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* (C) Copyright 2014-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package monasca.common.util.stats;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import monasca.common.util.Exceptions;
import monasca.common.util.time.TimeResolution;
* A time based sliding window containing statistics for a fixed number of slots of a fixed length.
* The window provides a fixed size view over the total number of slots in the window.
public class SlidingWindowStats {
private final TimeResolution timescale;
private final long slotWidth;
private final int numViewSlots;
private final long windowLength;
private final Slot[] slots;
private int windowBeginIndex;
private long viewEndTimestamp;
private long slotEndTimestamp;
private long windowEndTimestamp;
private static class Slot {
private long timestamp;
private Statistic stat;
private Slot(long timestamp, Statistic stat) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.stat = stat;
public String toString() {
return timestamp + "=" + stat;
* Creates a time based SlidingWindowStats containing a fixed {@code numViewSlots} representing a
* view up to the {@code viewEndTimestamp} (non-inclusive), and an additional
* {@code numFutureSlots} for timestamps beyond the window view.
* It is recommended to make the {@code viewEndTimestamp} one time unit more than the current time
* intended for the last view slot, so that as the window slides to the right any added values
* will slide all the way across the view.
* @param statType to calculate values for
* @param timeResolution to adjust timestamps with
* @param slotWidth time-based width of the slot
* @param numViewSlots the number of viewable slots
* @param numFutureSlots the number of future slots to allow values for
* @param viewEndTimestamp timestamp to end view at, non-inclusive
public SlidingWindowStats(Class<? extends Statistic> statType, TimeResolution timeResolution,
long slotWidth, int numViewSlots, int numFutureSlots, long viewEndTimestamp) {
this.timescale = timeResolution;
this.slotWidth = slotWidth;
this.numViewSlots = numViewSlots;
this.windowLength = (numViewSlots + numFutureSlots) * slotWidth;
this.viewEndTimestamp = timeResolution.adjust(viewEndTimestamp);
slotEndTimestamp = this.viewEndTimestamp;
windowEndTimestamp = this.viewEndTimestamp + (numFutureSlots * slotWidth);
slots = new Slot[numViewSlots + numFutureSlots];
long timestamp = windowEndTimestamp - slotWidth;
for (int i = numViewSlots + numFutureSlots - 1; i > -1; i--, timestamp -= slotWidth)
slots[i] = createSlot(timestamp, statType);
/** Returns a new slot for the {@code timestamp} and {@code statType}. */
private static Slot createSlot(long timestamp, Class<? extends Statistic> statType) {
try {
return new Slot(timestamp, statType.newInstance());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.uncheck(e, "Failed to initialize slot");
* Adds the {@code value} to the statistics for the slot associated with the {@code timestamp} and
* returns true, else returns false if the {@code timestamp} is outside of the window and
* {@code force} is false. If {@code force} is true, always add value to the first window
* @param value to add
* @param timestamp to add value for
* @param force if true, add value to first window
* @return true if the value was added else false if it the {@code timestamp} was outside the
* window and force was false
public boolean addValue(double value, long timestamp, boolean force) {
final int index;
if (force) {
index = 0;
} else {
index = indexOfTime(timescale.adjust(timestamp));
if (index == -1) {
return false;
slots[index].stat.addValue(value, timestamp);
return true;
* This will be deleted when all uses have changed to use the above method
* @param value
* @param timestamp
* @return
public boolean addValue(double value, long timestamp) {
return addValue(value, timestamp, false);
/** Returns the number of slots in the window. */
public int getSlotCount() {
return slots.length;
/** Returns the window's slot width. */
public long getSlotWidth() {
return slotWidth;
* Returns the timestamps represented by the current position of the sliding window increasing
* from oldest to newest.
public long[] getTimestamps() {
long[] timestamps = new long[numViewSlots];
long timestamp = windowEndTimestamp - ((slots.length - 1) * slotWidth);
for (int i = 0; i < numViewSlots; i++, timestamp += slotWidth)
timestamps[i] = timestamp;
return timestamps;
* Returns the value for the window slot associated with {@code timestamp}.
* @param timestamp to get value for
* @throws IllegalStateException if no value is within the window for the {@code timestamp}
public double getValue(long timestamp) {
timestamp = timescale.adjust(timestamp);
int index = indexOfTime(timestamp);
if (index == -1)
throw new IllegalStateException(timestamp + " is outside of the window");
return slots[index].stat.value();
* Returns the values for the window up to and including the {@code timestamp}. Values for
* uninitialized slots will be Double.NaN.
