============================== Murano Applications Repository ============================== Contains Murano Application packages source code. All current applications supposed to work on Ubuntu Trusty with murano-agent installed. Other Ubuntu versions are not tested. Composing an application package -------------------------------- Murano Applications are imported as zip archives, so to make an application ready to use in Murano, it should be zipped first. To make a valid murano package take *package* folder located under application directory and zip it's content. Make sure new archive doesn't contain *package* folder itself. For more information, refer to `Murano documentation `_. Importing application package ----------------------------- * Use murano dashboard to import packages. Go to *Murano > Manage > Package Definitions* and press *Import Package* * Use murano CLI ``murano package-import`` * Local zip file, URL or package name, located in Murano repository can be provided Building DIB elements for application image ------------------------------------------- Please, refer to *readme.rst* file located at application folder to find out how to build image for a specific application. DIB elements with which image should be build are located at *elements* folder at the same level with *package* folder. If application folder doesn't contain *elements* inside - it means, that no other preparation except murano-agent is needed.