# Copyright 2010 OpenStack LLC. # Copyright 2011 Piston Cloud Computing, Inc # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import base64 import os import socket from xml.dom import minidom import webob from webob import exc from nova.api.openstack import common from nova.api.openstack.compute import ips from nova.api.openstack.compute.views import servers as views_servers from nova.api.openstack import wsgi from nova.api.openstack import xmlutil from nova import compute from nova.compute import instance_types from nova import exception from nova import flags from nova.openstack.common import log as logging from nova.openstack.common.rpc import common as rpc_common from nova.openstack.common import timeutils from nova import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) FLAGS = flags.FLAGS class SecurityGroupsTemplateElement(xmlutil.TemplateElement): def will_render(self, datum): return 'security_groups' in datum def make_fault(elem): fault = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(elem, 'fault', selector='fault') fault.set('code') fault.set('created') msg = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(fault, 'message') msg.text = 'message' det = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(fault, 'details') det.text = 'details' def make_server(elem, detailed=False): elem.set('name') elem.set('id') if detailed: elem.set('userId', 'user_id') elem.set('tenantId', 'tenant_id') elem.set('updated') elem.set('created') elem.set('hostId') elem.set('accessIPv4') elem.set('accessIPv6') elem.set('status') elem.set('progress') # Attach image node image = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(elem, 'image', selector='image') image.set('id') xmlutil.make_links(image, 'links') # Attach flavor node flavor = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(elem, 'flavor', selector='flavor') flavor.set('id') xmlutil.make_links(flavor, 'links') # Attach fault node make_fault(elem) # Attach metadata node elem.append(common.MetadataTemplate()) # Attach addresses node elem.append(ips.AddressesTemplate()) # Attach security groups node secgrps = SecurityGroupsTemplateElement('security_groups') elem.append(secgrps) secgrp = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(secgrps, 'security_group', selector='security_groups') secgrp.set('name') xmlutil.make_links(elem, 'links') server_nsmap = {None: xmlutil.XMLNS_V11, 'atom': xmlutil.XMLNS_ATOM} class ServerTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder): def construct(self): root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('server', selector='server') make_server(root, detailed=True) return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap=server_nsmap) class MinimalServersTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder): def construct(self): root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('servers') elem = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'server', selector='servers') make_server(elem) xmlutil.make_links(root, 'servers_links') return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap=server_nsmap) class ServersTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder): def construct(self): root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('servers') elem = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'server', selector='servers') make_server(elem, detailed=True) return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap=server_nsmap) class ServerAdminPassTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder): def construct(self): root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('server') root.set('adminPass') return xmlutil.SlaveTemplate(root, 1, nsmap=server_nsmap) def FullServerTemplate(): master = ServerTemplate() master.attach(ServerAdminPassTemplate()) return master class CommonDeserializer(wsgi.MetadataXMLDeserializer): """Common deserializer to handle xml-formatted server create requests. Handles standard server attributes as well as optional metadata and personality attributes """ metadata_deserializer = common.MetadataXMLDeserializer() def _extract_personality(self, server_node): """Marshal the personality attribute of a parsed request.""" node = self.find_first_child_named(server_node, "personality") if node is not None: personality = [] for file_node in self.find_children_named(node, "file"): item = {} if file_node.hasAttribute("path"): item["path"] = file_node.getAttribute("path") item["contents"] = self.extract_text(file_node) personality.append(item) return personality else: return None def _extract_server(self, node): """Marshal the server attribute of a parsed request.""" server = {} server_node = self.find_first_child_named(node, 'server') attributes = ["name", "imageRef", "flavorRef", "adminPass", "accessIPv4", "accessIPv6"] for attr in attributes: if server_node.getAttribute(attr): server[attr] = server_node.getAttribute(attr) metadata_node = self.find_first_child_named(server_node, "metadata") if metadata_node