YAMAMOTO Takashi 4f780b1c5f tox_install: Don't leave IFS set
When running "tox -e docs" in my environment, git clone fails with
"Too many arguments."  It seems ":" in "https://" is affected by IFS.

1. In, IFS is set to ":". It affects the current
  execution environment and can have undesirable side effects later.
  It's safer to restore it.  (This commit fixes this.)

2. Otoh, the particular symptom above seems like a bug in a version
  of bash I happen to have.

  bash-3.2$ bash --version
  GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin14)
  Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  bash-3.2$ IFS=:
  bash-3.2$ echo a:b
  bash-3.2$ echo a:b$x
  a b

Closes-Bug: #1708147
Change-Id: Icf515dc2ee7e2da2a6b0efa6c6e8cbb45c78da46
2017-08-03 03:29:25 +00:00
.. tox_install: Don't leave IFS set 2017-08-03 03:29:25 +00:00