
93 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File

# logging, make sure that the user under whom the server runs has permission
# to write to the directory.
log_file = events_api.log
log_dir = .
debug = True
# Identifies the region that the Monasca API is running in.
region = useast
# Dispatchers to be loaded to serve restful APIs
versions = monasca_events_api.v2.versions:Versions
stream_definitions = monasca_events_api.v2.stream_definitions:StreamDefinitions
events =
transforms = monasca_events_api.v2.transforms:Transforms
# The roles that are allowed full access to the API.
default_authorized_roles = user, domainuser, domainadmin, monasca-user
# The roles that are allowed to only POST metrics to the API. This role would be used by the Monasca Agent.
agent_authorized_roles = monasca-agent
# The roles that are allowed to access the API on behalf of another tenant.
# For example, a service can POST metrics to another tenant if they are a member of the "delegate" role.
delegate_authorized_roles = admin
# The message queue driver to use
driver = monasca_events_api.common.messaging.kafka_publisher:KafkaPublisher
# The driver to use for the stream definitions repository
streams = monasca_events_api.common.repositories.mysql.streams_repository:StreamsRepository
# The driver to use for the events repository
events = monasca_events_api.common.repositories.mysql.events_repository:EventsRepository
# The driver to use for the transforms repository
transforms = monasca_events_api.common.repositories.mysql.transforms_repository:TransformsRepository
driver = v2_reference
# The endpoint to the kafka server
uri =
# The topic that events will be published too
events_topic = transformed-events
# consumer group name
group = api
# how many times to try when error occurs
max_retry = 1
# wait time between tries when kafka goes down
wait_time = 1
# use synchronous or asynchronous connection to kafka
async = False
# send messages in bulk or send messages one by one.
compact = False
# How many partitions this connection should listen messages on, this
# parameter is for reading from kafka. If listens on multiple partitions,
# For example, if the client should listen on partitions 1 and 3, then the
# configuration should look like the following:
# partitions = 1
# partitions = 3
# default to listen on partition 0.
partitions = 0
database_name = mon
hostname =
username = monapi
password = password
identity_uri =
auth_uri =
admin_password = admin
admin_user = admin
admin_tenant_name = admin
cafile =
certfile =
keyfile =
insecure = false