ARG DOCKER_IMAGE=monasca/api ARG APP_REPO= # Branch, tag or git hash to build from. ARG REPO_VERSION=master ARG CONSTRAINTS_BRANCH=master # Extra Python3 dependencies. # gevent is not in upper constrains and v1.3.6 is not working with # older greenlet. ARG EXTRA_DEPS="gunicorn gevent==1.3.5 python-memcached influxdb" # Always start from `monasca-base` image and use specific tag of it. ARG BASE_TAG=master FROM monasca/base:$BASE_TAG # Environment variables used for our service or wait scripts. ENV \ KAFKA_URI=kafka:9092 \ KAFKA_WAIT_FOR_TOPICS=alarm-state-transitions,metrics \ MONASCA_CONTAINER_API_PORT=8070 \ INFLUX_HOST=influxdb \ INFLUX_PORT=8086 \ INFLUX_USER=mon_api \ INFLUX_PASSWORD=password \ INFLUX_DB=mon \ MYSQL_HOST=mysql \ MYSQL_USER=monapi \ MYSQL_PASSWORD=password \ MYSQL_DB=mon \ MEMCACHED_URI=memcached:11211 \ KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_URI=http://keystone:35357 \ KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI=http://keystone:5000 \ KEYSTONE_ADMIN_USER=admin \ KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=secretadmin \ KEYSTONE_ADMIN_TENANT=admin \ KEYSTONE_ADMIN_DOMAIN=default \ GUNICORN_WORKERS=9 \ GUNICORN_WORKER_CLASS=gevent \ GUNICORN_WORKER_CONNECTIONS=2000 \ GUNICORN_BACKLOG=1000 \ GUNICORN_TIMEOUT=10 \ ADD_ACCESS_LOG=true \ ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT="%(asctime)s [%(process)d] gunicorn.access [%(levelname)s] %(message)s" \ ACCESS_LOG_FIELDS='%(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s %(r)s %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s" %(L)s' \ LOG_LEVEL_ROOT=WARN \ LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE=INFO \ LOG_LEVEL_ACCESS=INFO \ STAY_ALIVE_ON_FAILURE=false # Copy all neccessary files to proper locations. COPY api-* /etc/monasca/ COPY monasca-api.conf.j2 /etc/monasca/ # Run here all additionals steps your service need post installation. # Stay with only one `RUN` and use `&& \` for next steps to don't create # unnecessary image layers. Clean at the end to conserve space. #RUN \ # echo "Some steps to do after main installation." && \ # echo "Hello when building." # Expose port for specific service. EXPOSE ${MONASCA_CONTAINER_API_PORT} # Implement start script in `` file. CMD ["/"]