get_on_error_clause(self, t_name):
result = []
on_clause = self.get_tasks()[t_name].get_on_error()
if on_clause:
result = on_clause.get_next()
if not result:
t_defaults = self.get_task_defaults()
if t_defaults and t_defaults.get_on_error():
result = self._remove_task_from_clause(
return result
def get_on_success_clause(self, t_name):
result = []
on_clause = self.get_tasks()[t_name].get_on_success()
if on_clause:
result = on_clause.get_next()
if not result:
t_defaults = self.get_task_defaults()
if t_defaults and t_defaults.get_on_success():
result = self._remove_task_from_clause(
return result
def get_on_complete_clause(self, t_name):
result = []
on_clause = self.get_tasks()[t_name].get_on_complete()
if on_clause:
result = on_clause.get_next()
if not result:
t_defaults = self.get_task_defaults()
if t_defaults and t_defaults.get_on_complete():
result = self._remove_task_from_clause(
return result
def _remove_task_from_clause(on_clause, t_name):
return list([tup for tup in on_clause if tup[0] != t_name])
class ReverseWorkflowSpec(WorkflowSpec):
_polymorphic_value = 'reverse'
_schema = {
"properties": {
"tasks": {
"type": "object",
"minProperties": 1,
"patternProperties": {
"^\w+$": types.NONEMPTY_DICT
def validate_semantics(self):
super(ReverseWorkflowSpec, self).validate_semantics()
def _check_workflow_integrity(self):
for t_s in self.get_tasks():
for req in self.get_task_requires(t_s):
self._validate_task_link(req, allow_engine_cmds=False)
def get_task_requires(self, task_spec):
requires = set(task_spec.get_requires())
defaults = self.get_task_defaults()
if defaults:
requires |= set(defaults.get_requires())
return list(requires)
class WorkflowSpecList(base.BaseSpecList):
item_class = WorkflowSpec
class WorkflowListSpec(base.BaseListSpec):
item_class = WorkflowSpec
def get_workflows(self):
return self.get_items()