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# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Neutron base exception handling.
from oslo_utils import excutils
import six
class NeutronException(Exception):
"""Base Neutron Exception.
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd
with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(NeutronException, self).__init__(self.message % kwargs)
self.msg = self.message % kwargs
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if not self.use_fatal_exceptions():
ctxt.reraise = False
# at least get the core message out if something happened
super(NeutronException, self).__init__(self.message)
if six.PY2:
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.msg)
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
def use_fatal_exceptions(self):
return False
class BadRequest(NeutronException):
message = _('Bad %(resource)s request: %(msg)s.')
class NotFound(NeutronException):
class Conflict(NeutronException):
class NotAuthorized(NeutronException):
message = _("Not authorized.")
class ServiceUnavailable(NeutronException):
message = _("The service is unavailable.")
class AdminRequired(NotAuthorized):
message = _("User does not have admin privileges: %(reason)s.")
class ObjectNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Object %(id)s not found.")
class NetworkNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Network %(net_id)s could not be found.")
class SubnetNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Subnet %(subnet_id)s could not be found.")
class SubnetPoolNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Subnet pool %(subnetpool_id)s could not be found.")
class PortNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Port %(port_id)s could not be found.")
class QosPolicyNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("QoS policy %(policy_id)s could not be found.")
class QosRuleNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("QoS rule %(rule_id)s for policy %(policy_id)s "
"could not be found.")
class PortNotFoundOnNetwork(NotFound):
message = _("Port %(port_id)s could not be found "
"on network %(net_id)s.")
class PortQosBindingNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("QoS binding for port %(port_id)s and policy %(policy_id)s "
"could not be found.")
class NetworkQosBindingNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("QoS binding for network %(net_id)s and policy %(policy_id)s "
"could not be found.")
class PolicyFileNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Policy configuration policy.json could not be found.")
class PolicyInitError(NeutronException):
message = _("Failed to init policy %(policy)s because %(reason)s.")
class PolicyCheckError(NeutronException):
message = _("Failed to check policy %(policy)s because %(reason)s.")
class StateInvalid(BadRequest):
message = _("Unsupported port state: %(port_state)s.")
class InUse(NeutronException):
message = _("The resource is in use.")
class QosPolicyInUse(InUse):
message = _("QoS Policy %(policy_id)s is used by "
"%(object_type)s %(object_id)s.")
class NetworkInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to complete operation on network %(net_id)s. "
"There are one or more ports still in use on the network.")
class SubnetInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to complete operation on subnet %(subnet_id)s "
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if 'reason' not in kwargs:
kwargs['reason'] = _("One or more ports have an IP allocation "
"from this subnet.")
super(SubnetInUse, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class PortInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to complete operation on port %(port_id)s "
"for network %(net_id)s. Port already has an attached "
"device %(device_id)s.")
class ServicePortInUse(InUse):
message = _("Port %(port_id)s cannot be deleted directly via the "
"port API: %(reason)s.")
class PortBound(InUse):
message = _("Unable to complete operation on port %(port_id)s, "
"port is already bound, port type: %(vif_type)s, "
"old_mac %(old_mac)s, new_mac %(new_mac)s.")
class MacAddressInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to complete operation for network %(net_id)s. "
"The mac address %(mac)s is in use.")
class HostRoutesExhausted(BadRequest):
# NOTE(xchenum): probably make sense to use quota exceeded exception?
message = _("Unable to complete operation for %(subnet_id)s. "
"The number of host routes exceeds the limit %(quota)s.")
class DNSNameServersExhausted(BadRequest):
# NOTE(xchenum): probably make sense to use quota exceeded exception?
message = _("Unable to complete operation for %(subnet_id)s. "
"The number of DNS nameservers exceeds the limit %(quota)s.")
class InvalidIpForNetwork(BadRequest):
message = _("IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP "
"for any of the subnets on the specified network.")
class InvalidIpForSubnet(BadRequest):
message = _("IP address %(ip_address)s is not a valid IP "
"for the specified subnet.")
class IpAddressInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to complete operation for network %(net_id)s. "
"The IP address %(ip_address)s is in use.")
class VlanIdInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to create the network. "
"The VLAN %(vlan_id)s on physical network "
"%(physical_network)s is in use.")
class FlatNetworkInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to create the flat network. "
"Physical network %(physical_network)s is in use.")