is not None: server["metadata"] = self.extract_metadata(metadata_node) personality = self._extract_personality(server_node) if personality is not None: server["personality"] = personality networks = self._extract_networks(server_node) if networks is not None: server["networks"] = networks security_groups = self._extract_security_groups(server_node) if security_groups is not None: server["security_groups"] = security_groups auto_disk_config = server_node.getAttribute('auto_disk_config') if auto_disk_config: server['auto_disk_config'] = utils.bool_from_str(auto_disk_config) return server def _extract_networks(self, server_node): """Marshal the networks attribute of a parsed request.""" node = self.find_first_child_named(server_node, "networks") if node is not None: networks = [] for network_node in self.find_children_named(node, "network"): item = {} if network_node.hasAttribute("uuid"): item["uuid"] = network_node.getAttribute("uuid") if network_node.hasAttribute("fixed_ip"): item["fixed_ip"] = network_node.getAttribute("fixed_ip") networks.append(item) return networks else: return None def _extract_security_groups(self, server_node): """Marshal the security_groups attribute of a parsed request.""" node = self.find_first_child_named(server_node, "security_groups") if node is not None: security_groups = [] for sg_node in self.find_children_named(node, "security_group"): item = {} name = self.find_attribute_or_element(sg_node, 'name') if name: item["name"] = name security_groups.append(item) return security_groups else: return None class ActionDeserializer(CommonDeserializer): """Deserializer to handle xml-formatted server action requests. Handles standard server attributes as well as optional metadata and personality attributes """ def default(self, string): dom = minidom.parseString(string) action_node = dom.childNodes[0] action_name = action_node.tagName action_deserializer = { 'createImage': self._action_create_image, 'changePassword': self._action_change_password, 'reboot': self._action_reboot, 'rebuild': self._action_rebuild, 'resize': self._action_resize, 'confirmResize': self._action_confirm_resize, 'revertResize': self._action_revert_resize, }.get(action_name, super(ActionDeserializer, self).default) action_data = action_deserializer(action_node) return {'body': {action_name: action_data}} def _action_create_image(self, node): return self._deserialize_image_action(node, ('name',)) def _action_change_password(self, node): if not node.hasAttribute("adminPass"): raise AttributeError("No adminPass was specified in request") return {"adminPass": node.getAttribute("adminPass")} def _action_reboot(self, node): if not node.hasAttribute("type"): raise AttributeError("No reboot type was specified in request") return {"type": node.getAttribute("type")} def _action_rebuild(self, node): rebuild = {} if node.hasAttribute("name"): name = node.getAttribute("name") if not name: raise AttributeError("Name cannot be blank") rebuild['name'] = name if node.hasAttribute("auto_disk_config"): rebuild['auto_disk_config'] = node.getAttribute("auto_disk_config") metadata_node = self.find_first_child_named(node, "metadata") if metadata_node is not None: rebuild["metadata"] = self.extract_metadata(metadata_node) personality = self._extract_personality(node) if personality is not None: rebuild["personality"] = personality if not node.hasAttribute("imageRef"): raise AttributeError("No imageRef was specified in request") rebuild["imageRef"] = node.getAttribute("imageRef") return rebuild def _action_resize(self, node): resize = {} if node.hasAttribute("flavorRef"): resize["flavorRef"] = node.getAttribute("flavorRef") else: raise AttributeError("No flavorRef was specified in request") if node.hasAttribute("auto_disk_config"): resize['auto_disk_config'] = node.getAttribute("auto_disk_config") return resize def _action_confirm_resize(self, node): return None def _action_revert_resize(self, node): return None def _deserialize_image_action(self, node, allowed_attributes): data = {} for attribute in allowed_attributes: value = node.getAttribute(attribute) if value: data[attribute] = value metadata_node = self.find_first_child_named(node, 'metadata') if metadata_node is not None: metadata = self.metadata_deserializer.extract_metadata( metadata_node) data['metadata'] = metadata return data class CreateDeserializer(CommonDeserializer): """Deserializer to handle xml-formatted server create requests. Handles standard server attributes as well as optional metadata and personality attributes """ def default(self, string): """Deserialize an xml-formatted server create request.""" dom = minidom.parseString(string) server = self._extract_server(dom) return {'body': {'server': server}} class Controller(wsgi.Controller): """The Server API base controller class for the OpenStack API.""" _view_builder_class = views_servers.ViewBuilder @staticmethod def _add_location(robj): # Just in case... if 'server' not in robj.obj: return robj link = filter(lambda l: l['rel'] == 