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# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2015, 2017 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from nova import exception as nova_exc
from nova import image
from pypowervm import const as pvm_const
from pypowervm import exceptions as pvm_exc
from pypowervm.tasks import partition as pvm_tpar
from pypowervm.tasks import scsi_mapper as tsk_map
from pypowervm.tasks import storage as tsk_stg
from pypowervm.wrappers import storage as pvm_stg
from pypowervm.wrappers import virtual_io_server as pvm_vios
from nova_powervm import conf as cfg
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm.disk import driver as disk_dvr
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm.disk import imagecache
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm import exception as npvmex
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm.i18n import _
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm import vm
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
IMAGE_API = image.API()
class LocalStorage(disk_dvr.DiskAdapter):
capabilities = {
'shared_storage': False,
'has_imagecache': True,
def __init__(self, adapter, host_uuid):
super(LocalStorage, self).__init__(adapter, host_uuid)
# Query to get the Volume Group UUID
if not CONF.powervm.volume_group_name:
raise npvmex.OptRequiredIfOtherOptValue(
if_opt='disk_driver', if_value='localdisk',
self.vg_name = CONF.powervm.volume_group_name
vios_w, vg_w = tsk_stg.find_vg(adapter, self.vg_name)
self._vios_uuid = vios_w.uuid
self.vg_uuid = vg_w.uuid
self.image_cache_mgr = imagecache.ImageManager(self._vios_uuid,
self.vg_uuid, adapter)
self.cache_lock = lockutils.ReaderWriterLock()"Local Storage driver initialized: volume group: '%s'",
def vios_uuids(self):
"""List the UUIDs of the Virtual I/O Servers hosting the storage.
For localdisk, there's only one.
return [self._vios_uuid]
def disk_match_func(self, disk_type, instance):
"""Return a matching function to locate the disk for an instance.
:param disk_type: One of the DiskType enum values.
:param instance: The instance whose disk is to be found.
:return: Callable suitable for the match_func parameter of the
pypowervm.tasks.scsi_mapper.find_maps method, with the
following specification:
def match_func(storage_elem)
param storage_elem: A backing storage element wrapper (VOpt,
VDisk, PV, or LU) to be analyzed.
return: True if the storage_elem's mapping should be included;
False otherwise.
disk_name = self._get_disk_name(disk_type, instance, short=True)
return tsk_map.gen_match_func(pvm_stg.VDisk, names=[disk_name])
def capacity(self):
"""Capacity of the storage in gigabytes."""
vg_wrap = self._get_vg_wrap()
return float(vg_wrap.capacity)
def capacity_used(self):
"""Capacity of the storage in gigabytes that is used."""
vg_wrap = self._get_vg_wrap()
# Subtract available from capacity
return float(vg_wrap.capacity) - float(vg_wrap.available_size)
def manage_image_cache(self, context, all_instances):
"""Update the image cache
:param context: nova context
:param all_instances: List of all instances on the node
with self.cache_lock.write_lock():
self.image_cache_mgr.update(context, all_instances)
def delete_disks(self, storage_elems):
"""Removes the specified disks.
:param storage_elems: A list of the storage elements that are to be
deleted. Derived from the return value from
# All of local disk is done against the volume group. So reload
# that (to get new etag) and then update against it.
tsk_stg.rm_vg_storage(self._get_vg_wrap(), vdisks=storage_elems)
def disconnect_disk(self, instance, stg_ftsk=None, disk_type=None):
"""Disconnects the storage adapters from the image disk.
:param instance: instance to disconnect the image for.
:param stg_ftsk: (Optional) The pypowervm transaction FeedTask for the
I/O Operations. If provided, the Virtual I/O Server
mapping updates will be added to the FeedTask. This
defers the updates to some later point in time. If
the FeedTask is not provided, the updates will be run
immediately when this method is executed.
:param disk_type: The list of disk types to remove or None which means
to remove all disks from the VM.
:return: A list of all the backing storage elements that were
disconnected from the I/O Server and VM.
lpar_uuid = vm.get_pvm_uuid(instance)
# Ensure we have a transaction manager.
if stg_ftsk is None:
stg_ftsk = pvm_tpar.build_active_vio_feed_task(
self.adapter, name='localdisk', xag=[pvm_const.XAG.VIO_SMAP])
# Build the match function
match_func = tsk_map.gen_match_func(pvm_stg.VDisk, prefixes=disk_type)
# Make sure the remove function will run within the transaction manager
def rm_func(vios_w):"Disconnecting instance from storage disks.",
return tsk_map.remove_maps(vios_w, lpar_uuid,
# Find the disk directly.
vios_w = stg_ftsk.wrapper_tasks[self._vios_uuid].wrapper
mappings = tsk_map.find_maps(vios_w.scsi_mappings,
# Run the transaction manager if built locally. Must be done after
# the find to make sure the mappings were found previously.
if == 'localdisk':
return [x.backing_storage for x in mappings]
def disconnect_disk_from_mgmt(self, vios_uuid, disk_name):
"""Disconnect a disk from the management partition.
