# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import functools import re from neutron.agent.linux import external_process from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.agent.ovn.metadata import driver as metadata_driver from neutron.agent.ovn.metadata import ovsdb from neutron.agent.ovn.metadata import server as metadata_server from neutron.common.ovn import constants as ovn_const from neutron.common import utils from neutron.conf.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn import ovn_conf as config from neutron_lib import constants as n_const from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import uuidutils from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import event as row_event from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import vlog LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) _SYNC_STATE_LOCK = lockutils.ReaderWriterLock() CHASSIS_METADATA_LOCK = 'chassis_metadata_lock' NS_PREFIX = 'ovnmeta-' MAC_PATTERN = re.compile(r'([0-9A-F]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-F]{2})', re.I) OVN_VIF_PORT_TYPES = ("", "external", ) MetadataPortInfo = collections.namedtuple('MetadataPortInfo', ['mac', 'ip_addresses']) def _sync_lock(f): """Decorator to block all operations for a global sync call.""" @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): with _SYNC_STATE_LOCK.write_lock(): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped class ConfigException(Exception): """Misconfiguration of the agent This exception is raised when agent detects its wrong configuration. Typically agent should resync when this is raised. """ class PortBindingChassisEvent(row_event.RowEvent): def __init__(self, metadata_agent, events): self.agent = metadata_agent table = 'Port_Binding' super(PortBindingChassisEvent, self).__init__( events, table, None) self.event_name = self.__class__.__name__ def run(self, event, row, old): # Check if the port has been bound/unbound to our chassis and update # the metadata namespace accordingly. resync = False if row.type not in OVN_VIF_PORT_TYPES: return with _SYNC_STATE_LOCK.read_lock(): try: LOG.info(self.LOG_MSG, row.logical_port, str(row.datapath.uuid)) self.agent.update_datapath(str(row.datapath.uuid)) except ConfigException: # We're now in the reader lock mode, we need to exit the # context and then use writer lock resync = True if resync: self.agent.resync() class PortBindingChassisCreatedEvent(PortBindingChassisEvent): LOG_MSG = "Port %s in datapath %s bound to our chassis" def __init__(self, metadata_agent): events = (self.ROW_UPDATE,) super(PortBindingChassisCreatedEvent, self).__init__( metadata_agent, events) def match_fn(self, event, row, old): try: return (row.chassis[0].name == self.agent.chassis and not old.chassis) except (IndexError, AttributeError): return False class PortBindingChassisDeletedEvent(PortBindingChassisEvent): LOG_MSG = "Port %s in datapath %s unbound from our chassis" def __init__(self, metadata_agent): events = (self.ROW_UPDATE, self.ROW_DELETE) super(PortBindingChassisDeletedEvent, self).__init__( metadata_agent, events) def match_fn(self, event, row, old): try: if event == self.ROW_UPDATE: return (old.chassis[0].name == self.agent.chassis and not row.chassis) else: if row.chassis[0].name == self.agent.chassis: if row.type != "external": LOG.warning( 'Removing non-external type port %(port_id)s with ' 'type "%(type)s"', {"port_id": row.uuid, "type": row.type}) return True except (IndexError, AttributeError): return False class ChassisCreateEvent(row_event.RowEvent): """Row create event - Chassis name == our_chassis. On connection, we get a dump of all chassis so if we catch a creation of our own chassis it has to be a reconnection. In this case, we need to do a full sync to make sure that we capture all changes while the connection to OVSDB was down. """ def __init__(self, metadata_agent): self.agent = metadata_agent self.first_time = True table = 'Chassis' events = (self.ROW_CREATE,) super(ChassisCreateEvent, self).__init__( events, table, (('name', '=', self.agent.chassis),)) self.event_name = self.__class__.__name__ def run(self, event, row, old): if self.first_time: self.first_time = False else: # NOTE(lucasagomes): Re-register the ovn metadata agent # with the local chassis in case its entry was re-created # (happens when restarting the ovn-controller) self.agent.register_metadata_agent() LOG.info("Connection to OVSDB established, doing a full sync") self.agent.sync() class SbGlobalUpdateEvent(row_event.RowEvent): """Row update event on SB_Global table.""" def __init__(self, metadata_agent): self.agent = metadata_agent table = 'SB_Global' events = (self.ROW_UPDATE,) super(SbGlobalUpdateEvent, self).__init__(events, table, None) self.event_name = self.__class__.