
677 lines
27 KiB

import collections
import copy
import functools
import logging
import select
import time
import monasca_common.kafka_lib.common as kafka_common
from monasca_common.kafka_lib.common import (TopicAndPartition, BrokerMetadata,
ConnectionError, FailedPayloadsError,
KafkaTimeoutError, KafkaUnavailableError,
LeaderNotAvailableError, UnknownTopicOrPartitionError,
NotLeaderForPartitionError, ReplicaNotAvailableError)
from monasca_common.kafka_lib.conn import collect_hosts, KafkaConnection, DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
from monasca_common.kafka_lib.protocol import KafkaProtocol
from monasca_common.kafka_lib.util import kafka_bytestring
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KafkaClient(object):
CLIENT_ID = b'kafka-python'
# NOTE: The timeout given to the client should always be greater than the
# one passed to SimpleConsumer.get_message(), otherwise you can get a
# socket timeout.
def __init__(self, hosts, client_id=CLIENT_ID,
# We need one connection to bootstrap
self.client_id = kafka_bytestring(client_id)
self.timeout = timeout
self.hosts = collect_hosts(hosts)
self.correlation_id = correlation_id
# create connections only when we need them
self.conns = {}
self.brokers = {} # broker_id -> BrokerMetadata
self.topics_to_brokers = {} # TopicAndPartition -> BrokerMetadata
self.topic_partitions = {} # topic -> partition -> PartitionMetadata
self.load_metadata_for_topics() # bootstrap with all metadata
# Private API #
def _get_conn(self, host, port):
"""Get or create a connection to a broker using host and port"""
host_key = (host, port)
if host_key not in self.conns:
self.conns[host_key] = KafkaConnection(
return self.conns[host_key]
def _get_leader_for_partition(self, topic, partition):
Returns the leader for a partition or None if the partition exists
but has no leader.
UnknownTopicOrPartitionError will be raised if the topic or partition
is not part of the metadata.
LeaderNotAvailableError is raised if server has metadata, but there is
no current leader
key = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
# Use cached metadata if it is there
if self.topics_to_brokers.get(key) is not None:
return self.topics_to_brokers[key]
# Otherwise refresh metadata
# If topic does not already exist, this will raise
# UnknownTopicOrPartitionError if not auto-creating
# LeaderNotAvailableError otherwise until partitions are created
# If the partition doesn't actually exist, raise
if partition not in self.topic_partitions.get(topic, []):
raise UnknownTopicOrPartitionError(key)
# If there's no leader for the partition, raise
meta = self.topic_partitions[topic][partition]
if meta.leader == -1:
raise LeaderNotAvailableError(meta)
# Otherwise return the BrokerMetadata
return self.brokers[meta.leader]
def _get_coordinator_for_group(self, group):
Returns the coordinator broker for a consumer group.
ConsumerCoordinatorNotAvailableCode will be raised if the coordinator
does not currently exist for the group.
OffsetsLoadInProgressCode is raised if the coordinator is available
but is still loading offsets from the internal topic
resp = self.send_consumer_metadata_request(group)
# If there's a problem with finding the coordinator, raise the
# provided error
# Otherwise return the BrokerMetadata
return BrokerMetadata(resp.nodeId,, resp.port)
def _next_id(self):
"""Generate a new correlation id"""
# modulo to keep w/i int32
self.correlation_id = (self.correlation_id + 1) % 2**31
return self.correlation_id
def _send_broker_unaware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
Attempt to send a broker-agnostic request to one of the available
brokers. Keep trying until you succeed.
for (host, port) in self.hosts:
requestId = self._next_id()
log.debug('Request %s: %s', requestId, payloads)
conn = self._get_conn(host, port)
request = encoder_fn(client_id=self.client_id,
conn.send(requestId, request)
response = conn.recv(requestId)
decoded = decoder_fn(response)
log.debug('Response %s: %s', requestId, decoded)
return decoded
except Exception:
log.exception('Error sending request [%s] to server %s:%s, '
'trying next server', requestId, host, port)
raise KafkaUnavailableError('All servers failed to process request')
def _send_broker_aware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
Group a list of request payloads by topic+partition and send them to
the leader broker for that partition using the supplied encode/decode
payloads: list of object-like entities with a topic (str) and
partition (int) attribute; payloads with duplicate topic-partitions
are not supported.
encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
keyword arguments
decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
The response objects must be object-like and have topic
and partition attributes
List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
# encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
# so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]
# Group the requests by topic+partition
brokers_for_payloads = []
payloads_by_broker = collections.defaultdict(list)
responses = {}
for payload in payloads:
leader = self._get_leader_for_partition(payload.topic,
except KafkaUnavailableError as e:
log.warning('KafkaUnavailableError attempting to send request '
'on topic %s partition %d', payload.topic, payload.partition)
topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)
# For each broker, send the list of request payloads
# and collect the responses and errors
broker_failures = []
# For each KafkaConnection keep the real socket so that we can use
# a select to perform unblocking I/O
connections_by_socket = {}
for broker, payloads in payloads_by_broker.items():
requestId = self._next_id()
log.debug('Request %s to %s: %s', requestId, broker, payloads)
request = encoder_fn(client_id=self.client_id,
correlation_id=requestId, payloads=payloads)
# Send the request, recv the response
conn = self._get_conn('utf-8'), broker.port)
conn.send(requestId, request)
except ConnectionError as e:
log.warning('ConnectionError attempting to send request %s '
'to server %s: %s', requestId, broker, e)
for payload in payloads:
topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)
# No exception, try to get response
# decoder_fn=None signal that the server is expected to not
# send a response. This probably only applies to
# ProduceRequest w/ acks = 0
if decoder_fn is None:
log.debug('Request %s does not expect a response '
'(skipping conn.recv)', requestId)
for payload in payloads:
topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
responses[topic_partition] = None
connections_by_socket[conn.get_connected_socket()] = (conn, broker, requestId)
conn = None
while connections_by_socket:
sockets = connections_by_socket.keys()
rlist, _, _ =, [], [], None)
conn, broker, requestId = connections_by_socket.pop(rlist[0])
response = conn.recv(requestId)
except ConnectionError as e:
log.warning('ConnectionError attempting to receive a '
'response to request %s from server %s: %s',
requestId, broker, e)
for payload in payloads_by_broker[broker]:
topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)
_resps = []
for payload_response in decoder_fn(response):
topic_partition = (payload_response.topic,
responses[topic_partition] = payload_response
log.debug('Response %s: %s', requestId, _resps)
# Connection errors generally mean stale metadata
# although sometimes it means incorrect api request
# Unfortunately there is no good way to tell the difference
# so we'll just reset metadata on all errors to be safe
if broker_failures:
# Return responses in the same order as provided
return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
def _send_consumer_aware_request(self, group, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
Send a list of requests to the consumer coordinator for the group
specified using the supplied encode/decode functions. As the payloads
that use consumer-aware requests do not contain the group (e.g.
OffsetFetchRequest), all payloads must be for a single group.
group: the name of the consumer group (str) the payloads are for
payloads: list of object-like entities with topic (str) and
partition (int) attributes; payloads with duplicate
topic+partition are not supported.
encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
keyword arguments
decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
The response objects must be object-like and have topic
and partition attributes
List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
# encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
# so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]
broker = self._get_coordinator_for_group(group)
# Send the list of request payloads and collect the responses and
# errors
responses = {}
requestId = self._next_id()
log.debug('Request %s to %s: %s', requestId, broker, payloads)
request = encoder_fn(client_id=self.client_id,
correlation_id=requestId, payloads=payloads)
# Send the request, recv the response
conn = self._get_conn('utf-8'), broker.port)
conn.send(requestId, request)
except ConnectionError as e:
log.warning('ConnectionError attempting to send request %s '
'to server %s: %s', requestId, broker, e)
for payload in payloads:
topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)
# No exception, try to get response
# decoder_fn=None signal that the server is expected to not
# send a response. This probably only applies to
# ProduceRequest w/ acks = 0
if decoder_fn is None:
log.debug('Request %s does not expect a response '
'(skipping conn.recv)', requestId)
for payload in payloads:
topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
responses[topic_partition] = None
return []
response = conn.recv(requestId)
except ConnectionError as e:
log.warning('ConnectionError attempting to receive a '
'response to request %s from server %s: %s',
requestId, broker, e)
for payload in payloads:
topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)
_resps = []
for payload_response in decoder_fn(response):
topic_partition = (payload_response.topic,
responses[topic_partition] = payload_response
log.debug('Response %s: %s', requestId, _resps)
# Return responses in the same order as provided
return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
def __repr__(self):
return '<KafkaClient client_id=%s>' % (self.client_id)
def _raise_on_response_error(self, resp):
# Response can be an unraised exception object (FailedPayloadsError)
if isinstance(resp, Exception):
raise resp
# Or a server api error response
except (UnknownTopicOrPartitionError, NotLeaderForPartitionError):
# Return False if no error to enable list comprehensions
return False
# Public API #
def close(self):
for conn in self.conns.values():
def copy(self):
Create an inactive copy of the client object, suitable for passing
to a separate thread.
