# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2011 Piston Cloud Computing, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from nova.api.openstack import api_version_request from nova.api.openstack import common from nova.api.openstack.compute.views import addresses as views_addresses from nova.api.openstack.compute.views import flavors as views_flavors from nova.api.openstack.compute.views import images as views_images from nova import availability_zones as avail_zone from nova import compute from nova.compute import vm_states from nova import context as nova_context from nova import exception from nova.network.security_group import openstack_driver from nova import objects from nova.policies import extended_server_attributes as esa_policies from nova.policies import flavor_extra_specs as fes_policies from nova.policies import servers as servers_policies from nova import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ViewBuilder(common.ViewBuilder): """Model a server API response as a python dictionary.""" _collection_name = "servers" _progress_statuses = ( "ACTIVE", "BUILD", "REBUILD", "RESIZE", "VERIFY_RESIZE", "MIGRATING", ) _fault_statuses = ( "ERROR", "DELETED" ) # These are the lazy-loadable instance attributes required for showing # details about an instance. Add to this list as new things need to be # shown. _show_expected_attrs = ['flavor', 'info_cache', 'metadata'] def __init__(self): """Initialize view builder.""" super(ViewBuilder, self).__init__() self._address_builder = views_addresses.ViewBuilder() self._image_builder = views_images.ViewBuilder() self._flavor_builder = views_flavors.ViewBuilder() self.compute_api = compute.API() self.security_group_api = ( openstack_driver.get_openstack_security_group_driver()) def create(self, request, instance): """View that should be returned when an instance is created.""" server = { "server": { "id": instance["uuid"], "links": self._get_links(request, instance["uuid"], self._collection_name), # NOTE(sdague): historically this was the # os-disk-config extension, but now that extensions # are gone, we merge these attributes here. "OS-DCF:diskConfig": ( 'AUTO' if instance.get('auto_disk_config') else 'MANUAL'), }, } self._add_security_grps(request, [server["server"]], [instance]) return server def basic(self, request, instance, show_extra_specs=False, show_extended_attr=None, show_host_status=None, show_sec_grp=None, bdms=None): """Generic, non-detailed view of an instance.""" return { "server": { "id": instance["uuid"], "name": instance["display_name"], "links": self._get_links(request, instance["uuid"], self._collection_name), }, } def get_show_expected_attrs(self, expected_attrs=None): """Returns a list of lazy-loadable expected attributes used by show This should be used when getting the instances from the database so that the necessary attributes are pre-loaded before needing to build the show response where lazy-loading can fail if an instance was deleted. :param list expected_attrs: The list of expected attributes that will be requested in addition to what this view builder requires. This method will merge the two lists and return what should be ultimately used when getting an instance from the database. :returns: merged and sorted list of expected attributes """ if expected_attrs is None: expected_attrs = [] # NOTE(mriedem): We sort the list so we can have predictable test # results. return sorted(list(set(self._show_expected_attrs + expected_attrs))) def show(self, request, instance, extend_address=True, show_extra_specs=None, show_AZ=True, show_config_drive=True, show_extended_attr=None, show_host_status=None, show_keypair=True, show_srv_usg=True, show_sec_grp=True, show_extended_status=True, show_extended_volumes=True, bdms=None): """Detailed view of a single instance.""" ip_v4 = instance.get('access_ip_v4') ip_v6 = instance.get('access_ip_v6') if show_extra_specs is None: # detail will pre-calculate this for us. If we're doing show, # then figure it out here. show_extra_specs = False if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version='2.47'): context = request.environ['nova.context'] show_extra_specs = context.can( fes_policies.POLICY_ROOT % 'index', fatal=False) server = { "server": { "id": instance["uuid"], "name": instance["display_name"], "status": self._get_vm_status(instance), "tenant_id": instance.get("project_id") or "", "user_id": instance.get("user_id") or "", "metadata": self._get_metadata(instance), "hostId": self._get_host_id(instance), "image": self._get_image(request, instance), "flavor": self._get_flavor(request, instance, show_extra_specs), "created": utils.isotime(instance["created_at"]), "updated": utils.isotime(instance["updated_at"]), "addresses": self._get_addresses(request, instance, extend_address), "accessIPv4": str(ip_v4) if