__name__ def run(self, event, row, old): self.agent.sb_idl.update_metadata_health_status( self.agent.chassis, row.nb_cfg).execute() class MetadataAgent(object): def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf vlog.use_python_logger(max_level=config.get_ovn_ovsdb_log_level()) self._process_monitor = external_process.ProcessMonitor( config=self.conf, resource_type='metadata') def _load_config(self): self.chassis = self._get_own_chassis_name() self.ovn_bridge = self._get_ovn_bridge() LOG.debug("Loaded chassis %s and ovn bridge %s.", self.chassis, self.ovn_bridge) @_sync_lock def resync(self): """Resync the agent. Reload the configuration and sync the agent again. """ self._load_config() self.sync() def start(self): # Open the connection to OVS database self.ovs_idl = ovsdb.MetadataAgentOvsIdl().start() self._load_config() # Launch the server that will act as a proxy between the VM's and Nova. proxy = metadata_server.UnixDomainMetadataProxy(self.conf) proxy.run() # Open the connection to OVN SB database. self.sb_idl = ovsdb.MetadataAgentOvnSbIdl( chassis=self.chassis, events=[PortBindingChassisCreatedEvent(self), PortBindingChassisDeletedEvent(self), ChassisCreateEvent(self), SbGlobalUpdateEvent(self)]).start() # Do the initial sync. self.sync() # Register the agent with its corresponding Chassis self.register_metadata_agent() proxy.wait() def register_metadata_agent(self): # NOTE(lucasagomes): db_add() will not overwrite the UUID if # it's already set. ext_ids = { ovn_const.OVN_AGENT_METADATA_ID_KEY: uuidutils.generate_uuid()} self.sb_idl.db_add('Chassis', self.chassis, 'external_ids', ext_ids).execute(check_error=True) def _get_own_chassis_name(self): """Return the external_ids:system-id value of the Open_vSwitch table. As long as ovn-controller is running on this node, the key is guaranteed to exist and will include the chassis name. """ ext_ids = self.ovs_idl.db_get( 'Open_vSwitch', '.', 'external_ids').execute() return ext_ids['system-id'] def _get_ovn_bridge(self): """Return the external_ids:ovn-bridge value of the Open_vSwitch table. This is the OVS bridge used to plug the metadata ports to. If the key doesn't exist, this method will return 'br-int' as default. """ ext_ids = self.ovs_idl.db_get( 'Open_vSwitch', '.', 'external_ids').execute() try: return ext_ids['ovn-bridge'] except KeyError: LOG.warning("Can't read ovn-bridge external-id from OVSDB. Using " "br-int instead.") return 'br-int' @_sync_lock def sync(self): """Agent sync. This function will make sure that all networks with ports in our chassis are serving metadata. Also, it will tear down those namespaces which were serving metadata but are no longer needed. """ metadata_namespaces = self.ensure_all_networks_provisioned() system_namespaces = tuple( ns.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(ns, bytes) else ns for ns in ip_lib.list_network_namespaces()) unused_namespaces = [ns for ns in system_namespaces if ns.startswith(NS_PREFIX) and ns not in metadata_namespaces] for ns in unused_namespaces: self.teardown_datapath(self._get_datapath_name(ns)) @staticmethod def _get_veth_name(datapath): return ['{}{}{}'.format(n_const.TAP_DEVICE_PREFIX, datapath[:10], i) for i in [0, 1]] @staticmethod def _get_datapath_name(namespace): return namespace[len(NS_PREFIX):] @staticmethod def _get_namespace_name(datapath): return NS_PREFIX + datapath def _vif_ports(self, ports): return (p for p in ports if p.type in OVN_VIF_PORT_TYPES) def teardown_datapath(self, datapath): """Unprovision this datapath to stop serving metadata. This function will shutdown metadata proxy if it's running and delete the VETH pair, the OVS port and the namespace. """ self.update_chassis_metadata_networks(datapath, remove=True) namespace = self._get_namespace_name(datapath) ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper(namespace) # If the namespace doesn't exist, return if not ip.netns.exists(namespace): return LOG.info("Cleaning up %s namespace which is not needed anymore", namespace) metadata_driver.MetadataDriver.destroy_monitored_metadata_proxy( self._process_monitor, datapath, self.conf, namespace) veth_name = self._get_veth_name(datapath) self.ovs_idl.del_port(veth_name[0]).execute() if ip_lib.device_exists(veth_name[0]): ip_lib.IPWrapper().del_veth(veth_name[0]) ip.garbage_collect_namespace() def update_datapath(self, datapath): """Update the metadata service for this datapath. This function will: * Provision the namespace if it wasn't already in place. * Update the namespace if it was already serving metadata (for example, after binding/unbinding the first/last port of a subnet in our chassis). * Tear down the namespace if there are no more ports in our chassis for this datapath. """ ports = self.sb_idl.get_ports_on_chassis(self.chassis) datapath_ports = [p for p in self._vif_ports(ports) if str(p.datapath.uuid) == datapath] if datapath_ports: self.provision_datapath(datapath) else: self.teardown_datapath(datapath) def provision_datapath(self, datapath): """Provision the datapath so that it can serve metadata. This function will create the namespace and VETH pair if needed and assign the IP addresses to the interface corresponding to the metadata port of the network. It will also remove existing IP addresses that are no longer needed. :return: The metadata namespace name of this datapath """ LOG.debug("Provisioning datapath %s", datapath) port = self.sb_idl.get_metadata_port_network(datapath) # If there's no metadata port or it doesn't have a MAC or IP # addresses, then tear the namespace down if needed. This