# Copyright 2013, Mirantis Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon import forms from horizon import workflows from openstack_dashboard import api from neutron_vpnaas_dashboard.api import vpn as api_vpn class AddVPNServiceAction(workflows.Action): name = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Name"), required=False) description = forms.CharField( initial="", required=False, max_length=80, label=_("Description")) router_id = forms.ThemableChoiceField(label=_("Router")) subnet_id = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Subnet"), help_text=_("Optional. No need to be specified " "when you use endpoint groups."), required=False) admin_state_up = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Enable Admin State"), help_text=_("The state of VPN service to start in. If disabled " "(not checked), VPN service does not forward packets."), initial=True, required=False) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AddVPNServiceAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) def populate_subnet_id_choices(self, request, context): subnet_id_choices = [('', _("Select a Subnet"))] try: tenant_id = request.user.tenant_id networks = api.neutron.network_list_for_tenant(request, tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve networks list.')) networks = [] for n in networks: for s in n['subnets']: subnet_id_choices.append((s.id, s.cidr)) self.fields['subnet_id'].choices = subnet_id_choices return subnet_id_choices def populate_router_id_choices(self, request, context): router_id_choices = [('', _("Select a Router"))] try: tenant_id = request.user.tenant_id routers = api.neutron.router_list(request, tenant_id=tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve routers list.')) routers = [] for r in routers: if not r.external_gateway_info: continue router_id_choices.append((r.id, r.name)) self.fields['router_id'].choices = router_id_choices return router_id_choices class Meta(object): name = _("Add New VPN Service") permissions = ('openstack.services.network',) help_text_template = "project/vpn/_add_vpn_service_help.html" class AddVPNServiceStep(workflows.Step): action_class = AddVPNServiceAction contributes = ("name", "description", "subnet_id", "router_id", "admin_state_up") def contribute(self, data, context): context = super(AddVPNServiceStep, self).contribute(data, context) if data: return context class AddVPNService(workflows.Workflow): slug = "addvpnservice" name = _("Add VPN Service") finalize_button_name = _("Add") success_message = _('Added VPN service "%s".') failure_message = _('Unable to add VPN service "%s".') success_url = "horizon:project:vpn:index" default_steps = (AddVPNServiceStep,) def format_status_message(self, message): return message % self.context.get('name') def handle(self, request, context): try: api_vpn.vpnservice_create(request, **context) return True except Exception: return False class AddEndpointGroupAction(workflows.Action): name = forms.CharField( max_length=80, label=_("Name"), required=False) description = forms.CharField( initial="", required=False, max_length=80, label=_("Description")) type = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Type"), help_text=_("IPsec connection validation requires that local " "endpoints are subnets, and peer endpoints are CIDRs."), choices=[('cidr', _('CIDR (for external systems)')), ('subnet', _('Subnet (for local systems)'))], widget=forms.ThemableSelectWidget(attrs={ 'class': 'switchable', 'data-slug': 'type', })) cidrs = forms.MultiIPField( required=False, label=_("External System CIDRs"), widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={ 'class': 'switched', 'data-switch-on': 'type', 'data-type-cidr': _("External System CIDRs"), }), help_text=_("Remote peer subnet(s) address(es) " "with mask(s) in CIDR format " "separated with commas if needed " "(e.g., " "This field is valid if type is CIDR"), version=forms.IPv4 | forms.IPv6, mask=True) subnets = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, label=_("Local System Subnets"), widget=forms.ThemableCheckboxSelectMultiple(attrs={ 'class': 'switched', 'data-switch-on': 'type', 'data-type-subnet': _("External System Subnets"), }), help_text=_("Local subnet(s). " "This field is valid if type is Subnet"),) def populate_subnets_choices(self, request, context): subnets_choices = [] try: tenant_id = request.user.tenant_id networks = api.neutron.network_list_for_tenant(request, tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve networks list.')) networks = [] for n in networks: for s in n['subnets']: subnets_choices.append((s.id, s.cidr)) self.fields['subnets'].choices = subnets_choices return subnets_choices class Meta(object): name = _("Add New Endpoint Groups") permissions = ('openstack.services.network',) help_text_template = "project/vpn/_add_endpoint_group_help.html" class AddEndpointGroupStep(workflows.Step): action_class = AddEndpointGroupAction contributes = ("name", "description", "type", "cidrs", "subnets", "endpoints") def contribute(self, data, context): context = super(AddEndpointGroupStep, self).contribute(data, context) if context['type'] == 'cidr': cidrs = context['cidrs'] context['endpoints'] = [ cidr.strip() for cidr in cidrs.split(',') if cidr.strip()] else: context['endpoints'] = context['subnets'] if data: return context class AddEndpointGroup(workflows.Workflow): slug = "addendpointgroup" name = _("Add Endpoint Group") finalize_button_name = _("Add") success_message = _('Added Endpoint Group "%s".') failure_message = _('Unable to add Endpoint Group "%s".') success_url = "horizon:project:vpn:index" default_steps = (AddEndpointGroupStep,) def format_status_message(self, message): return message % self.context.get('name') def handle(self, request, context): try: api_vpn.endpointgroup_create(request, **context) return True except Exception: return False class AddIKEPolicyAction(workflows.Action): name = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Name"), required=False) description = forms.CharField( initial="", required=False, max_length=80, label=_("Description")) auth_algorithm = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Authorization algorithm"), required=False) encryption_algorithm = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Encryption algorithm"), required=False) ike_version = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("IKE version"), required=False) lifetime_units = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Lifetime units for IKE keys"), required=False) lifetime_value = forms.IntegerField( min_value=60, label=_("Lifetime value for IKE keys"), initial=3600, help_text=_("Equal to or greater than 60"), required=False) pfs = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Perfect Forward Secrecy"), required=False) phase1_negotiation_mode = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("IKE Phase1 negotiation mode"), required=False) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AddIKEPolicyAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) auth_algorithm_choices = [("sha1", "sha1")] self.fields['auth_algorithm'].choices = auth_algorithm_choices # Currently this field has only one choice, so mark it as readonly. self.fields['auth_algorithm'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True encryption_algorithm_choices = [("3des", "3des"), ("aes-128", "aes-128"), ("aes-192", "aes-192"), ("aes-256", "aes-256")] self.fields[ 'encryption_algorithm'].choices = encryption_algorithm_choices self.fields['encryption_algorithm'].initial = "aes-128" ike_version_choices = [("v1", "v1"), ("v2", "v2")] self.fields['ike_version'].choices = ike_version_choices lifetime_units_choices = [("seconds", "seconds")] self.fields['lifetime_units'].choices = lifetime_units_choices # Currently this field has only one choice, so mark it as readonly. self.fields['lifetime_units'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True pfs_choices = [("group2", "group2"), ("group5", "group5"), ("group14", "group14")] self.fields['pfs'].choices = pfs_choices self.fields['pfs'].initial = "group5" phase1_neg_mode_choices = [("main", "main")] self.fields[ 'phase1_negotiation_mode'].choices = phase1_neg_mode_choices # Currently this field has only one choice, so mark it as readonly. self.fields['phase1_negotiation_mode'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True class Meta(object): name = _("Add New IKE Policy") permissions = ('openstack.services.network',) help_text_template = "project/vpn/_add_ike_policy_help.html" class AddIKEPolicyStep(workflows.Step): action_class = AddIKEPolicyAction contributes = ("name", "description", "auth_algorithm", "encryption_algorithm", "ike_version", "lifetime_units", "lifetime_value", "pfs", "phase1_negotiation_mode") def