'self', robj.obj['server']['links']) if link: robj['Location'] = link[0]['href'].encode('utf-8') # Convenience return return robj def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Controller, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.compute_api = compute.API() @wsgi.serializers(xml=MinimalServersTemplate) def index(self, req): """Returns a list of server names and ids for a given user.""" try: servers = self._get_servers(req, is_detail=False) except exception.Invalid as err: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=str(err)) except exception.NotFound: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() return servers @wsgi.serializers(xml=ServersTemplate) def detail(self, req): """Returns a list of server details for a given user.""" try: servers = self._get_servers(req, is_detail=True) except exception.Invalid as err: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=str(err)) except exception.NotFound as err: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() return servers def _get_block_device_mapping(self, data): """Get block_device_mapping from 'server' dictionary. Overridden by volumes controller. """ return None def _add_instance_faults(self, ctxt, instances): faults = self.compute_api.get_instance_faults(ctxt, instances) if faults is not None: for instance in instances: faults_list = faults.get(instance['uuid'], []) try: instance['fault'] = faults_list[0] except IndexError: pass return instances def _get_servers(self, req, is_detail): """Returns a list of servers, based on any search options specified.""" search_opts = {} search_opts.update(req.GET) context = req.environ['nova.context'] remove_invalid_options(context, search_opts, self._get_server_search_options()) # Verify search by 'status' contains a valid status. # Convert it to filter by vm_state for compute_api. status = search_opts.pop('status', None) if status is not None: state = common.vm_state_from_status(status) if state is None: msg = _('Invalid server status: %(status)s') % locals() raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) search_opts['vm_state'] = state if 'changes-since' in search_opts: try: parsed = timeutils.parse_isotime(search_opts['changes-since']) except ValueError: msg = _('Invalid changes-since value') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) search_opts['changes-since'] = parsed # By default, compute's get_all() will return deleted instances. # If an admin hasn't specified a 'deleted' search option, we need # to filter out deleted instances by setting the filter ourselves. # ... Unless 'changes-since' is specified, because 'changes-since' # should return recently deleted images according to the API spec. if 'deleted' not in search_opts: if 'changes-since' not in search_opts: # No 'changes-since', so we only want non-deleted servers search_opts['deleted'] = False # NOTE(dprince) This prevents computes' get_all() from returning # instances from multiple tenants when an admin accounts is used. # By default non-admin accounts are always limited to project/user # both here and in the compute API. if not context.is_admin or (context.is_admin and 'all_tenants' not in search_opts): if context.project_id: search_opts['project_id'] = context.project_id else: search_opts['user_id'] = context.user_id instance_list = self.compute_api.get_all(context, search_opts=search_opts) limited_list = self._limit_items(instance_list, req) if is_detail: self._add_instance_faults(context, limited_list) response = self._view_builder.detail(req, limited_list) else: response = self._view_builder.index(req, limited_list) req.cache_db_instances(limited_list) return response def _get_server(self, context, req, instance_uuid): """Utility function for looking up an instance by uuid.""" try: instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid) except exception.NotFound: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() req.cache_db_instance(instance) return instance def _validate_server_name(self, value): if not isinstance(value, basestring): msg = _("Server name is not a string or unicode") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if not value.strip(): msg = _("Server name is an empty string") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if not len(value) < 256: msg = _("Server name must be less than 256 characters.