# Monasca-transform DevStack Plugin The Monasca-transform DevStack plugin is tested only on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty). A short cut to running monasca-transform in devstack is implemented with vagrant. ## To run monasca-transform using the provided vagrant environment ### Using any changes made locally to monasca-transform cd tools/vagrant vagrant up vagrant ssh cd devstack ./stack.sh The devstack vagrant environment is set up to share the monasca-transform directory with the vm, copy it and commit any changes in the vm copy. This is because the devstack deploy process checks out the master branch to /opt/stack and deploys using that. Changes made by the user need to be committed in order to be used in the devstack instance. It is important therefore that changes should not be pushed from the vm as the unevaluated commit would be pushed. ### Using the upstream committed state of monasca-transform This should operate the same as for any other devstack plugin. However, to use the plugin from the upstream repo with the vagrant environment as described above it is sufficient to do: cd tools/vagrant vagrant up vagrant ssh cd devstack vi local.conf and change the line enable_plugin monasca-transform /home/vagrant/monasca-transform to enable_plugin monasca-transform https://gitlab.gozer.hpcloud.net/host/capacityplanning.git before running ./stack.sh ### Connecting to devstack The host key changes with each ```vagrant destroy```/```vagrant up``` cycle so it is necessary to manage host key verification for your workstation: ssh-keygen -R The devstack vm vagrant up process generates a private key which can be used for passwordless ssh to the host as follows: cd tools/vagrant ssh -i .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key vagrant@ ### Running tox on devstack Once the deploy is up use the following commands to set up tox. sudo su monasca-transform cd /opt/stack/monasca-transform virtualenv .venv . .venv/bin/activate pip install tox tox ### Updating the code for dev To regenerate the environment for development purposes a script is provided on the devstack instance at tools/vagrant/refresh_monasca_transform.sh (note: to use/run tox after running this script, the "Running tox on devstack" steps above have to be re-executed) This mostly re-does the work of the devstack plugin, updating the code from the shared directory, regenerating the venv and the zip that is passed to spark during the spark-submit call. The configuration and the contents of the database are updated with fresh copies also though the start scripts, driver and service python code are left as they are (because I'm not envisaging much change in those). ## WIP This is a work in progress. There are a number of improvements necessary to improve value as a development tool. ###TODO 1. Shorten initial deploy Currently the services deployed are the default set plus all of monasca. It's quite possible that not all of this is necessary to develop monasca-transform. So some services may be dropped in order to shorten the deploy.