# Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from pyspark import SparkConf from pyspark import SparkContext from pyspark.streaming.kafka import KafkaUtils from pyspark.streaming.kafka import TopicAndPartition from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext from pyspark.sql.functions import explode from pyspark.sql.functions import from_unixtime from pyspark.sql.functions import lit from pyspark.sql.functions import when from pyspark.sql import SQLContext import json import logging from oslo_config import cfg import simport import time from monasca_transform.config.config_initializer import ConfigInitializer from monasca_transform.transform.builder.generic_transform_builder \ import GenericTransformBuilder from monasca_transform.data_driven_specs.data_driven_specs_repo \ import DataDrivenSpecsRepo from monasca_transform.data_driven_specs.data_driven_specs_repo \ import DataDrivenSpecsRepoFactory from monasca_transform.transform import RddTransformContext from monasca_transform.transform.transform_utils import MonMetricUtils from monasca_transform.transform import TransformContextUtils ConfigInitializer.basic_config() # initialize logger log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _h = logging.FileHandler('%s/monasca_transform.log' % cfg.CONF.service.service_log_path) _h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("'%(asctime)s - %(pathname)s:" "%(lineno)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'")) log.addHandler(_h) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class MonMetricsKafkaProcessor(object): @staticmethod def log_debug(message): print(message) log.debug(message) @staticmethod def store_offset_ranges(rdd): if rdd.isEmpty(): MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "storeOffsetRanges: nothing to process...") return rdd else: my_offset_ranges = rdd.offsetRanges() transform_context = \ TransformContextUtils.get_context(offset_info=my_offset_ranges) rdd_transform_context = \ rdd.map(lambda x: RddTransformContext(x, transform_context)) return rdd_transform_context @staticmethod def print_offset_ranges(my_offset_ranges): for o in my_offset_ranges: print("printOffSetRanges: %s %s %s %s" % ( o.topic, o.partition, o.fromOffset, o.untilOffset)) @staticmethod def get_kafka_stream(topic, streaming_context): offset_specifications = simport.load(cfg.CONF.repositories.offsets)() saved_offset_spec = offset_specifications.get_kafka_offsets() app_name = streaming_context.sparkContext.appName if len(saved_offset_spec) < 1: MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "No saved offsets available..." "connecting to kafka without specifying offsets") kvs = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream( streaming_context, [topic], {"metadata.broker.list": cfg.CONF.messaging.brokers}) return kvs else: from_offsets = {} for key, value in saved_offset_spec.items(): if key.startswith("%s_%s" % (app_name, topic)): # spec_app_name = value.get_app_name() spec_topic = value.get_topic() spec_partition = int(value.get_partition()) # spec_from_offset = value.get_from_offset() spec_until_offset = value.get_until_offset() # composite_key = "%s_%s_%s" % (spec_app_name, # spec_topic, # spec_partition) # partition = saved_offset_spec[composite_key] from_offsets[ TopicAndPartition(spec_topic, spec_partition) ] = long(spec_until_offset) MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "get_kafka_stream: calling createDirectStream :" " topic:{%s} : start " % topic) for key, value in from_offsets.items(): MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "get_kafka_stream: calling createDirectStream : " "offsets : TopicAndPartition:{%s,%s}, value:{%s}" % (str(key._topic), str(key._partition), str(value))) MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "get_kafka_stream: calling createDirectStream : " "topic:{%s} : done" % topic) kvs = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream( streaming_context, [topic], {"metadata.broker.list": cfg.CONF.messaging.brokers}, from_offsets) return kvs @staticmethod def save_rdd_contents(rdd): file_name = "".join(( "/vagrant_home/uniq_metrics", '-', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"), '-', str(rdd.id), '.log')) rdd.saveAsTextFile(file_name) @staticmethod def print_unique_metric_count(kvs): # print unique metric count lines = kvs.map(lambda x: x[1]) counts = lines.map( lambda x: json.loads(x)["metric"]["name"] ).map( lambda name: (name, 1) ).reduceByKey( lambda a, b: a + b) counts.pprint(9999) @staticmethod def save_kafka_offsets(current_offsets, app_name): """save current offsets to offset specification.""" # get the offsets from global var offset_specs = simport.load(cfg.CONF.repositories.offsets)() for o in current_offsets: MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "adding offset: topic:{%s}, partition:{%s}, fromOffset:{%s}, " "untilOffset:{%s}" % ( o.topic, o.partition, o.fromOffset, o.untilOffset)) offset_specs.add( app_name, o.topic, o.partition, o.fromOffset, o.untilOffset) @staticmethod def reset_kafka_offsets(): """delete all offsets from the offset specification.""" # get the offsets from global var offset_specs = simport.load(cfg.CONF.repositories.offsets)() offset_specs.delete_all_kafka_offsets() @staticmethod def _validate_raw_mon_metrics(row): required_fields = row.required_raw_fields_list invalid_list = [] for required_field in required_fields: required_field_value = None # Look for the field in the first layer of the row try: required_field_value = eval(".".join(("row", required_field))) except Exception: pass if (required_field_value is None or required_field_value == "" and row.metric is not None and row.metric.dimensions is not None): # Look for the field in the dimensions layer of