:param vios_uuid: The UUID of the Virtual I/O Server serving the
:param disk_name: The name of the disk to unmap.
tsk_map.remove_vdisk_mapping(self.adapter, vios_uuid, self.mp_uuid,
disk_names=[disk_name])"Unmapped boot disk %(disk_name)s from the management "
"partition from Virtual I/O Server %(vios_name)s.",
{'disk_name': disk_name, 'mp_uuid': self.mp_uuid,
'vios_name': vios_uuid})
def _create_disk_from_image(self, context, instance, image_meta,
"""Creates a disk and copies the specified image to it.
Cleans up created disk if an error occurs.
:param context: nova context used to retrieve image from glance
:param instance: instance to create the disk for.
:param nova.objects.ImageMeta image_meta:
The metadata of the image of the instance.
:param image_type: the image type. See disk constants above.
:return: The backing pypowervm storage object that was created.
"""'Create disk.', instance=instance)
# Disk size to API is in bytes. Input from flavor is in Gb
disk_bytes = self._disk_gb_to_bytes(instance.flavor.root_gb,
vol_name = self._get_disk_name(image_type, instance, short=True)
with self.cache_lock.read_lock():
img_udid = self._get_or_upload_image(context, image_meta)
# Transfer the image
return tsk_stg.crt_copy_vdisk(
self.adapter, self._vios_uuid, self.vg_uuid, img_udid,
image_meta.size, vol_name, disk_bytes)
def _get_or_upload_image(self, context, image_meta):
"""Return a cached image name
Attempt to find a cached copy of the image. If there is no cached copy
of the image, create one.
:param context: nova context used to retrieve image from glance
:param nova.objects.ImageMeta image_meta:
The metadata of the image of the instance.
:return: The name of the virtual disk containing the image
# Check for cached image
with lockutils.lock(
vg_wrap = self._get_vg_wrap()
cache_name = self.get_name_by_uuid(disk_dvr.DiskType.IMAGE,, short=True)
image = [disk for disk in vg_wrap.virtual_disks
if == cache_name]
if len(image) == 1:
return image[0].udid
image = tsk_stg.upload_new_vdisk(
self.adapter, self._vios_uuid, self.vg_uuid,
disk_dvr.IterableToFileAdapter(,, cache_name,
image_meta.size, d_size=image_meta.size,
return image.udid
def connect_disk(self, instance, disk_info, stg_ftsk=None):
"""Connects the disk image to the Virtual Machine.
:param instance: nova instance to connect the disk to.
:param disk_info: The pypowervm storage element returned from
create_disk_from_image. Ex. VOptMedia, VDisk, LU,
or PV.
:param stg_ftsk: (Optional) The pypowervm transaction FeedTask for the
I/O Operations. If provided, the Virtual I/O Server
mapping updates will be added to the FeedTask. This
defers the updates to some later point in time. If
the FeedTask is not provided, the updates will be run
immediately when this method is executed.
lpar_uuid = vm.get_pvm_uuid(instance)
# Ensure we have a transaction manager.
if stg_ftsk is None:
stg_ftsk = pvm_tpar.build_active_vio_feed_task(
self.adapter, name='localdisk', xag=[pvm_const.XAG.VIO_SMAP])
def add_func(vios_w):"Adding logical volume disk connection to VIOS %(vios)s.",
{'vios':}, instance=instance)
mapping = tsk_map.build_vscsi_mapping(
self.host_uuid, vios_w, lpar_uuid, disk_info)
return tsk_map.add_map(vios_w, mapping)
# Run the transaction manager if built locally.
if == 'localdisk':
def _validate_resizable(vdisk):
"""Validates that VDisk supports resizing
:param vdisk: The VDisk to be resized
:raise ResizeError: If resizing is not supported for the given VDisk.
if vdisk.backstore_type == pvm_stg.BackStoreType.USER_QCOW:
raise nova_exc.ResizeError(
reason=_("Resizing file-backed instances is not currently "
def extend_disk(self, instance, disk_info, size):
"""Extends the disk.
:param instance: instance to extend the disk for.
:param disk_info: dictionary with disk info.
:param size: the new size in gb.
def _extend():
# Get the volume group
vg_wrap = self._get_vg_wrap()
# Find the disk by name
vdisks = vg_wrap.virtual_disks
disk_found = None
for vdisk in vdisks:
# Vdisk name can be either disk_name or /path/to/disk_name
if'/')[-1] == vol_name.split('/')[-1]:
disk_found = vdisk
if not disk_found:
LOG.error('Disk %s not found during resize.', vol_name,
raise nova_exc.DiskNotFound(
location=self.vg_name + '/' + vol_name)
# Set the new size
disk_found.capacity = size
# Post it to the VIOS
# Get the disk name based on the instance and type
vol_name = self._get_disk_name(disk_info['type'], instance, short=True)'Extending disk: %s', vol_name, instance=instance)
except pvm_exc.Error:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(logger=LOG):
# TODO(IBM): Handle etag mismatch and retry
LOG.exception("PowerVM Error extending disk.",
def _get_vg_wrap(self):
return pvm_stg.VG.get(self.adapter, uuid=self.vg_uuid,