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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# TODO(rakhmerov): Deprecated in favor of package 'mistral.engine1'.
import abc
import copy
import eventlet
from oslo.config import cfg
from oslo import messaging
import six
from stevedore import driver
# Submodules of mistral.engine will throw NoSuchOptError if configuration
# options required at top level of this __init__.py are not imported before
# the submodules are referenced.
cfg.CONF.import_opt('workflow_trace_log_name', 'mistral.config')
from mistral import context as auth_context
from mistral.db.v1 import api as db_api
from mistral.engine import data_flow
from mistral.engine import retry
from mistral.engine import states
from mistral.engine import workflow
from mistral import exceptions as exc
from mistral.openstack.common import log as logging
from mistral.services import action_manager as a_m
from mistral.workbook import parser as spec_parser
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WF_TRACE = logging.getLogger(cfg.CONF.workflow_trace_log_name)
def get_transport(transport=None):
return transport if transport else messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF)
def get_engine(name, transport):
mgr = driver.DriverManager(
invoke_kwds={'transport': transport})
return mgr.driver
class Engine(object):
"""Abstract engine for workflow execution."""
transport = None
def __init__(self, transport=None):
self.transport = get_transport(transport)
def _run_task(self, task_id, action_name, action_params):
raise NotImplementedError()
def start_workflow_execution(self, cntx, **kwargs):
"""Starts a workflow execution based on the specified workbook name
and target task.
:param cntx: a request context dict
:type cntx: MistralContext
:param kwargs: a dict of method arguments
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Workflow execution.
workbook_name = kwargs.get('workbook_name')
task_name = kwargs.get('task_name')
context = kwargs.get('context', None)
context = copy.copy(context) if context else {}
WF_TRACE.info("New execution started - [workbook_name = '%s', "
"task_name = '%s']" % (workbook_name, task_name))
# Persist execution and tasks in DB.
workbook = self._get_workbook(workbook_name)
execution = self._create_execution(workbook_name, task_name,
# Create the whole tree of tasks required by target task, including
# target task itself.
tasks = self._create_tasks(
workflow.find_workflow_tasks(workbook, task_name),
workbook_name, execution.id
# Create a list of tasks that can be executed immediately (have
# their requirements satisfied, or, at that point, rather don't
# have them at all) along with the list of tasks that require some
# delay before they'll be executed.
tasks_to_start, delayed_tasks = workflow.find_resolved_tasks(tasks)
# Populate context with special variables such as `openstack` and
# `__execution`.
self._add_variables_to_data_flow_context(context, execution)
# Update task with new context and params.
executables = data_flow.prepare_tasks(tasks_to_start,
except Exception as e:
msg = "Failed to start workflow execution: %s" % e
raise exc.EngineException(msg)
for task in delayed_tasks:
self._schedule_run(workbook, task, context)
for task_id, action_name, action_params in executables:
self._run_task(task_id, action_name, action_params)
return execution.to_dict()
def stop_workflow_execution(self, cntx, **kwargs):
"""Stops the workflow execution with the given id.
:param cntx: a request context dict
:type cntx: dict
:param kwargs: a dict of method arguments
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Workflow execution.
execution_id = kwargs.get('execution_id')
return db_api.execution_update(
execution_id, {"state": states.STOPPED}
def convey_task_result(self, cntx, **kwargs):
"""Conveys task result to Mistral Engine.
This method should be used by clients of Mistral Engine to update
state of a task once task action has been performed. One of the
clients of this method is Mistral REST API server that receives
task result from the outside action handlers.
Note: calling this method serves an event notifying Mistral that
it possibly needs to move the workflow on, i.e. run other workflow
tasks for which all dependencies are satisfied.
:param cntx: a request context dict
:type cntx: dict
:param kwargs: a dict of method arguments
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Task.
task_id = kwargs.get('task_id')
state = kwargs.get('state')
result = kwargs.get('result')
# TODO(rakhmerov): validate state transition
task = db_api.task_get(task_id)
workbook = self._get_workbook(task.workbook_name)
if state == states.ERROR:
WF_TRACE.info("Task '%s' [%s -> %s]" %
(task.name, task.state, state))
WF_TRACE.info("Task '%s' [%s -> %s, result = %s]" %
(task.name, task.state, state, result))
action_name = spec_parser.get_task_spec(
if not a_m.get_action_class(action_name):
action = a_m.resolve_adhoc_action_name(workbook, action_name)
if not action:
msg = 'Unknown action [workbook=%s, action=%s]' % (
workbook, action_name)
raise exc.ActionException(msg)
result = a_m.convert_adhoc_action_result(workbook,
task_output = data_flow.get_task_output(task, result)
# Update task state.
task, context = self._update_task(workbook, task, state,
self._create_next_tasks(task, workbook)
