
147 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
import signal
import os
import nova.utils
import subprocess
# todo(ja): does the definition of network_path belong here?
from nova import flags
def execute(cmd):
if FLAGS.fake_network:
print "FAKE NET: %s" % cmd
return "fake", 0
def runthis(desc, cmd):
if FLAGS.fake_network:
def Popen(cmd):
if FLAGS.fake_network:
execute(' '.join(cmd))
def device_exists(device):
(out, err) = execute("ifconfig %s" % device)
return not err
def confirm_rule(cmd):
execute("sudo iptables --delete %s" % (cmd))
execute("sudo iptables -I %s" % (cmd))
def remove_rule(cmd):
execute("sudo iptables --delete %s" % (cmd))
def bind_public_ip(ip, interface):
runthis("Binding IP to interface: %s", "sudo ip addr add %s dev %s" % (ip, interface))
def vlan_create(net):
""" create a vlan on on a bridge device unless vlan already exists """
if not device_exists("vlan%s" % net.vlan):
execute("sudo vconfig set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD")
execute("sudo vconfig add %s %s" % (net.bridge_dev, net.vlan))
execute("sudo ifconfig vlan%s up" % (net.vlan))
def bridge_create(net):
""" create a bridge on a vlan unless it already exists """
if not device_exists(net.bridge_name):
execute("sudo brctl addbr %s" % (net.bridge_name))
# execute("sudo brctl setfd %s 0" % (net.bridge_name))
# execute("sudo brctl setageing %s 10" % (net.bridge_name))
execute("sudo brctl stp %s off" % (net.bridge_name))
execute("sudo brctl addif %s vlan%s" % (net.bridge_name, net.vlan))
if net.bridge_gets_ip:
execute("sudo ifconfig %s %s broadcast %s netmask %s up" % \
(net.bridge_name, net.gateway, net.broadcast, net.netmask))
confirm_rule("FORWARD --in-interface %s -j ACCEPT" % (net.bridge_name))
execute("sudo ifconfig %s up" % net.bridge_name)
def dnsmasq_cmd(net):
cmd = ['sudo dnsmasq',
' --strict-order',
' --bind-interfaces',
' --conf-file=',
' --pid-file=%s' % dhcp_file(net.vlan, 'pid'),
' --listen-address=%s' % net.dhcp_listen_address,
' --except-interface=lo',
' --dhcp-range=%s,%s,120s' % (net.dhcp_range_start, net.dhcp_range_end),
' --dhcp-lease-max=61',
' --dhcp-hostsfile=%s' % dhcp_file(net.vlan, 'conf'),
' --dhcp-leasefile=%s' % dhcp_file(net.vlan, 'leases')]
return ''.join(cmd)
def hostDHCP(network, host):
idx = host['address'].split(".")[-1] # Logically, the idx of instances they've launched in this net
return "%s,%s-%s-%s.novalocal,%s" % \
(host['mac'], host['user_id'], network.vlan, idx, host['address'])
# todo(ja): if the system has restarted or pid numbers have wrapped
# then you cannot be certain that the pid refers to the
# dnsmasq. As well, sending a HUP only reloads the hostfile,
# so any configuration options (like dchp-range, vlan, ...)
# aren't reloaded
def start_dnsmasq(network):
""" (re)starts a dnsmasq server for a given network
if a dnsmasq instance is already running then send a HUP
signal causing it to reload, otherwise spawn a new instance
with open(dhcp_file(network.vlan, 'conf'), 'w') as f:
for host_name in network.hosts:
f.write("%s\n" % hostDHCP(network, network.hosts[host_name]))
pid = dnsmasq_pid_for(network)
# if dnsmasq is already running, then tell it to reload
if pid:
# todo(ja): use "/proc/%d/cmdline" % (pid) to determine if pid refers
# correct dnsmasq process
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGHUP)
except Exception, e:
logging.debug("Killing dnsmasq threw %s", e)
# otherwise delete the existing leases file and start dnsmasq
lease_file = dhcp_file(network.vlan, 'leases')
if os.path.exists(lease_file):
Popen(dnsmasq_cmd(network).split(" "))
def stop_dnsmasq(network):
""" stops the dnsmasq instance for a given network """
pid = dnsmasq_pid_for(network)
if pid:
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
def dhcp_file(vlan, kind):
""" return path to a pid, leases or conf file for a vlan """
return os.path.abspath("%s/nova-%s.%s" % (FLAGS.networks_path, vlan, kind))
def dnsmasq_pid_for(network):
""" the pid for prior dnsmasq instance for a vlan,
returns None if no pid file exists
if machine has rebooted pid might be incorrect (caller should check)
pid_file = dhcp_file(network.vlan, 'pid')
if os.path.exists(pid_file):
with open(pid_file, 'r') as f:
return int(