Note that the copied connections are not initialized, so reinit() must
be called on the returned copy.
c = copy.deepcopy(self)
for key in c.conns:
c.conns[key] = self.conns[key].copy()
return c
def reinit(self):
for conn in self.conns.values():
def reset_topic_metadata(self, *topics):
for topic in topics:
for topic_partition in list(self.topics_to_brokers.keys()):
if topic_partition.topic == topic:
del self.topics_to_brokers[topic_partition]
if topic in self.topic_partitions:
del self.topic_partitions[topic]
def reset_all_metadata(self):
def has_metadata_for_topic(self, topic):
topic = kafka_bytestring(topic)
return (
topic in self.topic_partitions
and len(self.topic_partitions[topic]) > 0
def get_partition_ids_for_topic(self, topic):
topic = kafka_bytestring(topic)
if topic not in self.topic_partitions:
return []
return sorted(list(self.topic_partitions[topic]))
def topics(self):
return list(self.topic_partitions.keys())
def ensure_topic_exists(self, topic, timeout = 30):
start_time = time.time()
while not self.has_metadata_for_topic(topic):
if time.time() > start_time + timeout:
raise KafkaTimeoutError('Unable to create topic {0}'.format(topic))
except LeaderNotAvailableError:
except UnknownTopicOrPartitionError:
# Server is not configured to auto-create
# retrying in this case will not help
def load_metadata_for_topics(self, *topics):
Fetch broker and topic-partition metadata from the server,
and update internal data:
broker list, topic/partition list, and topic/parition -> broker map
This method should be called after receiving any error
*topics (optional): If a list of topics is provided,
the metadata refresh will be limited to the specified topics only.
If the broker is configured to not auto-create topics,
expect UnknownTopicOrPartitionError for topics that don't exist
If the broker is configured to auto-create topics,
expect LeaderNotAvailableError for new topics
until partitions have been initialized.
Exceptions *will not* be raised in a full refresh (i.e. no topic list)
In this case, error codes will be logged as errors
Partition-level errors will also not be raised here
(a single partition w/o a leader, for example)
topics = [kafka_bytestring(t) for t in topics]
if topics:
for topic in topics:
resp = self.send_metadata_request(topics)
log.debug('Updating broker metadata: %s', resp.brokers)
log.debug('Updating topic metadata: %s', resp.topics)
self.brokers = dict([(broker.nodeId, broker)
for broker in resp.brokers])
for topic_metadata in resp.topics:
topic = topic_metadata.topic
partitions = topic_metadata.partitions
# Errors expected for new topics
except (UnknownTopicOrPartitionError, LeaderNotAvailableError) as e:
# Raise if the topic was passed in explicitly
if topic in topics:
# Otherwise, just log a warning
log.error('Error loading topic metadata for %s: %s', topic, type(e))
self.topic_partitions[topic] = {}
for partition_metadata in partitions:
partition = partition_metadata.partition
leader = partition_metadata.leader
self.topic_partitions[topic][partition] = partition_metadata
# Populate topics_to_brokers dict
topic_part = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
# Check for partition errors
# If No Leader, topics_to_brokers topic_partition -> None
except LeaderNotAvailableError:
log.error('No leader for topic %s partition %d', topic, partition)
self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = None
# If one of the replicas is unavailable -- ignore
# this error code is provided for admin purposes only
# we never talk to replicas, only the leader
except ReplicaNotAvailableError:
log.debug('Some (non-leader) replicas not available for topic %s partition %d', topic, partition)
# If Known Broker, topic_partition -> BrokerMetadata
if leader in self.brokers:
self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = self.brokers[leader]
# If Unknown Broker, fake BrokerMetadata so we dont lose the id
# (not sure how this could happen. server could be in bad state)
self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = BrokerMetadata(
leader, None, None
def send_metadata_request(self, payloads=[], fail_on_error=True,
encoder = KafkaProtocol.encode_metadata_request