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) def _get_injected_files(self, personality): """Create a list of injected files from the personality attribute. At this time, injected_files must be formatted as a list of (file_path, file_content) pairs for compatibility with the underlying compute service. """ injected_files = [] for item in personality: try: path = item['path'] contents = item['contents'] except KeyError as key: expl = _('Bad personality format: missing %s') % key raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) except TypeError: expl = _('Bad personality format') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) try: contents = base64.b64decode(contents) except TypeError: expl = _('Personality content for %s cannot be decoded') % path raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) injected_files.append((path, contents)) return injected_files def _get_requested_networks(self, requested_networks): """Create a list of requested networks from the networks attribute.""" networks = [] for network in requested_networks: try: network_uuid = network['uuid'] if not utils.is_uuid_like(network_uuid): msg = _("Bad networks format: network uuid is not in" " proper format (%s)") % network_uuid raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) #fixed IP address is optional #if the fixed IP address is not provided then #it will use one of the available IP address from the network address = network.get('fixed_ip', None) if address is not None and not utils.is_valid_ipv4(address): msg = _("Invalid fixed IP address (%s)") % address raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) # check if the network id is already present in the list, # we don't want duplicate networks to be passed # at the boot time for id, ip in networks: if id == network_uuid: expl = (_("Duplicate networks (%s) are not allowed") % network_uuid) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) networks.append((network_uuid, address)) except KeyError as key: expl = _('Bad network format: missing %s') % key raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) except TypeError: expl = _('Bad networks format') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) return networks def _validate_user_data(self, user_data): """Check if the user_data is encoded properly.""" if not user_data: return try: user_data = base64.b64decode(user_data) except TypeError: expl = _('Userdata content cannot be decoded') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) def _validate_access_ipv4(self, address): try: socket.inet_aton(address) except socket.error: expl = _('accessIPv4 is not proper IPv4 format') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) def _validate_access_ipv6(self, address): try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, address) except socket.error: expl = _('accessIPv6 is not proper IPv6 format') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl) @wsgi.serializers(xml=ServerTemplate) def show(self, req, id): """Returns server details by server id.""" try: context = req.environ['nova.context'] instance = self.compute_api.get(context, id) req.cache_db_instance(instance) self._add_instance_faults(context, [instance]) return self._view_builder.show(req, instance) except exception.NotFound: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=CreateDeserializer) def create(self, req, body): """Creates a new server for a given user.""" if not body: raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() if not 'server' in body: raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() body['server']['key_name'] = self._get_key_name(req, body) context = req.environ['nova.context'] server_dict = body['server'] password = self._get_server_admin_password(server_dict) if not 'name' in server_dict: msg = _("Server name is not defined") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) name = server_dict['name'] self._validate_server_name(name) name = name.strip() image_href = self._image_ref_from_req_data(body) image_href = self._image_uuid_from_href(image_href) personality = server_dict.get('personality') config_drive = server_dict.get('config_drive') injected_files = [] if personality: injected_files = self._get_injected_files(personality) sg_names = [] security_groups = server_dict.get('security_groups') if security_groups is not None: sg_names = [sg['name'] for sg in security_groups if sg.get('name')] if not sg_names: sg_names.append('default') sg_names = list(set(sg_names)) requested_networks = server_dict.get('networks') if requested_networks is not None: requested_networks = self._get_requested_networks( requested_networks) (access_ip_v4, ) = server_dict.get('accessIPv4'), if access_ip_v4 is not None: self._validate_access_ipv4(access_ip_v4) (access_ip_v6, ) = server_dict.get('accessIPv6'), if access_ip_v6 is not None: self._validate_access_ipv6(access_ip_v6) try: flavor_id = self._flavor_id_from_req_data(body) except ValueError as error: msg = _("Invalid flavorRef provided.