#!/usr/bin/env bash # Client constraint file contains this client version pin that is in conflict # with installing the client from source. We should remove the version pin in # the constraints file before applying it for from-source installation. # The script also has a secondary purpose to install certain special # dependencies directly from git. # Wrapper for pip install that always uses constraints. function pip_install() { pip install -c"$localfile" -U "$@" } # Grab the library from git using either zuul-cloner or pip. The former is # there to a take advantage of the setup done by the gate infrastructure # and honour any/all Depends-On headers in the commit message function install_from_git() { ZUUL_CLONER=/usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner GIT_HOST=git.openstack.org PROJ=$1 EGG=$2 edit-constraints "$localfile" -- "$EGG" if [ -x "$ZUUL_CLONER" ]; then SRC_DIR="$VIRTUAL_ENV/src" mkdir -p "$SRC_DIR" cd "$SRC_DIR" >/dev/null ZUUL_CACHE_DIR=${ZUUL_CACHE_DIR:-/opt/git} $ZUUL_CLONER \ --branch "$BRANCH_NAME" \ "git://$GIT_HOST" "$PROJ" pip_install -e "$PROJ/." cd - >/dev/null else SRC_DIR="$VIRTUAL_ENV/src/$PROJ" git clone --depth 1 --branch $BRANCH_NAME https://$GIT_HOST/$PROJ $SRC_DIR pip_install -e $SRC_DIR fi } CONSTRAINTS_FILE="$1" shift 1 # This script will either complete with a return code of 0 or the return code # of whatever failed. set -e # NOTE(tonyb): Place this in the tox environment's log dir so it will get # published to logs.openstack.org for easy debugging. mkdir -p "$VIRTUAL_ENV/log/" localfile="$VIRTUAL_ENV/log/upper-constraints.txt" if [[ "$CONSTRAINTS_FILE" != http* ]]; then CONSTRAINTS_FILE="file://$CONSTRAINTS_FILE" fi # NOTE(tonyb): need to add curl to bindep.txt if the project supports bindep curl "$CONSTRAINTS_FILE" --insecure --progress-bar --output "$localfile" pip_install openstack-requirements # This is the main purpose of the script: Allow local installation of # the current repo. It is listed in constraints file and thus any # install will be constrained and we need to unconstrain it. edit-constraints "$localfile" -- "$CLIENT_NAME" declare -a passthrough_args while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do case "$1" in # If we have any special os: deps then process them os:*) declare -a pkg_spec IFS=: pkg_spec=($1) install_from_git "${pkg_spec[1]}" "${pkg_spec[2]}" ;; # Otherwise just pass the other deps through to the constrained pip install *) passthrough_args+=("$1") ;; esac shift 1 done # If *only* had special args then then isn't any need to run pip. if [ -n "$passthrough_args" ] ; then pip_install "${passthrough_args[@]}" fi