# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from nova import test from nova.tests import fixtures as nova_fixtures from nova.tests.functional import fixtures as func_fixtures from nova.tests.functional import integrated_helpers from nova.tests.unit import fake_network from nova.tests.unit import fake_notifier import nova.tests.unit.image.fake from nova.tests.unit import policy_fixture from nova.virt import fake class TestParallelEvacuationWithServerGroup( test.TestCase, integrated_helpers.InstanceHelperMixin): """Verifies that the server group policy is not violated during parallel evacuation. """ def setUp(self): super(TestParallelEvacuationWithServerGroup, self).setUp() self.useFixture(policy_fixture.RealPolicyFixture()) # The NeutronFixture is needed to stub out validate_networks in API. self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture(self)) # This stubs out the network allocation in compute. fake_network.set_stub_network_methods(self) # We need the computes reporting into placement for the filter # scheduler to pick a host. self.useFixture(func_fixtures.PlacementFixture()) api_fixture = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.OSAPIFixture( api_version='v2.1')) self.api = api_fixture.admin_api # 2.11 is needed for force_down # 2.14 is needed for evacuate without onSharedStorage flag self.api.microversion = '2.14' fake_notifier.stub_notifier(self) self.addCleanup(fake_notifier.reset) # the image fake backend needed for image discovery nova.tests.unit.image.fake.stub_out_image_service(self) self.addCleanup(nova.tests.unit.image.fake.FakeImageService_reset) self.start_service('conductor') self.start_service('scheduler') # We start two compute services because we need two instances with # anti-affinity server group policy to be booted fake.set_nodes(['host1']) self.addCleanup(fake.restore_nodes) self.compute1 = self.start_service('compute', host='host1') fake.set_nodes(['host2']) self.addCleanup(fake.restore_nodes) self.compute2 = self.start_service('compute', host='host2') self.image_id = self.api.get_images()[0]['id'] self.flavor_id = self.api.get_flavors()[0]['id'] manager_class = nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager original_rebuild = manager_class._do_rebuild_instance def fake_rebuild(self_, context, instance, *args, **kwargs): # Simulate that the rebuild request of one of the instances # reaches the target compute manager significantly later so the # rebuild of the other instance can finish before the late # validation of the first rebuild. # We cannot simply delay the virt driver's rebuild or the # manager's _rebuild_default_impl as those run after the late # validation if instance.host == 'host1': # wait for the other instance rebuild to start fake_notifier.wait_for_versioned_notifications( 'instance.rebuild.start', n_events=1) original_rebuild(self_, context, instance, *args, **kwargs) self.stub_out('nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager.' '_do_rebuild_instance', fake_rebuild) def test_parallel_evacuate_with_server_group(self): self.skipTest('Skipped until bug 1763181 is fixed') group_req = {'name': 'a-name', 'policies': ['anti-affinity']} group = self.api.post_server_groups(group_req) # boot two instances with anti-affinity server = {'name': 'server', 'imageRef': self.image_id, 'flavorRef': self.flavor_id} hints = {'group': group['id']} created_server1 = self.api.post_server({'server': server, 'os:scheduler_hints': hints}) server1 = self._wait_for_state_change(self.api, created_server1, 'ACTIVE') created_server2 = self.api.post_server({'server': server, 'os:scheduler_hints': hints}) server2 = self._wait_for_state_change(self.api, created_server2, 'ACTIVE') # assert that the anti-affinity policy is enforced during the boot self.assertNotEqual(server1['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'], server2['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) # simulate compute failure on both compute host to allow evacuation self.compute1.stop() # force it down to avoid waiting for the service group to time out self.api.force_down_service('host1', 'nova-compute', True) self.compute2.stop() self.api.force_down_service('host2', 'nova-compute', True) # start a third compute to have place for one of the instances fake.set_nodes(['host3']) self.addCleanup(fake.restore_nodes) self.compute3 = self.start_service('compute', host='host3') # evacuate both instances post = {'evacuate': {}} self.api.post_server_action(server1['id'], post) self.api.post_server_action(server2['id'], post) # make sure that the rebuild is started and then finished # NOTE(mdbooth): We only get 1 rebuild.start notification here because # we validate server group policy (and therefore fail) before emitting # rebuild.start. fake_notifier.wait_for_versioned_notifications( 'instance.rebuild.start', n_events=1) server1 = self._wait_for_server_parameter( self.api, server1, {'OS-EXT-STS:task_state': None}) server2 = self._wait_for_server_parameter( self.api, server2, {'OS-EXT-STS:task_state': None}) # NOTE(gibi): The instance.host set _after_ the instance state and # tast_state is set back to normal so it is not enough to wait for # that. The only thing that happens after the instance.host is set to # the target host is the migration status setting to done. So we have # to wait for that to avoid asserting the wrong host below. self._wait_for_migration_status(server1, ['done', 'failed']) self._wait_for_migration_status(server2, ['done', 'failed']) # get the servers again to have the latest information about their # hosts server1 = self.api.get_server(server1['id']) server2 = self.api.get_server(server2['id']) # assert that the anti-affinity policy is enforced during the # evacuation self.assertNotEqual(server1['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'], server2['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) # assert that one of the evacuation was successful and that server is # moved to another host and the evacuation of the other server is # failed if server1['status'] == 'ERROR': failed_server = server1 evacuated_server = server2 else: failed_server = server2 evacuated_server = server1 self.assertEqual('ERROR', failed_server['status']) self.assertNotEqual('host3', failed_server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', evacuated_server['status']) self.assertEqual('host3', evacuated_server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'])