ip_v4 is not None else '', "accessIPv6": str(ip_v6) if ip_v6 is not None else '', "links": self._get_links(request, instance["uuid"], self._collection_name), # NOTE(sdague): historically this was the # os-disk-config extension, but now that extensions # are gone, we merge these attributes here. "OS-DCF:diskConfig": ( 'AUTO' if instance.get('auto_disk_config') else 'MANUAL'), }, } if server["server"]["status"] in self._fault_statuses: _inst_fault = self._get_fault(request, instance) if _inst_fault: server['server']['fault'] = _inst_fault if server["server"]["status"] in self._progress_statuses: server["server"]["progress"] = instance.get("progress", 0) context = request.environ['nova.context'] if show_AZ: az = avail_zone.get_instance_availability_zone(context, instance) # NOTE(mriedem): The OS-EXT-AZ prefix should not be used for new # attributes after v2.1. They are only in v2.1 for backward compat # with v2.0. server["server"]["OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone"] = az or '' if show_config_drive: server["server"]["config_drive"] = instance["config_drive"] if show_keypair: server["server"]["key_name"] = instance["key_name"] if show_srv_usg: for k in ['launched_at', 'terminated_at']: key = "OS-SRV-USG:" + k # NOTE(danms): Historically, this timestamp has been generated # merely by grabbing str(datetime) of a TZ-naive object. The # only way we can keep that with instance objects is to strip # the tzinfo from the stamp and str() it. server["server"][key] = (instance[k].replace(tzinfo=None) if instance[k] else None) if show_sec_grp: self._add_security_grps(request, [server["server"]], [instance]) if show_extended_attr is None: show_extended_attr = context.can( esa_policies.BASE_POLICY_NAME, fatal=False) if show_extended_attr: properties = ['host', 'name', 'node'] if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version='2.3'): # NOTE(mriedem): These will use the OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR prefix # below and that's OK for microversion 2.3 which is being # compatible with v2.0 for the ec2 API split out from Nova. # After this, however, new microversions should not be using # the OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR prefix. properties += ['reservation_id', 'launch_index', 'hostname', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id', 'root_device_name', 'user_data'] for attr in properties: if attr == 'name': key = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_%s" % attr elif attr == 'node': key = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname" else: # NOTE(mriedem): Nothing after microversion 2.3 should use # the OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR prefix for the attribute key name. key = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:%s" % attr server["server"][key] = getattr(instance, attr) if show_extended_status: # NOTE(gmann): Removed 'locked_by' from extended status # to make it same as V2. If needed it can be added with # microversion. for state in ['task_state', 'vm_state', 'power_state']: # NOTE(mriedem): The OS-EXT-STS prefix should not be used for # new attributes after v2.1. They are only in v2.1 for backward # compat with v2.0. key = "%s:%s" % ('OS-EXT-STS', state) server["server"][key] = instance[state] if show_extended_volumes: # NOTE(mriedem): The os-extended-volumes prefix should not be used # for new attributes after v2.1. They are only in v2.1 for backward # compat with v2.0. add_delete_on_termination = api_version_request.is_supported( request, min_version='2.3') if bdms is None: bdms = objects.BlockDeviceMappingList.bdms_by_instance_uuid( context, [instance["uuid"]]) self._add_volumes_attachments(server["server"], bdms, add_delete_on_termination) if (api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version='2.16')): if show_host_status is None: show_host_status = context.can( servers_policies.SERVERS % 'show:host_status', fatal=False) if show_host_status: host_status = self.compute_api.get_instance_host_status( instance) server["server"]['host_status'] = host_status if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version="2.9"): server["server"]["locked"] = (True if instance["locked_by"] else False) if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version="2.19"): server["server"]["description"] = instance.get( "display_description") if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version="2.26"): server["server"]["tags"] = [t.tag