Dmitry Teselkin 977df74121 Cherry-pick from master
* Scripts for devstack integration.
* An update for devstack integration scripts

Change-Id: I7c287857023559406988e65376856a89b216e45a
2014-02-06 16:44:34 +04:00
extras.d Cherry-pick from master 2014-02-06 16:44:34 +04:00
files/apts Cherry-pick from master 2014-02-06 16:44:34 +04:00
lib Cherry-pick from master 2014-02-06 16:44:34 +04:00 Cherry-pick from master 2014-02-06 16:44:34 +04:00
devbox.local.conf Cherry-pick from master 2014-02-06 16:44:34 +04:00
single-node.local.conf Cherry-pick from master 2014-02-06 16:44:34 +04:00

Devstack integration

WARNING: Only single node devstack deployment is supported at the moment.


This folder contains scripts required to add Murano into Devstack's installation process.

Typography notes

  • - root's command prompt

  • $ - user's command prompt, when it doesn't matter what user account is used

  • stack$ - stack user's command prompt

System preparation

  1. Create user stack
># adduser stack
  1. Add user stack to sudoers rules
># echo 'stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/stack
># chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/stack
  1. Install additional software

    • Ubuntu
    ># apt-get install git
    • CentOS
    ># yum install git


  1. Create folders where devstack will install all the files
># mkdir -p /opt/stack
># chown stack:stack /opt/stack
  1. Become user stack and cd to home directory
># su stack
>stack$ cd
  1. Clone repositories to home directory

    • Clone devstack repository and checkout havana branch
    >stack$ cd
    >stack$ git clone
    >stack$ cd devstack
    >stack$ git checkout stable/havana
    • Clone murano-deployment repository
    >stack$ cd
    >stack$ git clone
  2. Copy required files from murano-deployment to devstack, then configure local.conf. You should set at least one configuration parameter there - HOST_IP address.

>stack$ cd
>stack$ cp -r murano-deployment/devstack-integration/* devstack/
  1. Replace (or settings merge with) local.conf with another config file, if you need a different type of installation. Available config files and installation types are:

    • single-node.local.conf - single-node all-in-one installation. OpenStack + Murano will be installed on your node together.
    • devbox.local.conf - install Murano only. OpenStack must be installed on another node, and your node will be configured to use it.
  2. Edit devstack's configuration file

>stack$ vim devstack/local.conf
  1. From devstack directory, lauch
>stack$ ./
  1. Open URL http:/// in web browser. Login with username admin and password swordfiwh. Open Murano tab and enjoy.