class TunnelIdInUse(InUse):
message = _("Unable to create the network. "
"The tunnel ID %(tunnel_id)s is in use.")
class TenantNetworksDisabled(ServiceUnavailable):
message = _("Tenant network creation is not enabled.")
class ResourceExhausted(ServiceUnavailable):
class NoNetworkAvailable(ResourceExhausted):
message = _("Unable to create the network. "
"No tenant network is available for allocation.")
class NoNetworkFoundInMaximumAllowedAttempts(ServiceUnavailable):
message = _("Unable to create the network. "
"No available network found in maximum allowed attempts.")
class SubnetMismatchForPort(BadRequest):
message = _("Subnet on port %(port_id)s does not match "
"the requested subnet %(subnet_id)s.")
class MalformedRequestBody(BadRequest):
message = _("Malformed request body: %(reason)s.")
class Invalid(NeutronException):
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
super(Invalid, self).__init__()
class InvalidInput(BadRequest):
message = _("Invalid input for operation: %(error_message)s.")
class InvalidAllocationPool(BadRequest):
message = _("The allocation pool %(pool)s is not valid.")
class UnsupportedPortDeviceOwner(Conflict):
message = _("Operation %(op)s is not supported for device_owner "
"%(device_owner)s on port %(port_id)s.")
class OverlappingAllocationPools(Conflict):
message = _("Found overlapping allocation pools: "
"%(pool_1)s %(pool_2)s for subnet %(subnet_cidr)s.")
class OutOfBoundsAllocationPool(BadRequest):
message = _("The allocation pool %(pool)s spans "
"beyond the subnet cidr %(subnet_cidr)s.")
class MacAddressGenerationFailure(ServiceUnavailable):
message = _("Unable to generate unique mac on network %(net_id)s.")
class IpAddressGenerationFailure(Conflict):
message = _("No more IP addresses available on network %(net_id)s.")
class BridgeDoesNotExist(NeutronException):
message = _("Bridge %(bridge)s does not exist.")
class PreexistingDeviceFailure(NeutronException):
message = _("Creation failed. %(dev_name)s already exists.")
class QuotaResourceUnknown(NotFound):
message = _("Unknown quota resources %(unknown)s.")
class OverQuota(Conflict):
message = _("Quota exceeded for resources: %(overs)s.")
class QuotaMissingTenant(BadRequest):
message = _("Tenant-id was missing from quota request.")
class InvalidQuotaValue(Conflict):
message = _("Change would make usage less than 0 for the following "
"resources: %(unders)s.")
class InvalidSharedSetting(Conflict):
message = _("Unable to reconfigure sharing settings for network "
"%(network)s. Multiple tenants are using it.")
class InvalidExtensionEnv(BadRequest):
message = _("Invalid extension environment: %(reason)s.")
class ExtensionsNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Extensions not found: %(extensions)s.")
class InvalidContentType(NeutronException):
message = _("Invalid content type %(content_type)s.")
class ExternalIpAddressExhausted(BadRequest):
message = _("Unable to find any IP address on external "
"network %(net_id)s.")
class TooManyExternalNetworks(NeutronException):
message = _("More than one external network exists.")
class InvalidConfigurationOption(NeutronException):
message = _("An invalid value was provided for %(opt_name)s: "
class GatewayConflictWithAllocationPools(InUse):
message = _("Gateway ip %(ip_address)s conflicts with "
"allocation pool %(pool)s.")
class GatewayIpInUse(InUse):
message = _("Current gateway ip %(ip_address)s already in use "
"by port %(port_id)s. Unable to update.")
class NetworkVlanRangeError(NeutronException):
message = _("Invalid network VLAN range: '%(vlan_range)s' - '%(error)s'.")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Convert vlan_range tuple to 'start:end' format for display
if isinstance(kwargs['vlan_range'], tuple):
kwargs['vlan_range'] = "%d:%d" % kwargs['vlan_range']
super(NetworkVlanRangeError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class PhysicalNetworkNameError(NeutronException):
message = _("Empty physical network name.")
class NetworkTunnelRangeError(NeutronException):
message = _("Invalid network tunnel range: "
"'%(tunnel_range)s' - %(error)s.")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Convert tunnel_range tuple to 'start:end' format for display
if isinstance(kwargs['tunnel_range'], tuple):
kwargs['tunnel_range'] = "%d:%d" % kwargs['tunnel_range']
super(NetworkTunnelRangeError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class NetworkVxlanPortRangeError(NeutronException):
message = _("Invalid network VXLAN port range: '%(vxlan_range)s'.")