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) # optional openstack extensions: key_name = server_dict.get('key_name') user_data = server_dict.get('user_data') self._validate_user_data(user_data) availability_zone = server_dict.get('availability_zone') block_device_mapping = self._get_block_device_mapping(server_dict) ret_resv_id = server_dict.get('return_reservation_id', False) min_count = server_dict.get('min_count') max_count = server_dict.get('max_count') # min_count and max_count are optional. If they exist, they come # in as strings. We want to default 'min_count' to 1, and default # 'max_count' to be 'min_count'. min_count = int(min_count) if min_count else 1 max_count = int(max_count) if max_count else min_count if min_count > max_count: min_count = max_count auto_disk_config = server_dict.get('auto_disk_config') scheduler_hints = server_dict.get('scheduler_hints', {}) try: _get_inst_type = instance_types.get_instance_type_by_flavor_id inst_type = _get_inst_type(flavor_id, read_deleted="no") (instances, resv_id) = self.compute_api.create(context, inst_type, image_href, display_name=name, display_description=name, key_name=key_name, metadata=server_dict.get('metadata', {}), access_ip_v4=access_ip_v4, access_ip_v6=access_ip_v6, injected_files=injected_files, admin_password=password, min_count=min_count, max_count=max_count, requested_networks=requested_networks, security_group=sg_names, user_data=user_data, availability_zone=availability_zone, config_drive=config_drive, block_device_mapping=block_device_mapping, auto_disk_config=auto_disk_config, scheduler_hints=scheduler_hints) except exception.QuotaError as error: raise exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(explanation=unicode(error), headers={'Retry-After': 0}) except exception.InstanceTypeMemoryTooSmall as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) except exception.InstanceTypeNotFound as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) except exception.InstanceTypeDiskTooSmall as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) except exception.InvalidMetadata as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) except exception.ImageNotFound as error: msg = _("Can not find requested image") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.FlavorNotFound as error: msg = _("Invalid flavorRef provided.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.KeypairNotFound as error: msg = _("Invalid key_name provided.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.SecurityGroupNotFound as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) except rpc_common.RemoteError as err: msg = "%(err_type)s: %(err_msg)s" % {'err_type': err.exc_type, 'err_msg': err.value} raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) # Let the caller deal with unhandled exceptions. # If the caller wanted a reservation_id, return it if ret_resv_id: return {'reservation_id': resv_id} req.cache_db_instances(instances) server = self._view_builder.create(req, instances[0]) if '_is_precooked' in server['server'].keys(): del server['server']['_is_precooked'] else: if FLAGS.enable_instance_password: server['server']['adminPass'] = password robj = wsgi.ResponseObject(server) return self._add_location(robj) def _delete(self, context, req, instance_uuid): instance = self._get_server(context, req, instance_uuid) if FLAGS.reclaim_instance_interval: self.compute_api.soft_delete(context, instance) else: self.compute_api.delete(context, instance) @wsgi.serializers(xml=ServerTemplate) def update(self, req, id, body): """Update server then pass on to version-specific controller.""" if len(req.body) == 0: raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() if not body: raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() ctxt = req.environ['nova.context'] update_dict = {} if 'name' in body['server']: name = body['server']['name'] self._validate_server_name(name) update_dict['display_name'] = name.strip() if 'accessIPv4' in body['server']: access_ipv4 = body['server']['accessIPv4'] self._validate_access_ipv4(access_ipv4) update_dict['access_ip_v4'] = access_ipv4.strip() if 'accessIPv6' in body['server']: access_ipv6 = body['server']['accessIPv6'] self._validate_access_ipv6(access_ipv6) update_dict['access_ip_v6'] = access_ipv6.strip() if 'auto_disk_config' in body['server']: auto_disk_config = utils.bool_from_str( body['server']['auto_disk_config']) update_dict['auto_disk_config'] = auto_disk_config if 'hostId' in body['server']: msg = _("HostId cannot be updated.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) try: instance = self.compute_api.get(ctxt, id) req.cache_db_instance(instance) self.compute_api.update(ctxt, instance, **update_dict) except exception.NotFound: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() instance.update(update_dict) self._add_instance_faults(ctxt, [instance]) return self._view_builder.show(req, instance) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=ActionDeserializer) @wsgi.action('confirmResize') def _action_confirm_resize(self, req, id, body): context = req.environ['nova.context'] instance = self._get_server(context, req, id) try: self.compute_api.confirm_resize(context, instance) except exception.MigrationNotFound: msg = _("Instance has not been resized.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, 'confirmResize') except Exception, e: LOG.exception(_("Error in confirm-resize %s"), e) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() return exc.HTTPNoContent() @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=ActionDeserializer) @wsgi.action('revertResize') def _action_revert_resize(self, req, id, body): context = req.environ['nova.context'] instance = self._get_server(context, req, id) try: self.compute_api.revert_resize(context, instance) except exception.MigrationNotFound: msg = _("Instance has not been resized.