# (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # stdlib from collections import defaultdict import itertools import re import socket import time from xmlrpc import client as xmlrpc_client # 3p import supervisor.xmlrpc # project import monasca_agent.collector.checks as checks DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost' DEFAULT_PORT = '9001' DEFAULT_SOCKET_IP = '' STATUS = { 'STOPPED': 'CRITICAL', 'STARTING': 'UNKNOWN', 'RUNNING': 'OK', 'BACKOFF': 'CRITICAL', 'STOPPING': 'CRITICAL', 'EXITED': 'CRITICAL', 'FATAL': 'CRITICAL', 'UNKNOWN': 'UNKNOWN' } PROCESS_STATUS = { 'CRITICAL': 'down', 'OK': 'up', 'UNKNOWN': 'unknown' } PROCESS_STATE = { 'CRITICAL': 0, 'OK': 1, 'UNKNOWN': -1 } SERVER_STATE = { 'DOWN': 1, 'UP': 0 } SERVER_TAG = 'supervisord_server' PROCESS_TAG = 'supervisord_process' def _format_time(x): return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(x)) SERVER_SERVICE_CHECK = 'supervisord.can_connect' PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK = 'supervisord.process.status' PROCESS_UP_TIME_CHECK = 'supervisord.process.uptime' PROCESS_COUNT_UP_CHECK = 'supervisord.process.count.status_up' PROCESS_COUNT_DOWN_CHECK = 'supervisord.process.count.status_down' PROCESS_COUNT_UNKNOWN_CHECK = 'supervisord.process.count.status_unknown' class Supervisord(checks.AgentCheck): def check(self, instance): server_name = instance.get('name') proc_details_check = instance.get('proc_details_check', True) if proc_details_check in ['False', 'false']: proc_details_check = False proc_uptime_check = instance.get('proc_uptime_check', True) if proc_uptime_check in ['False', 'false']: proc_uptime_check = False if not server_name or not server_name.strip(): raise Exception("Supervisor server name not specified in yaml configuration.") dimensions = self._set_dimensions({'server_name': server_name}, instance) supe = self._connect(instance) count_by_status = defaultdict(int) # Gather all process information try: processes = supe.getAllProcessInfo() except xmlrpc_client.Fault as error: raise Exception( 'An error occurred while reading process information: %s %s' % (error.faultCode, error.faultString) ) except socket.error: host = instance.get('host', DEFAULT_HOST) port = instance.get('port', DEFAULT_PORT) sock = instance.get('socket') if sock is None: msg = 'Cannot connect to http://%s:%s. ' \ 'Make sure supervisor is running and XML-RPC ' \ 'inet interface is enabled.' % (host, port) else: msg = 'Cannot connect to %s. Make sure sure supervisor ' \ 'is running and socket is enabled and socket file' \ ' has the right permissions.' % sock server_details = {'server_details': msg} self.gauge(SERVER_SERVICE_CHECK, SERVER_STATE['DOWN'], dimensions=dimensions, value_meta=server_details) raise Exception(msg) except xmlrpc_client.ProtocolError as error: if error.errcode == 401: # authorization error msg = 'Username or password to %s are incorrect.' % server_name else: msg = "An error occurred while connecting to %s: "\ "%s %s " % (server_name, error.errcode, error.errmsg) server_details = {'server_details': msg} self.gauge(SERVER_SERVICE_CHECK, SERVER_STATE['DOWN'], dimensions=dimensions, value_meta=server_details) raise Exception(msg) # If we're here, we were able to connect to the server self.gauge(SERVER_SERVICE_CHECK, SERVER_STATE['UP'], dimensions=dimensions) # Filter monitored processes on configuration directives proc_regex = instance.get('proc_regex', []) if not isinstance(proc_regex, list): raise Exception("Invalid proc_regex.") proc_names = instance.get('proc_names', []) if not isinstance(proc_names, list): raise Exception("Invalid proc_names.") # Collect information on each monitored process monitored_processes = [] # monitor all processes if no filters were specified if len(proc_regex) == 0 and len(proc_names) == 0: monitored_processes = processes for pattern, process in itertools.product(proc_regex, processes): try: if re.match(pattern, process['name']) and process not in monitored_processes: monitored_processes.append(process) except re.error: raise for process in processes: if process['name'] in proc_names and process not in monitored_processes: monitored_processes.append(process) # Report service checks and uptime for each process for proc in monitored_processes: proc_name = proc['name'] dimensions[PROCESS_TAG] = proc_name # Retrieve status and update status count status = STATUS[proc['statename']] count_by_status[status] += 1 # Report process details if proc_details_check: msg = self._build_message(proc) self.log.info('process details: %s' % msg) self.gauge(PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK, PROCESS_STATE[status], dimensions=dimensions) # Report Uptime if proc_uptime_check: uptime = self._extract_uptime(proc) self.gauge(PROCESS_UP_TIME_CHECK, uptime, dimensions=dimensions) dimensions.pop(PROCESS_TAG, None) # Report counts by status self.gauge(PROCESS_COUNT_UP_CHECK, count_by_status['OK'], dimensions=dimensions) self.gauge(PROCESS_COUNT_DOWN_CHECK, count_by_status['CRITICAL'], dimensions=dimensions) self.gauge(PROCESS_COUNT_UNKNOWN_CHECK, count_by_status['UNKNOWN'], dimensions=dimensions) @staticmethod def _connect(instance): sock = instance.get('socket') if sock is not None: host = instance.get('host', DEFAULT_SOCKET_IP) transport = supervisor.xmlrpc.SupervisorTransport(None, None, sock) server = xmlrpc_client.ServerProxy(host, transport=transport) else: host = instance.get('host', DEFAULT_HOST) port = instance.get('port', DEFAULT_PORT) user = instance.get('user') password = instance.get('pass') auth = '%s:%s@' % (user, password) if user and password else '' server = xmlrpc_client.Server('http://%s%s:%s/RPC2' % (auth, host, port)) return server.supervisor @staticmethod def _extract_uptime(proc): start, now = int(proc['start']), int(proc['now']) status = proc['statename'] active_state = status in ['BACKOFF', 'RUNNING', 'STOPPING'] return now - start if active_state else 0 @staticmethod def _build_message(proc): start, stop, now = int(proc['start']), int(proc['stop']), int(proc['now']) proc['now_str'] = _format_time(now) proc['start_str'] = _format_time(start) proc['stop_str'] = '' if stop == 0 else _format_time(stop) return """Current time: %(now_str)s Process name: %(name)s Process group: %(group)s Description: %(description)s Error log file: %(stderr_logfile)s Stdout log file: %(stdout_logfile)s Log file: %(logfile)s State: %(statename)s Start time: %(start_str)s Stop time: %(stop_str)s Exit Status: %(exitstatus)s""" % proc