# MoNanas/GettingStarted This section serves as a user guide and helps you to get started with MoNanas. For developer guide, see: [MoNanas/DevGuide](dev_guide.md). > Note: `$XXX_HOME` indicates the root directory where the corresponding project resides. For example, `$KAFKA_HOME` refers to where Kafka's source files have been extracted to. ## Pre-requisites * Python (>= v.2.7.6) * Apache Spark (>= v.1.6.1) * Apache Kafka (>= v. - this comes with Apache Zookeeper. * Vagrant (for development environment or testing MoNanas only). > Note: Newer versions of these software/tools should be compatible, but are not tested so nothing is guaranteed. ## Installation * Clone MoNanas repo: https://github.com/openstack/monasca-analytics ### Everything on Host The easiest way to install everything on a physical host is through our provided script, `fetch-deps.sh` located in `$MONANAS_HOME`. ### Everything on VM MoNanas comes with a Vagrantfile for quick deployment. For more information, see: [MoNanas/DevGuide](dev_guide.md). ## Usage * Start Apache ZooKeeper1 ```bash $KAFKA_HOME/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh \ $KAFKA_HOME/config/zookeeper.properties ``` * Start Apache Kafka1 ```bash $KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-server-start.sh \ $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties ``` * Start MoNanas with your configuration ```bash python $MONANAS_HOME/run.py -p $SPARK_HOME -c \ -l ``` e.g. ```bash python $HOME/monanas/run.py -p $HOME/spark -c $HOME/monanas/config/config.json \ -l $HOME/monanas/config/logging.json ``` > Note: 1. Only when `KafkaSource` or `KafkaSink` is used in your processes. ## Configurations MoNanas consumes two configuration files, one for orchestrating data execution and the other for logging. A Domain Specific Language (DSL) has been implemented in order to manipulate configurations. Please, see [MoNanas/Configuration](configuration.md) for more details on MoNanas configuration; and [MoNanas/Banana](banana.md) for more details on `banana` the language to write recipes. ## Examples To run examples and see how MoNanas works step-by-step, see: [MoNanas/Examples](examples.md)