# (C) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP # Copyright 2017 Fujitsu LIMITED # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import email.header import email.mime.text import email.utils import six import smtplib import time from debtcollector import removals from oslo_config import cfg from monasca_notification.plugins import abstract_notifier CONF = cfg.CONF EMAIL_SINGLE_HOST_BASE = u'''On host "{hostname}" for target "{target_host}" {message} Alarm "{alarm_name}" transitioned to the {state} state at {timestamp} UTC alarm_id: {alarm_id} Lifecycle state: {lifecycle_state} Link: {link} Link to Grafana: {grafana_url} With dimensions: {metric_dimensions}''' EMAIL_MULTIPLE_HOST_BASE = u'''On host "{hostname}" {message} Alarm "{alarm_name}" transitioned to the {state} state at {timestamp} UTC alarm_id: {alarm_id} Lifecycle state: {lifecycle_state} Link: {link} Link to Grafana: {grafana_url} With dimensions: {metric_dimensions}''' EMAIL_NO_HOST_BASE = u'''On multiple hosts {message} Alarm "{alarm_name}" transitioned to the {state} state at {timestamp} UTC Alarm_id: {alarm_id} Lifecycle state: {lifecycle_state} Link: {link} Link to Grafana: {grafana_url} With dimensions {metric_dimensions}''' class EmailNotifier(abstract_notifier.AbstractNotifier): type = 'email' def __init__(self, log): super(EmailNotifier, self).__init__() self._log = log self._smtp = None @removals.remove( message='Configuration of notifier is available through oslo.cfg', version='1.9.0', removal_version='3.0.0' ) def config(self, config=None): self._smtp_connect() @property def statsd_name(self): return "sent_smtp_count" def send_notification(self, notification): """Send the notification via email Returns the True upon success, False upon failure """ # Get the "hostname" from the notification metrics if there is one hostname = [] targethost = [] for metric in notification.metrics: dimap = metric['dimensions'] if 'hostname' in dimap and not dimap['hostname'] in hostname: hostname.append(dimap['hostname']) if 'target_host' in dimap and not dimap['target_host'] in targethost: targethost.append(dimap['target_host']) # Generate the message msg = self._create_msg(hostname, notification, targethost) if not self._smtp and not self._smtp_connect(): return False try: self._sendmail(notification, msg) return True except smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected: self._log.warn('SMTP server disconnected. ' 'Will reconnect and retry message.') self._smtp_connect() except smtplib.SMTPException: self._email_error(notification) return False try: self._sendmail(notification, msg) return True except smtplib.SMTPException: self._email_error(notification) return False def _sendmail(self, notification, msg): self._smtp.sendmail(CONF.email_notifier.from_addr, notification.address, msg.as_string()) self._log.debug("Sent email to {}, notification {}".format(notification.address, notification.to_json())) def _email_error(self, notification): self._log.exception("Error sending Email Notification") self._log.error("Failed email: {}".format(notification.to_json())) def _smtp_connect(self): """Connect to the smtp server """ self._log.info("Connecting to Email Server {}".format( CONF.email_notifier.server)) try: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(CONF.email_notifier.server, CONF.email_notifier.port, timeout=CONF.email_notifier.timeout) email_notifier_user = CONF.email_notifier.user email_notifier_password = CONF.email_notifier.password if email_notifier_user and email_notifier_password: smtp.login(email_notifier_user, email_notifier_password) self._smtp = smtp return True except Exception: self._log.exception("Unable to connect to email server.") return False def _create_msg(self, hostname, notification, targethost=None): """Create two kind of messages: 1. Notifications that include metrics with a hostname as a dimension. There may be more than one hostname. We will only report the hostname if there is only one. 2. Notifications that do not include metrics and therefore no hostname. Example: API initiated changes. * A third notification type which include metrics but do not include a hostname will be treated as type #2. """ timestamp = time.asctime(time.gmtime(notification.alarm_timestamp)) alarm_seconds = notification.alarm_timestamp alarm_ms = int(round(alarm_seconds * 1000)) graf_url = self._get_link_url(notification.metrics[0], alarm_ms) dimensions = _format_dimensions(notification) if len(hostname) == 1: # Type 1 if targethost: text = EMAIL_SINGLE_HOST_BASE.format( hostname=hostname[0], target_host=targethost[0], message=notification.message.lower(), alarm_name=notification.alarm_name, state=notification.state, timestamp=timestamp, alarm_id=notification.alarm_id, metric_dimensions=dimensions, link=notification.link, grafana_url=graf_url, lifecycle_state=notification.lifecycle_state ) subject = u'{} {} "{}" for Host: {} Target: {}'.format( notification.state, notification.severity, notification.alarm_name, hostname[0], targethost[0] ) else: text = EMAIL_MULTIPLE_HOST_BASE.format( hostname=hostname[0], message=notification.message.lower(), alarm_name=notification.alarm_name, state=notification.state, timestamp=timestamp, alarm_id=notification.alarm_id, metric_dimensions=dimensions, link=notification.link, grafana_url=graf_url, lifecycle_state=notification.lifecycle_state ) subject = u'{} {} "{}" for Host: {}'.format( notification.state, notification.severity, notification.alarm_name, hostname[0]) else: # Type 2 text = EMAIL_NO_HOST_BASE.format( message=notification.message.lower(), alarm_name=notification.alarm_name, state=notification.state, timestamp=timestamp, alarm_id=notification.alarm_id, metric_dimensions=dimensions, link=notification.link, grafana_url=graf_url, lifecycle_state=notification.lifecycle_state ) subject = u'{} {} "{}" '.format(notification.state, notification.severity, notification.alarm_name) msg = email.mime.text.MIMEText(text, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['Subject'] = email.header.Header(subject, 'utf-8') msg['From'] = CONF.email_notifier.from_addr msg['To'] = notification.address msg['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate(localtime=True, usegmt=True) return msg def _get_link_url(self, metric, timestamp_ms): """Returns the url to Grafana including a query with the respective metric info (name, dimensions, timestamp) :param metric: the metric for which to display the graph in Grafana :param timestamp_ms: timestamp of the alarm for the metric in milliseconds :return: the url to the graph for the given metric or None if no Grafana host has been defined. """ grafana_url = CONF.email_notifier.grafana_url if grafana_url is None: return None url = '' metric_query = '' metric_query = "?metric=%s" % metric['name'] dimensions = metric['dimensions'] for key, value in six.iteritems(dimensions): metric_query += "&dim_%s=%s" % (key, value) # Show the graph within a range of ten minutes before and after the alarm occurred. offset = 600000 from_ms = timestamp_ms - offset to_ms = timestamp_ms + offset time_query = "&from=%s&to=%s" % (from_ms, to_ms) url = grafana_url + '/dashboard/script/drilldown.js' return url + metric_query + time_query def _format_dimensions(notification): dimension_sets = [] for metric in notification.metrics: dimension_sets.append(metric['dimensions']) dim_set_strings = [] for dimension_set in dimension_sets: key_value_pairs = [] for key, value in dimension_set.items(): key_value_pairs.append(u' {}: {}'.format(key, value)) set_string = u' {\n' + u',\n'.join(key_value_pairs) + u'\n }' dim_set_strings.append(set_string) dimensions = u'[\n' + u',\n'.join(dim_set_strings) + u' \n]' return dimensions email_notifier_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='%s_notifier' % EmailNotifier.type) email_notifier_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt(name='from_addr'), cfg.HostAddressOpt(name='server'), cfg.PortOpt(name='port', default=25), cfg.IntOpt(name='timeout', default=5, min=1), cfg.StrOpt(name='user', default=None), cfg.StrOpt(name='password', default=None, secret=True), cfg.StrOpt(name='grafana_url', default=None) ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_group(email_notifier_group) conf.register_opts(email_notifier_opts, group=email_notifier_group) def list_opts(): return { email_notifier_group: email_notifier_opts }