
60 lines
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minversion = 1.6
skipsdist = True
# Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if
# system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system
# dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed
# separately, outside of the requirements files.
deps = bindep
commands = bindep test
# 'shellcheck' is not an Python package, so it can be run w\o
# virtual env. But tox is a usable wrapper to run any kind of tests -
# let's use it for common test-run as well - for unification purposes.
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/jenkins/ {toxinidir}
deps = yamllint
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/jenkins/ {toxinidir}
# linters env - it's a combination of check's (usually syntax)
# for aggregate non-destructive run's. Used only in openstack-infra ci for
# decrease resource usage.
# Current duplicate list:
# shellcheck
# yaml-syntaxcheck
# We need to suppress exit code from 'command1', to be able run 'command2';
# Otherwise, if some command failed - exit code from tox itself will be 1
deps = yamllint
commands =
{toxinidir}/tools/jenkins/ {toxinidir}
{toxinidir}/tools/jenkins/ {toxinidir}
# *unittest tox-test's *require* pre-installed and
# configured murano-test-runner.
# More info:
# Please, use only lowercase in env names - standard of openstack-infra CI
passenv = OS_*
setenv =
WORKSPACE = {toxinidir}
ARTIFACTS_DIR = {toxinidir}/artifacts/
passenv = OS_*
setenv =
APP_PREFIX = org.openstack.
PACKAGES_LIST = RefStackClient
commands =
/bin/bash -c '{toxinidir}/tools/jenkins/'
murano-test-runner org.openstack.RefStackClient