
228 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import os
import re
import yaml
import yaql
from muranodashboard.catalog import forms as catalog_forms
from muranodashboard.common import cache
from muranodashboard.dynamic_ui import helpers
from muranodashboard.dynamic_ui import version
from muranodashboard.dynamic_ui import yaql_expression
from muranodashboard.dynamic_ui import yaql_functions
from muranodashboard.environments import consts
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if not os.path.exists(consts.CACHE_DIR):
os.mkdir(consts.CACHE_DIR)'Creating cache directory located at {dir}'.format(
dir=consts.CACHE_DIR))'Using cache directory located at {dir}'.format(
class Service(object):
"""Class for keeping service persistent data, the most important are two:
``self.forms`` list of service's steps (as Django form classes) and
``self.cleaned_data`` dictionary of data from service validated steps.
Attribute ``self.cleaned_data`` is needed for, e.g. ServiceA.Step2, be
able to reference data at ServiceA.Step1 while actual form instance
representing Step1 is already gone.
Because the need to store this data per-user, sessions must be employed
(actually, they are not the _only_ way of doing this, but the most simple
one), and because every Django session backend uses pickle serialization,
__getstate__/__setstate__ methods for custom pickle serialization must be
NON_SERIALIZABLE_ATTRS = ('forms', 'context')
def __init__(self, forms=None, templates=None, application=None, **kwargs):
self.templates = templates or {}
if application is None:
raise ValueError('Application section is required')
self.application = application
self.context = yaql.create_context()
self.cleaned_data = {}
self.forms = []
self._forms = []
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
if forms:
for data in forms:
name, field_specs, validators = self.extract_form_data(data)
self._init_forms(field_specs, name, validators)
# Add ManageWorkflowForm
workflow_form = catalog_forms.WorkflowManagementForm
def __getstate__(self):
dct = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in self.__dict__.iteritems()
if not k in self.NON_SERIALIZABLE_ATTRS)
return dct
def __setstate__(self, d):
for k, v in d.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v)
# dealing with the attributes which cannot be serialized (see
# on pickle restrictions )
# yaql context is not serializable because it contains lambda functions
self.context = yaql.create_context()
# form classes are not serializable 'cause they are defined dynamically
self.forms = []
for name, field_specs, validators in d.get('_forms', []):
self._add_form(name, field_specs, validators)
def _add_form(self, _name, _specs, _validators):
import muranodashboard.dynamic_ui.forms as forms
class Form(forms.ServiceConfigurationForm):
__metaclass__ = forms.DynamicFormMetaclass
service = self
name = _name
field_specs = _specs
validators = _validators
def _init_forms(self, field_specs, name, validators):
self._add_form(name, field_specs, validators)
# for pickling/unpickling
self._forms.append((name, field_specs, validators))
def extract_form_data(form_data):
form_name = form_data.keys()[0]
form_data = form_data[form_name]
return form_name, form_data['fields'], form_data.get('validators', [])
def extract_attributes(self):
for name, template in self.templates.iteritems():
self.context.set_data(template, name)
return helpers.evaluate(self.application, self.context)
def get_data(self, form_name, expr, data=None):
"""First try to get value from cleaned data, if none
found, use raw data.
if data:
self.update_cleaned_data(data, form_name=form_name)
data = self.cleaned_data
value = data and expr.evaluate(data=data, context=self.context)
return data != {}, value
def update_cleaned_data(self, data, form=None, form_name=None):
form_name = form_name or form.__class__.__name__
if data:
self.cleaned_data[form_name] = data
return self.cleaned_data
def make_loader_cls():
class Loader(yaml.Loader):
def yaql_constructor(loader, node):
value = loader.construct_scalar(node)
return yaql_expression.YaqlExpression(value)
Loader.add_constructor(u'!yaql', yaql_constructor)
u'!yaql', yaql_expression.YaqlExpression, None)
return Loader
def import_app(request, app_id):
from muranodashboard.environments import api
if not request.session.get('apps'):
request.session['apps'] = {}
services = request.session['apps']
app = services.get(app_id)
if not app:
@cache.with_cache('ui', 'ui.yaml')
def _get(_request, _app_id):
return api.muranoclient(_request).packages.get_ui(
_app_id, make_loader_cls())
ui_desc = _get(request, app_id)
version.check_version(ui_desc.pop('Version', 1))
service = dict(
(helpers.decamelize(k), v) for (k, v) in ui_desc.iteritems())
services[app_id] = Service(**service)
app = services[app_id]
return app
def condition_getter(request, kwargs):
def _func(wizard):
return not wizard.get_wizard_flag('drop_wm_form')
app = import_app(request, kwargs['app_id'])
last_form_key = str(len(app.forms) - 1)
return {last_form_key: _func}
def get_app_forms(request, kwargs):
app = import_app(request, kwargs.get('app_id'))
return app.forms
def service_type_from_id(service_id):
match = re.match('(.*)-[0-9]+', service_id)
if match:
else: # if no number suffix found, it was service_type itself passed in
return service_id
def get_service_name(request, app_id):
from muranodashboard.environments import api
app = api.muranoclient(request).packages.get(app_id)
def get_app_field_descriptions(request, app_id, index):
app = import_app(request, app_id)
form_cls = app.forms[index]
descriptions = []
for field in form_cls.base_fields.itervalues():
title = field.description_title
description = field.description
if description:
descriptions.append((title, description))
return descriptions