# At that point, sqlalchemy tries to flush the changes in task
# to the db and, in some cases, hits sqlite database lock
# established by another thread of convey_task_results executed
# at the same time (for example, as a result of two std.echo
# tasks started one after another within the same self._run_task
# call). By separating the transaction into two, we creating a
# window of opportunity for task changes to be flushed. The
# possible ramifications are unclear at the moment and should be
# a subject of further review.
# TODO(rakhmerov): review the possibility to use a single
# transaction after switching to the db with better support of
# concurrency.
except Exception as e:
msg = "Failed to save task result: %s" % e
raise exc.EngineException(msg)
execution = db_api.execution_get(task.execution_id)
# Determine what tasks need to be started.
tasks = db_api.tasks_get(execution_id=execution.id)
new_exec_state = self._determine_execution_state(execution, tasks)
if execution.state != new_exec_state:
"Execution '%s' [%s -> %s]" %
(execution.id, execution.state, new_exec_state)
execution = db_api.execution_update(execution.id, {
"state": new_exec_state
LOG.info("Changed execution state: %s" % execution)
# Create a list of tasks that can be executed immediately (have
# their requirements satisfied) along with the list of tasks that
# require some delay before they'll be executed.
tasks_to_start, delayed_tasks = workflow.find_resolved_tasks(tasks)
# Populate context with special variables such as `openstack` and
# `__execution`.
self._add_variables_to_data_flow_context(context, execution)
# Update task with new context and params.
executables = data_flow.prepare_tasks(tasks_to_start,
except Exception as e:
msg = "Failed to queue next batch of tasks: %s" % e
raise exc.EngineException(msg)
if states.is_stopped_or_finished(execution.state):
return task
for task in delayed_tasks:
self._schedule_run(workbook, task, context)
for task_id, action_name, action_params in executables:
self._run_task(task_id, action_name, action_params)
return task.to_dict()
def get_workflow_execution_state(self, cntx, **kwargs):
"""Gets the workflow execution state.
:param cntx: a request context dict
:type cntx: dict
:param kwargs: a dict of method arguments
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Current workflow state.
workbook_name = kwargs.get('workbook_name')
execution_id = kwargs.get('execution_id')
execution = db_api.execution_get(execution_id)
if not execution:
raise exc.EngineException("Workflow execution not found "
"[workbook_name=%s, execution_id=%s]"
% (workbook_name, execution_id))
return execution.state
def get_task_state(self, cntx, **kwargs):
"""Gets task state.
:param cntx: a request context dict
:type cntx: dict
:param kwargs: a dict of method arguments
:type kwargs: dict
:return: Current task state.
task_id = kwargs.get('task_id')
task = db_api.task_get(task_id)
if not task:
raise exc.EngineException("Task not found.")
return task.state
def _create_execution(cls, workbook_name, task_name, context):
return db_api.execution_create(workbook_name, {
"workbook_name": workbook_name,
"task": task_name,
"state": states.RUNNING,
"context": context
def _add_variables_to_data_flow_context(cls, df_ctx, execution):
db_workbook = db_api.workbook_get(execution.workbook_name)
data_flow.add_openstack_data_to_context(df_ctx, db_workbook)
data_flow.add_execution_to_context(df_ctx, execution)
def _create_next_tasks(cls, task, workbook):
tasks = workflow.find_tasks_after_completion(task, workbook)
db_tasks = cls._create_tasks(tasks, workbook, task.workbook_name,
return workflow.find_resolved_tasks(db_tasks)
def _create_tasks(cls, task_list, workbook, workbook_name, execution_id):
tasks = {}
for task in task_list:
state, task_runtime_context = retry.get_task_runtime(task)
action_spec = workbook.get_action(task.get_full_action_name())
db_task = db_api.task_create(execution_id, {
"name": task.name,
"requires": [tasks[name].id for name
in task.get_requires()],
"task_spec": task.to_dict(),
"action_spec": {} if not action_spec
else action_spec.to_dict(),
"state": state,
"tags": task.get_property("tags", None),
"task_runtime_context": task_runtime_context,
"workbook_name": workbook_name
tasks[db_task.name] = db_task
return tasks.values()
def _get_workbook(cls, workbook_name):
wb = db_api.workbook_get(workbook_name)
return spec_parser.get_workbook_spec_from_yaml(wb.definition)
def _determine_execution_state(cls, execution, tasks):
if workflow.is_error(tasks):
return states.ERROR
if workflow.is_success(tasks) or workflow.is_finished(tasks):
return states.SUCCESS
return execution.state
def _update_task(cls, workbook, task, state, task_output):
"""Update the task with the runtime information. The outbound_context
for this task is also calculated.
