Fabio Giannetti e2d679400d Fix Simulator Value to 0 that is converted to null
When the value in the simulator is set to zero it is converted to
a null in the publisher. Recently Monasca API has added a check
for the null values and it is rejecting the measurement.
This fixes the issue.

Note: Srinivas already submtted this patch but it does not show
up in github nor can be fetched (public key error)

Change-Id: Ic8e8d73f15c8f3790f7cf127c0bc14dfb816903b
2015-10-16 16:30:02 -07:00
.. Correct the Public Cloud Simulation load 2015-10-06 11:25:05 -07:00 Message Load Simulator for Ceilosca 2015-10-02 15:54:42 -07:00 Fix Tools Documentation 2015-10-06 14:13:24 -07:00 Fix Simulator Value to 0 that is converted to null 2015-10-16 16:30:02 -07:00

ceilosca message simulator

This is a message generator simulator cloned from oslo.messaging

Installation Instructions

  1. Create a virtual environment where to run the simulator.

    virtualenv simulator
  2. Activate the virtual environment.

    source simulator/bin/activate
  3. Install oslo.message

    pip install oslo.messaging
  4. Run the simulator

    python --url rabbit://stackrabbit:password@localhost notify-client -m 1 -s nova -a create -x tenant_id -r resource_id -d load_date

Note: The simulator has three main parameters:

-m number of message to be published

-s service. Currently nova, cinder and glance are supported.

-a action. Currently create and delete are supported.

-x tenant. Defines the tenant_id you want to use to assign the load.

-r resource. Defines the resource_id you want to use to assign the load

-d load_date. Defines the load date so then you can create load for a specific date.

Testing in a DevStack constrained environment with high load

Testing the system in a devstack environment is challenging when you want to go above millions of messages. For this reason we came up with a set of steps that simplify and allow stretching the envelope to achieve the required load.

The Public and Private simulation scripts are generating 7.5M. In order to successfully load the devstack with these amounts these are the recommended steps.

Memory change for monasca-api, monasca-persister, and remove keystone auth for ceilometer-api:

Increase memory for the monasca-api

sudo vim /etc/init/monasca-api.conf


exec /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 Xmx1g -cp /opt/monasca/monasca-api.jar:/opt/monasca/vertica/vertica_jdbc.jar monasca.api.MonApiApplication server /etc/monasca/api-config.yml


exec /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx4g -cp /opt/monasca/monasca-api.jar:/opt/monasca/vertica/vertica_jdbc.jar monasca.api.MonApiApplication server /etc/monasca/api-config.yml

Then re-start the Monasca API service

sudo service monasca-api restart

Increase memory for the monasca-persister

sudo vim /etc/init/monasca-persister.conf


exec /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 Xmx1g -cp /opt/monasca/monasca-persister.jar:/opt/monasca/vertica/vertica_jdbc.jar monasca.persister.PersisterApplication server /etc/monasca/persister-config.yml


exec /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx4g -cp /opt/monasca/monasca-persister.jar:/opt/monasca/vertica/vertica_jdbc.jar monasca.persister.PersisterApplication server /etc/monasca/persister-config.yml

Then re-start the Monasca Persister service.

sudo service monasca-persister restart

Remove ceilometer-api auth

sudo vim /etc/ceilometer/api_paste.ini


pipeline = request_id authtoken api-server


pipeline = request_id api-server

Then re-start the Ceilometer API.