for t in instance.tags] if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version="2.63"): trusted_certs = None if instance.trusted_certs: trusted_certs = instance.trusted_certs.ids server["server"]["trusted_image_certificates"] = trusted_certs return server def index(self, request, instances): """Show a list of servers without many details.""" coll_name = self._collection_name return self._list_view(self.basic, request, instances, coll_name, False) def detail(self, request, instances): """Detailed view of a list of instance.""" coll_name = self._collection_name + '/detail' context = request.environ['nova.context'] if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version='2.47'): # Determine if we should show extra_specs in the inlined flavor # once before we iterate the list of instances show_extra_specs = context.can(fes_policies.POLICY_ROOT % 'index', fatal=False) else: show_extra_specs = False show_extended_attr = context.can( esa_policies.BASE_POLICY_NAME, fatal=False) show_host_status = False if (api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version='2.16')): show_host_status = context.can( servers_policies.SERVERS % 'show:host_status', fatal=False) instance_uuids = [inst['uuid'] for inst in instances] bdms = self._get_instance_bdms_in_multiple_cells(context, instance_uuids) # NOTE(gmann): pass show_sec_grp=False in _list_view() because # security groups for detail method will be added by separate # call to self._add_security_grps by passing the all servers # together. That help to avoid multiple neutron call for each server. servers_dict = self._list_view(self.show, request, instances, coll_name, show_extra_specs, show_extended_attr=show_extended_attr, show_host_status=show_host_status, show_sec_grp=False, bdms=bdms) self._add_security_grps(request, list(servers_dict["servers"]), instances) return servers_dict def _list_view(self, func, request, servers, coll_name, show_extra_specs, show_extended_attr=None, show_host_status=None, show_sec_grp=False, bdms=None): """Provide a view for a list of servers. :param func: Function used to format the server data :param request: API request :param servers: List of servers in dictionary format :param coll_name: Name of collection, used to generate the next link for a pagination query :param show_extended_attr: If the server extended attributes should be included in the response dict. :param show_host_status: If the host status should be included in the response dict. :param show_sec_grp: If the security group should be included in the response dict. :param bdms: Instances bdms info from multiple cells. :returns: Server data in dictionary format """ server_list = [func(request, server, show_extra_specs=show_extra_specs, show_extended_attr=show_extended_attr, show_host_status=show_host_status, show_sec_grp=show_sec_grp, bdms=bdms)["server"] for server in servers] servers_links = self._get_collection_links(request, servers, coll_name) servers_dict = dict(servers=server_list) if servers_links: servers_dict["servers_links"] = servers_links return servers_dict @staticmethod def _get_metadata(instance): return instance.metadata or {} @staticmethod def _get_vm_status(instance): # If the instance is deleted the vm and task states don't really matter if instance.get("deleted"): return "DELETED" return common.status_from_state(instance.get("vm_state"), instance.get("task_state")) @staticmethod def _get_host_id(instance): host = instance.get("host") project = str(instance.get("project_id")) return utils.generate_hostid(host, project) def _get_addresses(self, request, instance, extend_address=False): # Hide server addresses while the server is building. if instance.vm_state == vm_states.BUILDING: return {} context = request.environ["nova.context"] networks = common.get_networks_for_instance(context, instance) return self._address_builder.index(networks, extend_address)["addresses"] def _get_image(self, request, instance): image_ref = instance["image_ref"] if image_ref: image_id = str(common.get_id_from_href(image_ref)) bookmark = self._image_builder._get_bookmark_link(request, image_id, "images") return { "id": image_id, "links": [{ "rel": "bookmark", "href": bookmark, }], } else: return "" def _get_flavor_dict(self, request, instance_type, show_extra_specs): flavordict = { "vcpus": instance_type.vcpus, "ram": instance_type.memory_mb, "disk": instance_type.root_gb, "ephemeral": instance_type.ephemeral_gb, "swap": instance_type.swap, "original_name": instance_type.name } if show_extra_specs: flavordict['extra_specs'] = instance_type.extra_specs return flavordict def _get_flavor(self, request, instance, show_extra_specs): instance_type = instance.get_flavor() if not instance_type: LOG.warning("Instance has had its instance_type removed " "from the DB", instance=instance) return {} if api_version_request.is_supported(request, min_version="2.47"): return self._get_flavor_dict(request, instance_type, show_extra_specs) flavor_id = instance_type["flavorid"] flavor_bookmark = self._flavor_builder._get_bookmark_link(request, flavor_id, "flavors") return { "id": str(flavor_id), "links": [{ "rel": "bookmark", "href": flavor_bookmark, }], } def _load_fault(self, request, instance): try: mapping = objects.InstanceMapping.get_by_instance_uuid( request.environ['nova.context'], instance.uuid) if mapping.cell_mapping is not None: with nova_context.target_cell(instance._context, mapping.cell_mapping): return instance.fault except exception.InstanceMappingNotFound: pass # NOTE(danms): No instance mapping at all, or a mapping with no cell, # which means a legacy environment or instance. return instance.fault def _get_fault(self, request, instance): if 'fault' in instance: fault = instance.fault else: fault = self._load_fault(request, instance) if not fault: return None fault_dict = { "code": fault["code"], "created": utils.isotime(fault["created_at"]), "message": fault["message"], } if fault.get('details', None): is_admin = False context = request.environ["nova.context"] if context: is_admin = getattr(context, 'is_admin', False) if is_admin or fault['code'] != 500: fault_dict['details'] = fault["details"] return fault_dict def _add_security_grps(self, req, servers, instances): if not len(servers): return if not openstack_driver.is_neutron_security_groups(): instances = {inst['uuid']: inst for inst in instances} for server in servers: instance = instances[server['id']] groups = instance.get('security_groups') if groups: server['security_groups'] = [{"name": group.name} for group in groups] else: # If method is a POST we get the security groups intended for an # instance from the request. The reason for this is if using # neutron security groups the requested security groups for the # instance are not in the db and have not been sent to neutron yet. if req.method != 'POST': context = req.environ['nova.context'] sg_instance_bindings = ( self.security_group_api .get_instances_security_groups_bindings(context, servers)) for server in servers: groups = sg_instance_bindings.get(server['id']) if groups: server['security_groups'] = groups # This section is for POST request. There can be only one security # group for POST request. else: # try converting to json req_obj = jsonutils.loads(req.body) # Add security group to server, if no security group was in # request add default since that is the group it is part of servers[0]['security_groups'] = req_obj['server'].get( 'security_groups', [{'name': 'default'}]) @staticmethod def _get_instance_bdms_in_multiple_cells(ctxt, instance_uuids): inst_maps = objects.InstanceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuids( ctxt, instance_uuids) cell_mappings = {} for inst_map in inst_maps: if (inst_map.cell_mapping is not None and inst_map.cell_mapping.uuid not in cell_mappings): cell_mappings.update( {inst_map.cell_mapping.uuid: inst_map.cell_mapping}) bdms = {} results = nova_context.scatter_gather_cells( ctxt, cell_mappings.values(), nova_context.CELL_TIMEOUT, objects.BlockDeviceMappingList.bdms_by_instance_uuid, instance_uuids) for cell_uuid, result in results.items(): if result is nova_context.raised_exception_sentinel: LOG.warning('Failed to get block device mappings for cell %s', cell_uuid) elif result is nova_context.did_not_respond_sentinel: LOG.warning('Timeout getting block device mappings for cell ' '%s', cell_uuid) else: bdms.update(result) return bdms def _add_volumes_attachments(self, server, bdms, add_delete_on_termination): # server['id'] is guaranteed to be in the cache due to # the core API adding it in the 'detail' or 'show' method. # If that instance has since been deleted, it won't be in the # 'bdms' dictionary though, so use 'get' to avoid KeyErrors. instance_bdms = bdms.get(server['id'], []) volumes_attached = [] for bdm in instance_bdms: if bdm.get('volume_id'): volume_attached = {'id': bdm['volume_id']} if add_delete_on_termination: volume_attached['delete_on_termination'] = ( bdm['delete_on_termination']) volumes_attached.append(volume_attached) # NOTE(mriedem): The os-extended-volumes prefix should not be used for # new attributes after v2.1. They are only in v2.1 for backward compat # with v2.0. key = "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached" server[key] = volumes_attached