the row try: required_field_value = eval( ".".join(("row.metric.dimensions", required_field))) except Exception: pass if (required_field_value is None or required_field_value == "" and row.meta is not None): # Look for the field in the meta layer of the row try: required_field_value = eval( ".".join(("row.meta", required_field))) except Exception: pass if required_field_value is None \ or required_field_value == "": invalid_list.append("invalid") if len(invalid_list) <= 0: return row else: print("_validate_raw_mon_metrics : found invalid : ** %s: %s" % ( (".".join(("row", required_field))), required_field_value)) @staticmethod def process_metric(transform_context, record_store_df): """process (aggregate) metric data from record_store data All the parameters to drive processing should be available in transform_spec_df dataframe. """ # call processing chain GenericTransformBuilder.do_transform(transform_context, record_store_df) @staticmethod def process_metrics(transform_context, record_store_df): """start processing (aggregating) metrics """ # # look in record_store_df for list of metrics to be processed # metric_ids_df = record_store_df.select("metric_id").distinct() metric_ids_to_process = [row.metric_id for row in metric_ids_df.collect()] data_driven_specs_repo = DataDrivenSpecsRepoFactory.\ get_data_driven_specs_repo() sqlc = SQLContext.getOrCreate(record_store_df.rdd.context) transform_specs_df = data_driven_specs_repo.get_data_driven_specs( sql_context=sqlc, data_driven_spec_type=DataDrivenSpecsRepo.transform_specs_type) for metric_id in metric_ids_to_process: transform_spec_df = transform_specs_df.select( ["aggregation_params_map", "metric_id"] ).where(transform_specs_df.metric_id == metric_id) source_record_store_df = record_store_df.select("*").where( record_store_df.metric_id == metric_id) # set transform_spec_df in TransformContext transform_context = \ TransformContextUtils.get_context( transform_context_info=transform_context, transform_spec_df_info=transform_spec_df) MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.process_metric( transform_context, source_record_store_df) @staticmethod def rdd_to_recordstore(rdd_transform_context_rdd): if rdd_transform_context_rdd.isEmpty(): MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "rdd_to_recordstore: nothing to process...") else: sql_context = SQLContext(rdd_transform_context_rdd.context) data_driven_specs_repo = DataDrivenSpecsRepoFactory.\ get_data_driven_specs_repo() pre_transform_specs_df = data_driven_specs_repo.\ get_data_driven_specs( sql_context=sql_context, data_driven_spec_type=DataDrivenSpecsRepo. pre_transform_specs_type) # # extract second column containing raw metric data # raw_mon_metrics = rdd_transform_context_rdd.map( lambda nt: nt.rdd_info[1]) # # convert raw metric data rdd to dataframe rdd # raw_mon_metrics_df = \ MonMetricUtils.create_mon_metrics_df_from_json_rdd( sql_context, raw_mon_metrics) # # filter out unwanted metrics and keep metrics we are interested in # cond = [ raw_mon_metrics_df.metric.name == pre_transform_specs_df.event_type] filtered_metrics_df = raw_mon_metrics_df.join( pre_transform_specs_df, cond) # # validate filtered metrics to check if required fields # are present and not empty # In order to be able to apply filter function had to convert # data frame rdd to normal rdd. After validation the rdd is # converted back to dataframe rdd # # FIXME: find a way to apply filter function on dataframe rdd data validated_mon_metrics_rdd = filtered_metrics_df.rdd.filter( MonMetricsKafkaProcessor._validate_raw_mon_metrics) validated_mon_metrics_df = sql_context.createDataFrame( validated_mon_metrics_rdd, filtered_metrics_df.schema) # # record generator # generate a new intermediate metric record if a given metric # metric_id_list, in pre_transform_specs table has several # intermediate metrics defined. # intermediate metrics are used as a convenient way to # process (aggregated) metric in mutiple ways by making a copy # of the source data for each processing # gen_mon_metrics_df = validated_mon_metrics_df.select( validated_mon_metrics_df.meta, validated_mon_metrics_df.metric, validated_mon_metrics_df.event_processing_params, validated_mon_metrics_df.event_type, explode(validated_mon_metrics_df.metric_id_list).alias( "this_metric_id"), validated_mon_metrics_df.service_id) # # transform metrics data to record_store format # record store format is the common format which will serve as # source to aggregation processing. # converting the metric to common standard format helps in writing # generic aggregation routines driven by configuration parameters # and can be reused # record_store_df = gen_mon_metrics_df.select( (gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.timestamp / 1000).alias( "event_timestamp_unix"), from_unixtime( gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.timestamp / 1000).alias( "event_timestamp_string"), gen_mon_metrics_df.event_type.alias("event_type"), gen_mon_metrics_df.event_type.alias("event_quantity_name"), (gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.value / 1.0).alias( "event_quantity"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.state != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.state).otherwise( 'NA').alias("event_status"), lit('1.0').alias('event_version'), lit('metrics').alias("record_type"), # resource_uuid when(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.instanceId != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions. instanceId).otherwise('NA').alias("resource_uuid"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.tenantId != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.tenantId).when( gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.project_id != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.project_id).otherwise( 'NA').alias("tenant_id"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.meta.userId != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.meta.userId).otherwise('NA').alias( "user_id"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.meta.region != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.meta.region).when( gen_mon_metrics_df.event_processing_params .set_default_region_to != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.event_processing_params .set_default_region_to).otherwise( 'NA').alias("region"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.meta.zone != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.meta.zone).when( gen_mon_metrics_df.event_processing_params .set_default_zone_to != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.event_processing_params .set_default_zone_to).otherwise( 'NA').alias("zone"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.hostname != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.dimensions.hostname).when( gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.value_meta.host != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.value_meta.host).otherwise( 'NA').alias("host"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.service_id != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.service_id).otherwise( 'NA').alias("service_group"), when(gen_mon_metrics_df.service_id != '', gen_mon_metrics_df.service_id).otherwise( 'NA').alias("service_id"), from_unixtime(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.timestamp / 1000, 'yyyy-MM-dd').alias("event_date"), from_unixtime(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.timestamp / 1000, 'HH').alias("event_hour"), from_unixtime(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.timestamp / 1000, 'mm').alias("event_minute"), from_unixtime(gen_mon_metrics_df.metric.timestamp / 1000, 'ss').alias("event_second"), gen_mon_metrics_df.this_metric_id.alias("metric_group"), gen_mon_metrics_df.this_metric_id.alias("metric_id")) # # get transform context # rdd_transform_context = rdd_transform_context_rdd.first() transform_context = rdd_transform_context.transform_context_info # # start processing metrics available in record_store data # MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.process_metrics(transform_context, record_store_df) # # extract kafka offsets stored in rdd and save # offsets = transform_context.offset_info for o in offsets: MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "going to save: OffSetRanges: %s %s %s %s" % ( o.topic, o.partition, o.fromOffset, o.untilOffset)) MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.save_kafka_offsets( offsets, rdd_transform_context_rdd.context.appName) @staticmethod def transform_to_recordstore(kvs): """Transform metrics data from kafka to record store format. extracts, validates, filters, generates data from kakfa to only keep data that has to be aggregated. Generate data generates multiple records for for the same incoming metric if the metric has multiple intermediate metrics defined, so that each of intermediate metrics can be potentially processed independently. """ # save offsets in global var myOffsetRanges # http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-kafka-integration.html # Note that the typecast to HasOffsetRanges will only succeed if it is # done in the first method called on the directKafkaStream, not later # down a chain of methods. You can use transform() instead of # foreachRDD() as your first method call in order to access offsets, # then call further Spark methods. However, be aware that the # one-to-one mapping between RDD partition and Kafka partition does not # remain after any methods that shuffle or repartition, # e.g. reduceByKey() or window() kvs.transform( MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.store_offset_ranges ).foreachRDD(MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.rdd_to_recordstore) def invoke(): # object to keep track of offsets ConfigInitializer.basic_config() # app name application_name = "mon_metrics_kafka" my_spark_conf = SparkConf().setAppName(application_name) spark_context = SparkContext(conf=my_spark_conf) # read at the configured interval spark_streaming_context = \ StreamingContext(spark_context, cfg.CONF.service.stream_interval) kafka_stream = MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.get_kafka_stream( cfg.CONF.messaging.topic, spark_streaming_context) # transform to recordstore MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.transform_to_recordstore(kafka_stream) # print unique metric count MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.print_unique_metric_count(kafka_stream) # catch interrupt, stop streaming context gracefully # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # start processing spark_streaming_context.start() # FIXME: stop spark context to relinquish resources # FIXME: specify cores, so as not to use all the resources on the cluster. # FIXME: HA deploy multiple masters, may be one on each control node try: # Wait for the Spark driver to "finish" spark_streaming_context.awaitTermination() except Exception as e: MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "Exception raised during Spark execution : " + str(e)) # One exception that can occur here is the result of the saved # kafka offsets being obsolete/out of range. Delete the saved # offsets to improve the chance of success on the next execution. MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.log_debug( "Deleting saved offsets for chance of success on next execution") MonMetricsKafkaProcessor.reset_kafka_offsets() if __name__ == "__main__": invoke()