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, 'revertResize') except Exception, e: LOG.exception(_("Error in revert-resize %s"), e) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() return webob.Response(status_int=202) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=ActionDeserializer) @wsgi.action('reboot') def _action_reboot(self, req, id, body): if 'reboot' in body and 'type' in body['reboot']: valid_reboot_types = ['HARD', 'SOFT'] reboot_type = body['reboot']['type'].upper() if not valid_reboot_types.count(reboot_type): msg = _("Argument 'type' for reboot is not HARD or SOFT") LOG.error(msg) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) else: msg = _("Missing argument 'type' for reboot") LOG.error(msg) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) context = req.environ['nova.context'] instance = self._get_server(context, req, id) try: self.compute_api.reboot(context, instance, reboot_type) except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, 'reboot') except Exception, e: LOG.exception(_("Error in reboot %s"), e, instance=instance) raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() return webob.Response(status_int=202) def _resize(self, req, instance_id, flavor_id, **kwargs): """Begin the resize process with given instance/flavor.""" context = req.environ["nova.context"] instance = self._get_server(context, req, instance_id) try: self.compute_api.resize(context, instance, flavor_id, **kwargs) except exception.FlavorNotFound: msg = _("Unable to locate requested flavor.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.CannotResizeToSameSize: msg = _("Resize requires a change in size.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, 'resize') return webob.Response(status_int=202) @wsgi.response(204) def delete(self, req, id): """Destroys a server.""" try: self._delete(req.environ['nova.context'], req, id) except exception.NotFound: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, 'delete') def _get_key_name(self, req, body): if 'server' in body: try: return body['server'].get('key_name') except AttributeError: msg = _("Malformed server entity") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) def _image_ref_from_req_data(self, data): try: return unicode(data['server']['imageRef']) except (TypeError, KeyError): msg = _("Missing imageRef attribute") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) def _image_uuid_from_href(self, image_href): # If the image href was generated by nova api, strip image_href # down to an id and use the default glance connection params image_uuid = image_href.split('/').pop() if not utils.is_uuid_like(image_uuid): msg = _("Invalid imageRef provided.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) return image_uuid def _flavor_id_from_req_data(self, data): try: flavor_ref = data['server']['flavorRef'] except (TypeError, KeyError): msg = _("Missing flavorRef attribute") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) return common.get_id_from_href(flavor_ref) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=ActionDeserializer) @wsgi.action('changePassword') def _action_change_password(self, req, id, body): context = req.environ['nova.context'] if (not 'changePassword' in body or not 'adminPass' in body['changePassword']): msg = _("No adminPass was specified") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) password = body['changePassword']['adminPass'] if not isinstance(password, basestring): msg = _("Invalid adminPass") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) server = self._get_server(context, req, id) self.compute_api.set_admin_password(context, server, password) return webob.Response(status_int=202) def _limit_items(self, items, req): return common.limited_by_marker(items, req) def _validate_metadata(self, metadata): """Ensure that we can work with the metadata given.""" try: metadata.iteritems() except AttributeError: msg = _("Unable to parse metadata key/value pairs.") LOG.debug(msg) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=ActionDeserializer) @wsgi.action('resize') def _action_resize(self, req, id, body): """Resizes a given instance to the flavor size requested.""" try: flavor_ref = body["resize"]["flavorRef"] if not flavor_ref: msg = _("Resize request has invalid 'flavorRef' attribute.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except (KeyError, TypeError): msg = _("Resize requests require 'flavorRef' attribute.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) kwargs = {} if 'auto_disk_config' in body['resize']: kwargs['auto_disk_config'] = body['resize']['auto_disk_config'] return self._resize(req, id, flavor_ref, **kwargs) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=ActionDeserializer) @wsgi.action('rebuild') def _action_rebuild(self, req, id, body): """Rebuild an instance with the given attributes.""" try: body = body['rebuild'] except (KeyError, TypeError): raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(_("Invalid request body")) try: image_href = body["imageRef"] except (KeyError, TypeError): msg = _("Could not parse imageRef from request.