:return: task, outbound_context. task is the updated task and
computed outbound context.
task_spec = workbook.tasks.get(task.name)
task_runtime_context = task.task_runtime_context
# Compute the outbound_context, state and exec_flow_context.
outbound_context = data_flow.get_outbound_context(task, task_output)
state, task_runtime_context = retry.get_task_runtime(
task_spec, state, outbound_context, task_runtime_context)
# Update the task.
update_values = {
"state": state,
"output": task_output,
"task_runtime_context": task_runtime_context
task = db_api.task_update(task["id"], update_values)
return task, outbound_context
def _schedule_run(self, workbook, task, outbound_context):
"""Schedules task to run after the delay defined in the task
specification. If no delay is specified this method is a no-op.
# TODO(rakhmerov): Reavaluate parameter 'context' once it's clear
# how to work with trust chains correctly in keystone
# (waiting for corresponding changes to be made).
def run_delayed_task(context):
"""Runs the delayed task. Performs all the steps required to setup
a task to run which are not already done. This is mostly code
copied over from convey_task_result.
:param context Mistral authentication context inherited from a
caller thread.
execution_id = task.execution_id
execution = db_api.execution_get(execution_id)
tasks = db_api.tasks_get(execution_id=execution_id)
# Change state from DELAYED to RUNNING.
WF_TRACE.info("Task '%s' [%s -> %s]" %
(task.name, task.state, states.RUNNING))
executables = data_flow.prepare_tasks([task],
if states.is_stopped_or_finished(execution.state):
for task_id, action_name, action_params in executables:
self._run_task(task_id, action_name, action_params)
task_spec = workbook.tasks.get(task.name)
retries, break_on, delay_sec = task_spec.get_retry_parameters()
if delay_sec > 0:
# Run the task after the specified delay.
eventlet.spawn_after(delay_sec, run_delayed_task,
LOG.warn("No delay specified for task(id=%s) name=%s. Not "
"scheduling for execution." % (task.id, task.name))
class EngineClient(object):
"""RPC client for the Engine."""
def __init__(self, transport):
"""Construct an RPC client for the Engine.
:param transport: a messaging transport handle
:type transport: Transport
serializer = auth_context.RpcContextSerializer(
target = messaging.Target(topic=cfg.CONF.engine.topic)
self._client = messaging.RPCClient(transport, target,
def start_workflow_execution(self, workbook_name, task_name, context=None):
"""Starts a workflow execution based on the specified workbook name
and target task.
:param workbook_name: Workbook name
:param task_name: Target task name
:param context: Execution context which defines a workflow input
:return: Workflow execution.
kwargs = {
'workbook_name': workbook_name,
'task_name': task_name,
'context': context
return self._client.call(
def stop_workflow_execution(self, workbook_name, execution_id):
"""Stops the workflow execution with the given id.
:param workbook_name: Workbook name.
:param execution_id: Workflow execution id.
:return: Workflow execution.
kwargs = {
'workbook_name': workbook_name,
'execution_id': execution_id
return self._client.call(
def convey_task_result(self, task_id, state, result):
"""Conveys task result to Mistral Engine.
This method should be used by clients of Mistral Engine to update
state of a task once task action has been performed. One of the
clients of this method is Mistral REST API server that receives
task result from the outside action handlers.
Note: calling this method serves an event notifying Mistral that
it possibly needs to move the workflow on, i.e. run other workflow
tasks for which all dependencies are satisfied.
:param task_id: Task id.
:param state: New task state.
:param result: Task result data.
:return: Task.
kwargs = {
'task_id': task_id,
'state': state,
'result': result
return self._client.call(
def get_workflow_execution_state(self, workbook_name, execution_id):
"""Gets the workflow execution state.
:param workbook_name: Workbook name.
:param execution_id: Workflow execution id.
:return: Current workflow state.
kwargs = {
'workbook_name': workbook_name,
'execution_id': execution_id
return self._client.call(
def get_task_state(self, workbook_name, execution_id, task_id):
"""Gets task state.
:param workbook_name: Workbook name.
:param execution_id: Workflow execution id.
:param task_id: Task id.
:return: Current task state.
kwargs = {
'workbook_name': workbook_name,
'executioin_id': execution_id,
'task_id': task_id
return self._client.call(