decoder = KafkaProtocol.decode_metadata_response
return self._send_broker_unaware_request(payloads, encoder, decoder)
def send_consumer_metadata_request(self, payloads=[], fail_on_error=True,
encoder = KafkaProtocol.encode_consumer_metadata_request
decoder = KafkaProtocol.decode_consumer_metadata_response
return self._send_broker_unaware_request(payloads, encoder, decoder)
def send_produce_request(self, payloads=[], acks=1, timeout=1000,
fail_on_error=True, callback=None):
Encode and send some ProduceRequests
ProduceRequests will be grouped by (topic, partition) and then
sent to a specific broker. Output is a list of responses in the
same order as the list of payloads specified
payloads (list of ProduceRequest): produce requests to send to kafka
ProduceRequest payloads must not contain duplicates for any
acks (int, optional): how many acks the servers should receive from replica
brokers before responding to the request. If it is 0, the server
will not send any response. If it is 1, the server will wait
until the data is written to the local log before sending a
response. If it is -1, the server will wait until the message
is committed by all in-sync replicas before sending a response.
For any value > 1, the server will wait for this number of acks to
occur (but the server will never wait for more acknowledgements than
there are in-sync replicas). defaults to 1.
timeout (int, optional): maximum time in milliseconds the server can
await the receipt of the number of acks, defaults to 1000.
fail_on_error (bool, optional): raise exceptions on connection and
server response errors, defaults to True.
callback (function, optional): instead of returning the ProduceResponse,
first pass it through this function, defaults to None.
list of ProduceResponses, or callback results if supplied, in the
order of input payloads
encoder = functools.partial(
if acks == 0:
decoder = None
decoder = KafkaProtocol.decode_produce_response
resps = self._send_broker_aware_request(payloads, encoder, decoder)
return [resp if not callback else callback(resp) for resp in resps
if resp is not None and
(not fail_on_error or not self._raise_on_response_error(resp))]
def send_fetch_request(self, payloads=[], fail_on_error=True,
callback=None, max_wait_time=100, min_bytes=4096):
Encode and send a FetchRequest
Payloads are grouped by topic and partition so they can be pipelined
to the same brokers.
encoder = functools.partial(KafkaProtocol.encode_fetch_request,
resps = self._send_broker_aware_request(
payloads, encoder,
return [resp if not callback else callback(resp) for resp in resps
if not fail_on_error or not self._raise_on_response_error(resp)]
def send_offset_request(self, payloads=[], fail_on_error=True,
resps = self._send_broker_aware_request(
return [resp if not callback else callback(resp) for resp in resps
if not fail_on_error or not self._raise_on_response_error(resp)]
def send_offset_commit_request(self, group, payloads=[],
fail_on_error=True, callback=None):
encoder = functools.partial(KafkaProtocol.encode_offset_commit_request,
decoder = KafkaProtocol.decode_offset_commit_response
resps = self._send_broker_aware_request(payloads, encoder, decoder)
return [resp if not callback else callback(resp) for resp in resps
if not fail_on_error or not self._raise_on_response_error(resp)]
def send_offset_fetch_request(self, group, payloads=[],
fail_on_error=True, callback=None):
encoder = functools.partial(KafkaProtocol.encode_offset_fetch_request,
decoder = KafkaProtocol.decode_offset_fetch_response
resps = self._send_broker_aware_request(payloads, encoder, decoder)
return [resp if not callback else callback(resp) for resp in resps
if not fail_on_error or not self._raise_on_response_error(resp)]
def send_offset_fetch_request_kafka(self, group, payloads=[],
fail_on_error=True, callback=None):
encoder = functools.partial(KafkaProtocol.encode_offset_fetch_request,
group=group, from_kafka=True)
decoder = KafkaProtocol.decode_offset_fetch_response
resps = self._send_consumer_aware_request(group, payloads, encoder, decoder)
return [resp if not callback else callback(resp) for resp in resps
if not fail_on_error or not self._raise_on_response_error(resp)]