
124 lines
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# 1. tnurlygayanov: Fix issue with configuration files (like in OpenStack projects)
# 2. tnurlygayanov: Fix issue with installation from git repository.
# Now we are use ./ script from git repository.
# Need to track all installation actions from puppet recepies
class murano::conductor (
$rabbit_vhost = 'murano',
$rabbit_user = 'murano',
$rabbit_password = 'murano',
$rabbit_host = '',
$keystone_url = '',
$branch = 'master'
) {
rabbitmq_user { "$rabbit_user":
admin => true,
password => "$rabbit_password",
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
rabbitmq_vhost { "$rabbit_vhost":
ensure => present,
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
rabbitmq_user_permissions { "$rabbit_user@$rabbit_vhost":
configure_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
vcsrepo { '/tmp/murano-conductor':
ensure => present,
provider => git,
source => 'git://',
revision => $branch,
alias => 'step1',
case $operatingsystem {
centos: { $cmd = "sh purge-init; sh install" }
default: { $cmd = "sh purge-init; sh install" }
exec {'Install new version':
require => Vcsrepo['step1'],
command => $cmd,
user => 'root',
provider => shell,
cwd => '/tmp/murano-conductor',
alias => 'step2',
exec {'Copy configuration files':
require => Exec['step2'],
command => 'cp conductor.conf.sample conductor.conf',
user => 'root',
provider => shell,
cwd => '/etc/murano-conductor',
path => '/bin',
alias => 'step3',
ini_setting {'Modify RabbitMQ vhost in configuration file':
before => Service["murano-conductor"],
require => Exec['step3'],
path => '/etc/murano-conductor/conductor.conf',
section => 'rabbitmq',
setting => 'virtual_host',
value => "$rabbit_vhost",
ensure => present,
ini_setting {'Modify RabbitMQ user in configuration file':
before => Service["murano-conductor"],
require => Exec['step3'],
path => '/etc/murano-conductor/conductor.conf',
section => 'rabbitmq',
setting => 'login',
value => "$rabbit_user",
ensure => present,
ini_setting {'Modify RabbitMQ password in configuration file':
before => Service["murano-conductor"],
require => Exec['step3'],
path => '/etc/murano-conductor/conductor.conf',
section => 'rabbitmq',
setting => 'password',
value => "$rabbit_password",
ensure => present,
ini_setting {'Modify RabbitMQ host IP in configuration file':
before => Service["murano-conductor"],
require => Exec['step3'],
path => '/etc/murano-conductor/conductor.conf',
section => 'rabbitmq',
setting => 'host',
value => "$rabbit_host",
ensure => present,
ini_setting {'Modify Keystone auth url in configuration file':
before => Service["murano-conductor"],
require => Exec['step3'],
path => '/etc/murano-conductor/conductor.conf',
section => 'heat',
setting => 'auth_url',
value => "$keystone_url",
ensure => present,
service {'murano-conductor':
ensure => running,
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus => true,
class { 'murano::conductor': }