Roland Hochmuth 88cbf6b44b Add support for InfluxDB 0.11.0 to 1.1.0 in the Python API
In InfluxDB version 0.11.0 the result set for SHOW SERIES changed. See

Modifed the code to be compatible with either the old or new result

In InfluxDB version 1.0.0 the config file changed. See

Modified the config file deployed by DevStack to be compatible with either the
old or new config file.

In some other InfluxDB release several database ops, such as CREATE
DATABASE, were modified from http GET to POST. Modified how databases
are created in the DevStack

Change-Id: I33188f4e64150d2cb24c0a06979c06f03c803da4
2016-12-08 06:54:54 -07:00
influxdb Install schemas in DevStack 2015-09-25 15:36:15 -06:00
influxdb-1.0.0.conf Add support for InfluxDB 0.11.0 to 1.1.0 in the Python API 2016-12-08 06:54:54 -07:00
influxdb.conf Modify influx port to avoid conflict 2016-06-21 19:21:39 +00:00