contribute(self, data, context): context = super(AddIKEPolicyStep, self).contribute(data, context) context['lifetime'] = {'units': data['lifetime_units'], 'value': data['lifetime_value']} context.pop('lifetime_units') context.pop('lifetime_value') if data: return context class AddIKEPolicy(workflows.Workflow): slug = "addikepolicy" name = _("Add IKE Policy") finalize_button_name = _("Add") success_message = _('Added IKE policy "%s".') failure_message = _('Unable to add IKE policy "%s".') success_url = "horizon:project:vpn:index" default_steps = (AddIKEPolicyStep,) def format_status_message(self, message): return message % self.context.get('name') def handle(self, request, context): try: api_vpn.ikepolicy_create(request, **context) return True except Exception: return False class AddIPsecPolicyAction(workflows.Action): name = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Name"), required=False) description = forms.CharField( initial="", required=False, max_length=80, label=_("Description")) auth_algorithm = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Authorization algorithm"), required=False) encapsulation_mode = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Encapsulation mode"), required=False) encryption_algorithm = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Encryption algorithm"), required=False) lifetime_units = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Lifetime units"), required=False) lifetime_value = forms.IntegerField( min_value=60, label=_("Lifetime value for IKE keys "), initial=3600, help_text=_("Equal to or greater than 60"), required=False) pfs = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Perfect Forward Secrecy"), required=False) transform_protocol = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Transform Protocol"), required=False) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AddIPsecPolicyAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) auth_algorithm_choices = [("sha1", "sha1")] self.fields['auth_algorithm'].choices = auth_algorithm_choices # Currently this field has only one choice, so mark it as readonly. self.fields['auth_algorithm'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True encapsulation_mode_choices = [("tunnel", "tunnel"), ("transport", "transport")] self.fields['encapsulation_mode'].choices = encapsulation_mode_choices encryption_algorithm_choices = [("3des", "3des"), ("aes-128", "aes-128"), ("aes-192", "aes-192"), ("aes-256", "aes-256")] self.fields[ 'encryption_algorithm'].choices = encryption_algorithm_choices self.fields['encryption_algorithm'].initial = "aes-128" lifetime_units_choices = [("seconds", "seconds")] self.fields['lifetime_units'].choices = lifetime_units_choices # Currently this field has only one choice, so mark it as readonly. self.fields['lifetime_units'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True pfs_choices = [("group2", "group2"), ("group5", "group5"), ("group14", "group14")] self.fields['pfs'].choices = pfs_choices self.fields['pfs'].initial = "group5" transform_protocol_choices = [("esp", "esp"), ("ah", "ah"), ("ah-esp", "ah-esp")] self.fields['transform_protocol'].choices = transform_protocol_choices class Meta(object): name = _("Add New IPsec Policy") permissions = ('openstack.services.network',) help_text_template = 'project/vpn/_add_ipsec_policy_help.html' class AddIPsecPolicyStep(workflows.Step): action_class = AddIPsecPolicyAction contributes = ("name", "description", "auth_algorithm", "encapsulation_mode", "encryption_algorithm", "lifetime_units", "lifetime_value", "pfs", "transform_protocol") def contribute(self, data, context): context = super(AddIPsecPolicyStep, self).contribute(data, context) context['lifetime'] = {'units': data['lifetime_units'], 'value': data['lifetime_value']} context.pop('lifetime_units') context.pop('lifetime_value') if data: return context class AddIPsecPolicy(workflows.Workflow): slug = "addipsecpolicy" name = _("Add IPsec Policy") finalize_button_name = _("Add") success_message = _('Added IPsec policy "%s".') failure_message = _('Unable to add IPsec policy "%s".') success_url = "horizon:project:vpn:index" default_steps = (AddIPsecPolicyStep,) def format_status_message(self, message): return message % self.context.get('name') def