class VxlanNetworkUnsupported(NeutronException):
message = _("VXLAN network unsupported.")
class DuplicatedExtension(NeutronException):
message = _("Found duplicate extension: %(alias)s.")
class DeviceIDNotOwnedByTenant(Conflict):
message = _("The following device_id %(device_id)s is not owned by your "
"tenant or matches another tenants router.")
class InvalidCIDR(BadRequest):
message = _("Invalid CIDR %(input)s given as IP prefix.")
class RouterNotCompatibleWithAgent(NeutronException):
message = _("Router '%(router_id)s' is not compatible with this agent.")
class DvrHaRouterNotSupported(NeutronException):
message = _("Router '%(router_id)s' cannot be both DVR and HA.")
class FailToDropPrivilegesExit(SystemExit):
"""Exit exception raised when a drop privileges action fails."""
code = 99
class FloatingIpSetupException(NeutronException):
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
super(FloatingIpSetupException, self).__init__()
class IpTablesApplyException(NeutronException):
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
super(IpTablesApplyException, self).__init__()
class NetworkIdOrRouterIdRequiredError(NeutronException):
message = _('Both network_id and router_id are None. '
'One must be provided.')
class AbortSyncRouters(NeutronException):
message = _("Aborting periodic_sync_routers_task due to an error.")
# Shared *aas exceptions, pending them being refactored out of Neutron
# proper.
class FirewallInternalDriverError(NeutronException):
"""Fwaas exception for all driver errors.
On any failure or exception in the driver, driver should log it and
raise this exception to the agent
message = _("%(driver)s: Internal driver error.")
class MissingMinSubnetPoolPrefix(BadRequest):
message = _("Unspecified minimum subnet pool prefix.")
class EmptySubnetPoolPrefixList(BadRequest):
message = _("Empty subnet pool prefix list.")
class PrefixVersionMismatch(BadRequest):
message = _("Cannot mix IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes in a subnet pool.")
class UnsupportedMinSubnetPoolPrefix(BadRequest):
message = _("Prefix '%(prefix)s' not supported in IPv%(version)s pool.")
class IllegalSubnetPoolPrefixBounds(BadRequest):
message = _("Illegal prefix bounds: %(prefix_type)s=%(prefixlen)s, "
class IllegalSubnetPoolPrefixUpdate(BadRequest):
message = _("Illegal update to prefixes: %(msg)s.")
class SubnetAllocationError(NeutronException):
message = _("Failed to allocate subnet: %(reason)s.")
class AddressScopePrefixConflict(Conflict):
message = _("Failed to associate address scope: subnetpools "
"within an address scope must have unique prefixes.")
class IllegalSubnetPoolAssociationToAddressScope(BadRequest):
message = _("Illegal subnetpool association: subnetpool %(subnetpool_id)s "
"cannot be associated with address scope "
class IllegalSubnetPoolUpdate(BadRequest):
message = _("Illegal subnetpool update : %(reason)s.")
class MinPrefixSubnetAllocationError(BadRequest):
message = _("Unable to allocate subnet with prefix length %(prefixlen)s, "
"minimum allowed prefix is %(min_prefixlen)s.")
class MaxPrefixSubnetAllocationError(BadRequest):
message = _("Unable to allocate subnet with prefix length %(prefixlen)s, "
"maximum allowed prefix is %(max_prefixlen)s.")
class SubnetPoolDeleteError(BadRequest):
message = _("Unable to delete subnet pool: %(reason)s.")
class SubnetPoolQuotaExceeded(OverQuota):
message = _("Per-tenant subnet pool prefix quota exceeded.")
class DeviceNotFoundError(NeutronException):
message = _("Device '%(device_name)s' does not exist.")
class NetworkSubnetPoolAffinityError(BadRequest):
message = _("Subnets hosted on the same network must be allocated from "
"the same subnet pool.")
class ObjectActionError(NeutronException):
message = _('Object action %(action)s failed because: %(reason)s.')
class CTZoneExhaustedError(NeutronException):
message = _("IPtables conntrack zones exhausted, iptables rules cannot "
"be applied.")