# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from kafka import client from kafka import common from kafka import consumer from kafka import producer from oslo.config import cfg import time try: import ujson as json except ImportError: import json from monasca.openstack.common import log LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class KafkaConnection(object): def __init__(self): if not cfg.CONF.kafka.uri: raise Exception('Kafka is not configured correctly! ' 'Use configuration file to specify Kafka ' 'uri, for example: ' 'uri=') self.uri = cfg.CONF.kafka.uri self.topic = cfg.CONF.kafka.topic self.group = cfg.CONF.kafka.group self.wait_time = cfg.CONF.kafka.wait_time self.async = cfg.CONF.kafka.async self.ack_time = cfg.CONF.kafka.ack_time self.max_retry = cfg.CONF.kafka.max_retry self.auto_commit = cfg.CONF.kafka.auto_commit self.compact = cfg.CONF.kafka.compact self.partitions = cfg.CONF.kafka.partitions self.drop_data = cfg.CONF.kafka.drop_data self._client = None self._consumer = None self._producer = None LOG.debug('Kafka Connection initialized successfully!') def _init_client(self, wait_time=None): for i in range(self.max_retry): try: # if there is a client instance, but _init_client is called # again, most likely the connection has gone stale, close that # connection and reconnect. if self._client: self._client.close() if not wait_time: wait_time = self.wait_time time.sleep(wait_time) self._client = client.KafkaClient(self.uri) # when a client is re-initialized, existing consumer should be # reset as well. self._consumer = None self._producer = None LOG.debug("Successfully connected to Kafka server at topic: " "\"%s\" partitions %s" % (self.topic, self.partitions)) break except common.KafkaUnavailableError: LOG.error('Kafka server at %s is down.' % self.uri) except common.LeaderNotAvailableError: LOG.error('Kafka at %s has no leader available.' % self.uri) except Exception: LOG.error('Kafka at %s initialization failed.' % self.uri) # Wait a bit and try again to get a client time.sleep(self.wait_time) def _init_consumer(self): try: if not self._client: self._init_client() self._consumer = consumer.SimpleConsumer( self._client, self.group, self.topic, auto_commit=self.auto_commit, partitions=self.partitions) LOG.debug('Consumer was created successfully.') except Exception: self._consumer = None LOG.exception('Kafka (%s) consumer can not be created.' % self.uri) def _init_producer(self): try: if not self._client: self._init_client() self._producer = producer.SimpleProducer( self._client, async=self.async, ack_timeout=self.ack_time) LOG.debug('Producer was created successfully.') except Exception: self._producer = None LOG.exception('Kafka (%s) producer can not be created.' % self.uri) def commit(self): if self._consumer and self.auto_commit: self._consumer.commit() def close(self): if self._client: self._consumer = None self._producer = None self._client.close() def get_messages(self): try: if not self._consumer: self._init_consumer() for message in self._consumer: LOG.debug(message.message.value) yield message except Exception: LOG.error('Error occurred while handling kafka messages.') self._consumer = None yield None def send_messages(self, messages): LOG.debug('Prepare to send messages.') if not messages or self.drop_data: return 204 code = 400 try: if not self._producer: self._init_producer() LOG.debug('Start sending messages to kafka.') if self.compact: self._producer.send_messages(self.topic, messages) else: data = json.loads(messages) LOG.debug('Msg parsed successfully.') if isinstance(data, list): for item in data: self._producer.send_messages( self.topic, json.dumps(item)) else: self._producer.send_messages(self.topic, messages) LOG.debug('Message posted successfully.') code = 204 except (common.KafkaUnavailableError, common.LeaderNotAvailableError): self._client = None code = 503 LOG.exception('Error occurred while posting data to ' 'Kafka.') except ValueError: code = 406 LOG.exception('Message %s is not valid json.' % messages) except Exception: code = 500 LOG.exception('Unknown error.') return code