Namespaces: =: io.murano.test sys: io.murano.system Extends: TestFixture Name: TomcatTest Methods: initialize: Body: # Object model can be loaded from json file, or provided # directly in MuranoPL code as a yaml insertion. - $.appJson: new(sys:Resources).json('tomcat-for-mock.json') - $.heatOutput: new(sys:Resources).json('output.json') - $.log: logger('test') - $.agentCallCount: 0 # Mock method to replace the original one agentMock: Arguments: - template: Contract: $ - resources: Contract: $ - timeout: Contract: $ Default: null Body: - $'Mocking murano agent') - $.assertEqual('Deploy Tomcat', $template.Name) - $.agentCallCount: $.agentCallCount + 1 # Mock method, that returns predefined heat stack output getStackOut: Body: - $'Mocking heat stack') - Return: $.heatOutput testDeploy1: Body: # Loading object model - $.env: $this.load($.appJson) # Set up mock for the push method of *io.murano.system.HeatStack* class - inject(sys:HeatStack, push, $.heatOutput) # Set up mock for the concrete object with mock method name - inject($.env.stack, output, $.heatOutput) # Set up mock with YAQL function - inject('io.murano.system.Agent', call, $this, agentMock) # Mocks will be called instead of original function during the deployment - $.env.deploy() # Check, that mock worked correctly - $.assertEqual($.agentCallCount, 1) testDeploy2: Body: - inject(sys:HeatStack, push, $this, getStackOut) - inject(sys:HeatStack, output, $this, getStackOut) # Mock is defined with YAQL function and it will print the original variable (agent template) - inject(sys:Agent, call, withOriginal(t => $template) -> $'{0}', $t)) - $.env: $this.load($.appJson) - $.env.deploy() # Check, that variable has a correct value - $isDeployed: $.env.applications[0].getAttr(deployed, false, 'io.murano.apps.apache.Tomcat') - $.assertEqual(true, $isDeployed)