handle(self, request, context): try: api_vpn.ipsecpolicy_create(request, **context) return True except Exception: return False class AddIPsecSiteConnectionAction(workflows.Action): name = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Name"), required=False) description = forms.CharField( initial="", required=False, max_length=80, label=_("Description")) vpnservice_id = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("VPN service associated with this connection")) local_ep_group_id = forms.ThemableChoiceField( required=False, label=_("Endpoint Group for local subnet(s)"), help_text=_("Local subnets which the new IPsec connection is " "connected to. Required if no subnet is specified " "in a VPN service selected.")) ikepolicy_id = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("IKE policy associated with this connection")) ipsecpolicy_id = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("IPsec policy associated with this connection")) peer_address = forms.CharField( label=_("Peer gateway public IPv4/IPv6 Address or FQDN"), help_text=_("Peer gateway public IPv4/IPv6 address or FQDN for " "the VPN Connection"),) peer_id = forms.CharField( label=_("Peer router identity for authentication (Peer ID)"), help_text=_("Peer router identity for authentication. " "Can be IPv4/IPv6 address, e-mail, key ID, or FQDN"),) peer_ep_group_id = forms.ThemableChoiceField( required=False, label=_("Endpoint Group for remote peer CIDR(s)"), help_text=_("Remote peer CIDR(s) connected to the new IPsec " "connection.")) peer_cidrs = forms.MultiIPField( required=False, label=_("Remote peer subnet(s)"), help_text=_("(Deprecated) Remote peer subnet(s) address(es) " "with mask(s) in CIDR format " "separated with commas if needed " "(e.g.,"), version=forms.IPv4 | forms.IPv6, mask=True) psk = forms.CharField( max_length=80, label=_("Pre-Shared Key (PSK) string"), widget=forms.PasswordInput(render_value=False), help_text=_("The pre-defined key string " "between the two peers of the VPN connection")) def populate_ikepolicy_id_choices(self, request, context): ikepolicy_id_choices = [('', _("Select IKE policy"))] try: tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id ikepolicies = api_vpn.ikepolicy_list(request, tenant_id=tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve IKE policies list.')) ikepolicies = [] for p in ikepolicies: ikepolicy_id_choices.append((p.id, p.name_or_id)) self.fields['ikepolicy_id'].choices = ikepolicy_id_choices return ikepolicy_id_choices def populate_ipsecpolicy_id_choices(self, request, context): ipsecpolicy_id_choices = [('', _("Select IPsec Policy"))] try: tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id ipsecpolicies = api_vpn.ipsecpolicy_list(request, tenant_id=tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve IPsec policies list.')) ipsecpolicies = [] for p in ipsecpolicies: ipsecpolicy_id_choices.append((p.id, p.name_or_id)) self.fields['ipsecpolicy_id'].choices = ipsecpolicy_id_choices return ipsecpolicy_id_choices def populate_vpnservice_id_choices(self, request, context): vpnservice_id_choices = [('', _("Select VPN service"))] try: tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id vpnservices = api_vpn.vpnservice_list(request, tenant_id=tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve VPN services list.')) vpnservices = [] for s in vpnservices: vpnservice_id_choices.append((s.id, s.name_or_id)) self.fields['vpnservice_id'].choices = vpnservice_id_choices return vpnservice_id_choices def populate_local_ep_group_id_choices(self, request, context): try: tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id endpointgroups = api_vpn.endpointgroup_list(request, tenant_id=tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve endpoint group list.')) endpointgroups = [] local_ep_group_ids = [(ep.id, ep.name_or_id) for ep in endpointgroups if ep.type == 'subnet'] local_ep_group_ids.insert(0, ('', _("Select local endpoint group"))) self.fields['local_ep_group_id'].choices = local_ep_group_ids return local_ep_group_ids def populate_peer_ep_group_id_choices(self, request, context): try: tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id endpointgroups = api_vpn.endpointgroup_list(request, tenant_id=tenant_id) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve endpoint group list.')) endpointgroups = [] peer_ep_group_ids = [(ep.id, ep.name_or_id) for ep in endpointgroups if ep.type == 'cidr'] peer_ep_group_ids.insert(0, ('', _("Select peer endpoint group"))) self.fields['peer_ep_group_id'].choices = peer_ep_group_ids return peer_ep_group_ids class Meta(object): name = _("Add New IPsec Site Connection") permissions = ('openstack.services.network',) help_text = _("Create IPsec site connection for current " "project. Assign a name and description for the " "IPsec site connection. " "All fields in this tab are required." ) class AddIPsecSiteConnectionStep(workflows.Step): action_class = AddIPsecSiteConnectionAction contributes = ("name", "description", "vpnservice_id", "ikepolicy_id", "ipsecpolicy_id", "peer_address", "peer_id", "peer_cidrs", "psk", "local_ep_group_id", "peer_ep_group_id") class AddIPsecSiteConnectionOptionalAction(workflows.Action): mtu = forms.IntegerField( min_value=68, label=_("Maximum Transmission Unit size for the connection"), initial=1500, required=False, help_text=_("Equal to or greater than 68 if the local subnet is IPv4. " "Equal to or greater than 1280 if the local subnet " "is IPv6.")) dpd_action = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Dead peer detection actions"), required=False) dpd_interval = forms.IntegerField( min_value=1, label=_("Dead peer detection interval"), initial=30, required=False, help_text=_("Valid integer lesser than DPD timeout")) dpd_timeout = forms.IntegerField( min_value=1, label=_("Dead peer detection timeout"), initial=120, required=False, help_text=_("Valid integer greater than the DPD interval")) initiator = forms.ThemableChoiceField( label=_("Initiator state"), required=False) admin_state_up = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Enable Admin State"), help_text=_("The state of IPsec site connection to start in. " "If disabled (not checked), IPsec site connection " "does not forward packets."), initial=True, required=False) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AddIPsecSiteConnectionOptionalAction, self).__init__( request, *args, **kwargs) initiator_choices = [("bi-directional", "bi-directional"), ("response-only", "response-only")] self.fields['initiator'].choices = initiator_choices def populate_dpd_action_choices(self, request, context): dpd_action_choices = [("hold", "hold"), ("clear", "clear"), ("disabled", "disabled"), ("restart", "restart"), ("restart-by-peer", "restart-by-peer")] self.fields['dpd_action'].choices = dpd_action_choices return dpd_action_choices def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(AddIPsecSiteConnectionOptionalAction, self).clean() interval = cleaned_data.get('dpd_interval') timeout = cleaned_data.get('dpd_timeout') if not interval < timeout: msg = _("DPD Timeout must be greater than DPD Interval") self._errors['dpd_timeout'] = self.error_class([msg]) return cleaned_data class Meta(object): name = _("Optional Parameters") permissions = ('openstack.services.network',) help_text = _("Fields in this tab are optional. " "You can configure the detail of " "IPsec site connection created." ) class AddIPsecSiteConnectionOptionalStep(workflows.Step): action_class = AddIPsecSiteConnectionOptionalAction contributes = ("dpd_action", "dpd_interval", "dpd_timeout", "initiator", "mtu", "admin_state_up") def contribute(self, data, context): context = super( AddIPsecSiteConnectionOptionalStep, self).contribute(data, context) context['dpd'] = {'action': data['dpd_action'], 'interval': data['dpd_interval'], 'timeout': data['dpd_timeout']} context.pop('dpd_action') context.pop('dpd_interval') context.pop('dpd_timeout') cidrs = context['peer_cidrs'] context['peer_cidrs'] = [cidr.strip() for cidr in cidrs.split(',') if cidr.strip()] if data: return context class AddIPsecSiteConnection(workflows.Workflow): slug = "addipsecsiteconnection" name = _("Add IPsec Site Connection") finalize_button_name = _("Add") success_message = _('Added IPsec site connection "%s".') failure_message = _('Unable to add IPsec site connection "%s".') success_url = "horizon:project:vpn:index" default_steps = (AddIPsecSiteConnectionStep, AddIPsecSiteConnectionOptionalStep) def format_status_message(self, message): return message % self.context.get('name') def handle(self, request, context): try: api_vpn.ipsecsiteconnection_create(request, **context) return True except Exception: return False