might happen # when there are no subnets yet created so metadata port doesn't have # an IP address. if not (port and port.mac and port.external_ids.get(ovn_const.OVN_CIDRS_EXT_ID_KEY, None)): LOG.debug("There is no metadata port for datapath %s or it has no " "MAC or IP addresses configured, tearing the namespace " "down if needed", datapath) self.teardown_datapath(datapath) return # First entry of the mac field must be the MAC address. match = MAC_PATTERN.match(port.mac[0].split(' ')[0]) # If it is not, we can't provision the namespace. Tear it down if # needed and log the error. if not match: LOG.error("Metadata port for datapath %s doesn't have a MAC " "address, tearing the namespace down if needed", datapath) self.teardown_datapath(datapath) return mac = match.group() ip_addresses = set( port.external_ids[ovn_const.OVN_CIDRS_EXT_ID_KEY].split(' ')) ip_addresses.add(n_const.METADATA_CIDR) metadata_port = MetadataPortInfo(mac, ip_addresses) # Create the VETH pair if it's not created. Also the add_veth function # will create the namespace for us. namespace = self._get_namespace_name(datapath) veth_name = self._get_veth_name(datapath) ip1 = ip_lib.IPDevice(veth_name[0]) if ip_lib.device_exists(veth_name[1], namespace): ip2 = ip_lib.IPDevice(veth_name[1], namespace) else: LOG.debug("Creating VETH %s in %s namespace", veth_name[1], namespace) # Might happen that the end in the root namespace exists even # though the other end doesn't. Make sure we delete it first if # that's the case. if ip1.exists(): ip1.link.delete() ip1, ip2 = ip_lib.IPWrapper().add_veth( veth_name[0], veth_name[1], namespace) # Make sure both ends of the VETH are up ip1.link.set_up() ip2.link.set_up() # Configure the MAC address. ip2.link.set_address(metadata_port.mac) dev_info = ip2.addr.list() # Configure the IP addresses on the VETH pair and remove those # that we no longer need. current_cidrs = {dev['cidr'] for dev in dev_info} for ipaddr in current_cidrs - metadata_port.ip_addresses: ip2.addr.delete(ipaddr) for ipaddr in metadata_port.ip_addresses - current_cidrs: # NOTE(dalvarez): metadata only works on IPv4. We're doing this # extra check here because it could be that the metadata port has # an IPv6 address if there's an IPv6 subnet with SLAAC in its # network. Neutron IPAM will autoallocate an IPv6 address for every # port in the network. if utils.get_ip_version(ipaddr) == 4: ip2.addr.add(ipaddr) # Check that this port is not attached to any other OVS bridge. This # can happen when the OVN bridge changes (for example, during a # migration from ML2/OVS). ovs_bridges = set(self.ovs_idl.list_br().execute()) try: ovs_bridges.remove(self.ovn_bridge) except KeyError: LOG.warning("Configured OVN bridge %s cannot be found in " "the system. Resyncing the agent.", self.ovn_bridge) raise ConfigException() if ovs_bridges: with self.ovs_idl.transaction() as txn: for br in ovs_bridges: txn.add(self.ovs_idl.del_port(veth_name[0], bridge=br, if_exists=True)) # Configure the OVS port and add external_ids:iface-id so that it # can be tracked by OVN. self.ovs_idl.add_port(self.ovn_bridge, veth_name[0]).execute() self.ovs_idl.db_set( 'Interface', veth_name[0], ('external_ids', {'iface-id': port.logical_port})).execute() # Spawn metadata proxy if it's not already running. metadata_driver.MetadataDriver.spawn_monitored_metadata_proxy( self._process_monitor, namespace, ovn_const.METADATA_PORT, self.conf, bind_address=ovn_const.METADATA_DEFAULT_IP, network_id=datapath) self.update_chassis_metadata_networks(datapath) return namespace def ensure_all_networks_provisioned(self): """Ensure that all datapaths are provisioned. This function will make sure that all datapaths with ports bound to our chassis have its namespace, VETH pair and OVS port created and metadata proxy is up and running. :return: A list with the namespaces that are currently serving metadata """ # Retrieve all VIF ports in our Chassis ports = self.sb_idl.get_ports_on_chassis(self.chassis) datapaths = {str(p.datapath.uuid) for p in self._vif_ports(ports)} namespaces = [] # Make sure that all those datapaths are serving metadata for datapath in datapaths: netns = self.provision_datapath(datapath) if netns: namespaces.append(netns) return namespaces # NOTE(lucasagomes): Even tho the metadata agent is a multi-process # application, there's only one Southbound database IDL instance in # the agent which handles the OVSDB events therefore we do not need # the external=True parameter in the @synchronized decorator. @lockutils.synchronized(CHASSIS_METADATA_LOCK) def update_chassis_metadata_networks(self, datapath, remove=False): """Update metadata networks hosted in this chassis. Add or remove a datapath from the list of current datapaths that we're currently serving metadata. """ current_dps = self.sb_idl.get_chassis_metadata_networks(self.chassis) updated = False if remove: if datapath in current_dps: current_dps.remove(datapath) updated = True else: if datapath not in current_dps: current_dps.append(datapath) updated = True if updated: with self.sb_idl.create_transaction(check_error=True) as txn: txn.add(self.sb_idl.set_chassis_metadata_networks( self.chassis, current_dps))