* @param timestamp to get value for
* @throws IllegalStateException if no value is within the window for the {@code timestamp}
public double[] getValuesUpTo(long timestamp) {
timestamp = timescale.adjust(timestamp);
int endIndex = indexOfTime(timestamp);
if (endIndex == -1)
throw new IllegalStateException(timestamp + " is outside of the window");
double[] values = new double[lengthToIndex(endIndex)];
for (int i = 0, index = windowBeginIndex; i < values.length; i++, index = indexAfter(index))
if (slots[index] != null)
values[i] = slots[index].stat.value();
return values;
* Returns the values of the sliding view increasing from oldest to newest.
public double[] getViewValues() {
double[] values = new double[numViewSlots];
for (int i = 0, index = windowBeginIndex; i < numViewSlots; i++, index = indexAfter(index))
if (slots[index] != null)
values[i] = slots[index].stat.value();
return values;
* Returns the values of the sliding window increasing from oldest to newest.
public double[] getWindowValues() {
double[] values = new double[slots.length];
for (int i = 0, index = windowBeginIndex; i < slots.length; i++, index = indexAfter(index))
if (slots[index] != null)
values[i] = slots[index].stat.value();
return values;
* See if this Window sh
* the way. Window should only be slid if {@code timestamp} is at least {@code minDelay} newer than the
* current window end time.
* @param timestamp slide view to
* @param minDelay window end time must be older than this value
public boolean shouldEvaluate(long timestamp, long minDelay) {
return timestamp > (viewEndTimestamp + minDelay);
* Slides window's view to the slot for the {@code timestamp}, erasing values for any slots along
* the way. Window should only be slid if {@code timestamp} is at least {@code minDelay} newer than the
* current window end time.
* @param timestamp slide view to
* @param minDelay window end time must be older than this value
public void slideViewTo(long timestamp, long minDelay) {
if (timestamp <= (viewEndTimestamp + minDelay)) {
long timeDiff = timestamp - slotEndTimestamp;
int slotsToAdvance = (int) (timeDiff / slotWidth);
slotsToAdvance += (timeDiff % slotWidth) > minDelay ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < slotsToAdvance; i++) {
windowBeginIndex = indexAfter(windowBeginIndex);
Slot slot = slots[indexOf(slots.length - 1)];
slot.timestamp = windowEndTimestamp;
slotEndTimestamp += slotWidth;
windowEndTimestamp += slotWidth;
viewEndTimestamp = viewEndTimestamp + slotsToAdvance * slotWidth;
* Returns a logical view of the sliding window with increasing timestamps from left to right.
public String toString() {
final int viewSlotsToDisplay = 3;
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("SlidingWindowStats ");
b.append(String.format("timescale = %s slotWidth = %d viewEndTimestamp = %d slotEndTimestamp = %d [(",
timescale, slotWidth, viewEndTimestamp, slotEndTimestamp));
int startIndex = numViewSlots > viewSlotsToDisplay ? numViewSlots - viewSlotsToDisplay : 0;
if (startIndex != 0)
b.append("... ");
int index = indexOf(startIndex);
for (int i = startIndex; i < slots.length; i++, index = indexAfter(index)) {
if (i == numViewSlots)
b.append("), ");
else if (i != startIndex)
b.append(", ");
return b.append(']').toString();
* Returns the physical index of the logical {@code slotIndex} calculated from the
* {@code windowBeginIndex}.
int indexOf(int slotIndex) {
int offset = windowBeginIndex + slotIndex;
if (offset >= slots.length)
offset -= slots.length;
return offset;
* Returns physical index of the slot associated with the {@code timestamp}, else -1 if the
* {@code timestamp} is outside of the window. Slots increase in time from left to right,
* wrapping.
int indexOfTime(long timestamp) {
if (timestamp < windowEndTimestamp) {
long windowStartTimestamp = windowEndTimestamp - windowLength;
int timeDiff = (int) (timestamp - windowStartTimestamp);
if (timeDiff >= 0) {
int logicalIndex = (int) (timeDiff / slotWidth);
return indexOf(logicalIndex);
return -1;
/** Returns the length of the window up to and including the physical {@code slotIndex}. */
int lengthToIndex(int slotIndex) {
if (windowBeginIndex <= slotIndex)
return slotIndex - windowBeginIndex + 1;
return slotIndex + slots.length - windowBeginIndex + 1;
/** Returns the physical index for the slot logically positioned after the {@code index}. */
private int indexAfter(int index) {
return ++index == slots.length ? 0 : index;