# Introduction The Monasca Tempest Tests use the [OpenStack Tempest Plugin Interface](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/plugin.html). This README describes how to configure and run them using a variety of methods. Currently monasca-vagrant is used to run tests. This document will be updated when switch the environment to DevStack. # Configuring to run the Monasca Tempest Tests 1. Clone the OpenStack Tempest repo, and cd to it. ``` git clone https://github.com/openstack/tempest.git cd tempest ``` 2. Create a virtualenv for running the Tempest tests and activate it. For example in the Tempest root dir ``` virtualenv .venv source .venv/bin/activate ``` 3. Install the Tempest requirements in the virtualenv. ``` pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt pip install nose ``` 4. Create ```etc/tempest.conf``` and ```etc/logging.conf``` in the Tempest root dir. I believe the file ```etc/tempest.conf.sample``` can be copied to ```etc/tempest.conf```. Similarly for ```logging.conf```. Add the following sections to ```tempest.conf``` for testing using the monasca-vagrant environment. ``` [identity] username = mini-mon password = password tenant_name = mini-mon domain_name = default admin_username = admin admin_password = admin admin_domain_name = default admin_tenant_name = admin alt_username = mini-mon alt_password = password alt_tenant_name = mini-mon use_ssl = False auth_version = v3 uri = uri_v3 = [auth] allow_tenant_isolation = true tempest_roles = monasca-user ``` 5. Clone the monasca-api repo. 6. Install the monasca-api in your venv, which will also register the Monasca Tempest Plugin as, monasca_tests. ``` python setup.py install ``` See the [OpenStack Tempest Plugin Interface](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/plugin.html), for more details on Tempest Plugins and the plugin registration process. # Running the Monasca Tempest Tests The Monasca Tempest Tests can be run using a variety of methods including: 1. [Testr](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr) 2. [Os-testr](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/os-testr/) 3. [PyCharm]([Os-testr](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/) ## Run the tests from the CLI using testr [Testr](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr) is a test runner that can be used to run the Tempest tests. 1. In the Tempest root dir, create a list of the Monasca Tempest Tests in a file. ``` testr list-tests monasca_tempest_tests > monasca_tempest_tests ``` 2. Run the tests using testr ``` testr run --load-list=monasca_tempest_tests ``` You can also use testr to create a list of specific tests for your needs. ## Run the tests from the CLI using os-testr (no file necessary) [Os-testr](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/os-testr/) is a test wrapper that can be used to run the Monasca Tempest tests. In the Tempest root dir: ``` ostestr --regex monasca_tempest_tests ``` ## Running/Debugging the Monasca Tempest Tests in PyCharm Assuming that you have already created a PyCharm project for the ```monasca-api``` do the following: 1. In PyCharm, Edit Configurations and add a new Python tests configuration by selecting Python tests->Nosetests. 2. Name the test. For example TestVersions. 3. Set the path to the script with the tests to run. For example, ~/repos/monasca-api/monasca_tempest_tests/api/test_versions.py 4. Set the name of the Class to test. For example TestVersions. 5. Set the working directory to your local root Tempest repo. For example, ~/repos/tempest. 6. Select the Python interpreter for your project to be the same as the one virtualenv created above. For example, ~/repos/tempest/.venv 7. Run the tests. You should also be able to debug them. 8. Step and repeat for other tests. # References This section provides a few additional references that might be useful: * [Tempest - The OpenStack Integration Test Suite](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/overview.html#quickstart) * [Tempest Configuration Guide](https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/doc/source/configuration.rst#id1) * [OpenStack Tempest Plugin Interface](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/plugin.html) In addition to the above references, another source of information is the following OpenStack projects: * [Manila Tempest Tests](https://github.com/openstack/manila/tree/master/manila_tempest_tests) * [Congress Tempest Tests](https://github.com/openstack/congress/tree/master/congress_tempest_tests). In particular, the Manila Tempest Tests were used as a reference implementation to develop the Monasca Tempest Tests. There is also a wiki [HOWTO use tempest with manila](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/docs/HOWTO_use_tempest_with_manila) that might be useful for Monasca too. # Issues * Update documentation for testing using Devstack when available. * Consider changing from monasca_tempest_tests to monasca_api_tempest_tests.