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) image_href = self._image_uuid_from_href(image_href) try: password = body['adminPass'] except (KeyError, TypeError): password = utils.generate_password(FLAGS.password_length) context = req.environ['nova.context'] instance = self._get_server(context, req, id) attr_map = { 'personality': 'files_to_inject', 'name': 'display_name', 'accessIPv4': 'access_ip_v4', 'accessIPv6': 'access_ip_v6', 'metadata': 'metadata', 'auto_disk_config': 'auto_disk_config', } if 'accessIPv4' in body: self._validate_access_ipv4(body['accessIPv4']) if 'accessIPv6' in body: self._validate_access_ipv6(body['accessIPv6']) if 'name' in body: self._validate_server_name(body['name']) kwargs = {} for request_attribute, instance_attribute in attr_map.items(): try: kwargs[instance_attribute] = body[request_attribute] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass self._validate_metadata(kwargs.get('metadata', {})) if 'files_to_inject' in kwargs: personality = kwargs['files_to_inject'] kwargs['files_to_inject'] = self._get_injected_files(personality) try: self.compute_api.rebuild(context, instance, image_href, password, **kwargs) except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, 'rebuild') except exception.InstanceNotFound: msg = _("Instance could not be found") raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) except exception.InvalidMetadata as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) except exception.ImageNotFound: msg = _("Cannot find image for rebuild") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except exception.InstanceTypeMemoryTooSmall as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) except exception.InstanceTypeDiskTooSmall as error: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(error)) instance = self._get_server(context, req, id) self._add_instance_faults(context, [instance]) view = self._view_builder.show(req, instance) # Add on the adminPass attribute since the view doesn't do it # unless instance passwords are disabled if FLAGS.enable_instance_password: view['server']['adminPass'] = password robj = wsgi.ResponseObject(view) return self._add_location(robj) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.serializers(xml=FullServerTemplate) @wsgi.deserializers(xml=ActionDeserializer) @wsgi.action('createImage') @common.check_snapshots_enabled def _action_create_image(self, req, id, body): """Snapshot a server instance.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] entity = body.get("createImage", {}) image_name = entity.get("name") if not image_name: msg = _("createImage entity requires name attribute") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) props = {} metadata = entity.get('metadata', {}) common.check_img_metadata_properties_quota(context, metadata) try: props.update(metadata) except ValueError: msg = _("Invalid metadata") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) instance = self._get_server(context, req, id) try: image = self.compute_api.snapshot(context, instance, image_name, extra_properties=props) except exception.InstanceInvalidState as state_error: common.raise_http_conflict_for_instance_invalid_state(state_error, 'createImage') # build location of newly-created image entity image_id = str(image['id']) image_ref = os.path.join(req.application_url, context.project_id, 'images', image_id) resp = webob.Response(status_int=202) resp.headers['Location'] = image_ref return resp def _get_server_admin_password(self, server): """Determine the admin password for a server on creation.""" try: password = server['adminPass'] self._validate_admin_password(password) except KeyError: password = utils.generate_password(FLAGS.password_length) except ValueError: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=_("Invalid adminPass")) return password def _validate_admin_password(self, password): if not isinstance(password, basestring): raise ValueError() def _get_server_search_options(self): """Return server search options allowed by non-admin.""" return ('reservation_id', 'name', 'status', 'image', 'flavor', 'changes-since') def create_resource(): return wsgi.Resource(Controller()) def remove_invalid_options(context, search_options, allowed_search_options): """Remove search options that are not valid for non-admin API/context.""" if context.is_admin: # Allow all options return # Otherwise, strip out all unknown options unknown_options = [opt for opt in search_options if opt not in allowed_search_options] unk_opt_str = ", ".join(unknown_options) log_msg = _("Removing options '%(unk_opt_str)s' from query") % locals() LOG.debug(log_msg) for opt in unknown_options: search_options.pop(opt, None)