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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Handlers for placement API.
Individual handlers are associated with URL paths in the
ROUTE_DECLARATIONS dictionary. At the top level each key is a Routes
compliant path. The value of that key is a dictionary mapping
individual HTTP request methods to a Python function representing a
simple WSGI application for satisfying that request.
The ``make_map`` method processes ROUTE_DECLARATIONS to create a
Routes.Mapper, including automatic handlers to respond with a
405 when a request is made against a valid URL with an invalid
import routes
import webob
from oslo_log import log as logging
from nova.api.openstack.placement import exception
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import aggregate
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import allocation
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import allocation_candidate
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import inventory
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import resource_class
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import resource_provider
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import root
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import trait
from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import usage
from nova.api.openstack.placement import util
from nova.i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# URLs and Handlers
# NOTE(cdent): When adding URLs here, do not use regex patterns in
# the path parameters (e.g. {uuid:[0-9a-zA-Z-]+}) as that will lead
# to 404s that are controlled outside of the individual resources
# and thus do not include specific information on the why of the 404.
'/': {
'GET': root.home,
# NOTE(cdent): This allows '/placement/' and '/placement' to
# both work as the root of the service, which we probably want
# for those situations where the service is mounted under a
# prefix (as it is in devstack). While weird, an empty string is
# a legit key in a dictionary and matches as desired in Routes.
'': {
'GET': root.home,
'/resource_classes': {
'GET': resource_class.list_resource_classes,
'POST': resource_class.create_resource_class
'/resource_classes/{name}': {
'GET': resource_class.get_resource_class,
'PUT': resource_class.update_resource_class,
'DELETE': resource_class.delete_resource_class,
'/resource_providers': {
'GET': resource_provider.list_resource_providers,
'POST': resource_provider.create_resource_provider
'/resource_providers/{uuid}': {
'GET': resource_provider.get_resource_provider,
'DELETE': resource_provider.delete_resource_provider,
'PUT': resource_provider.update_resource_provider
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories': {
'GET': inventory.get_inventories,
'POST': inventory.create_inventory,
'PUT': inventory.set_inventories,
'DELETE': inventory.delete_inventories
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class}': {
'GET': inventory.get_inventory,
'PUT': inventory.update_inventory,
'DELETE': inventory.delete_inventory
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/usages': {
'GET': usage.list_usages
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates': {
'GET': aggregate.get_aggregates,
'PUT': aggregate.set_aggregates
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/allocations': {
'GET': allocation.list_for_resource_provider,
'/allocations': {
'POST': allocation.set_allocations,
'/allocations/{consumer_uuid}': {
'GET': allocation.list_for_consumer,
'PUT': allocation.set_allocations_for_consumer,
'DELETE': allocation.delete_allocations,
'/allocation_candidates': {
'GET': allocation_candidate.list_allocation_candidates,
'/traits': {
'GET': trait.list_traits,
'/traits/{name}': {
'GET': trait.get_trait,
'PUT': trait.put_trait,
'DELETE': trait.delete_trait,
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/traits': {
'GET': trait.list_traits_for_resource_provider,
'PUT': trait.update_traits_for_resource_provider,
'DELETE': trait.delete_traits_for_resource_provider
'/usages': {
'GET': usage.get_total_usages,
def dispatch(environ, start_response, mapper):
"""Find a matching route for the current request.
If no match is found, raise a 404 response.
If there is a matching route, but no matching handler
for the given method, raise a 405.
result = mapper.match(environ=environ)
if result is None:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
# We can't reach this code without action being present.
handler = result.pop('action')
environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), result)
return handler(environ, start_response)
def handle_405(environ, start_response):
"""Return a 405 response when method is not allowed.
If _methods are in routing_args, send an allow header listing
the methods that are possible on the provided URL.
_methods = util.wsgi_path_item(environ, '_methods')
headers = {}
if _methods:
# Ensure allow header is a python 2 or 3 native string (thus
# not unicode in python 2 but stay a string in python 3)
# In the process done by Routes to save the allowed methods
# to its routing table they become unicode in py2.
headers['allow'] = str(_methods)
# Use Exception class as WSGI Application. We don't want to raise here.
response = webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed(
_('The method specified is not allowed for this resource.'),
headers=headers, json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter)
return response(environ, start_response)
def make_map(declarations):
"""Process route declarations to create a Route Mapper."""
mapper = routes.Mapper()
for route, targets in declarations.items():
allowed_methods = []
for method in targets:
mapper.connect(route, action=targets[method],
allowed_methods = ', '.join(allowed_methods)
mapper.connect(route, action=handle_405, _methods=allowed_methods)
return mapper
class PlacementHandler(object):
"""Serve Placement API.
Dispatch to handlers defined in ROUTE_DECLARATIONS.
def __init__(self, **local_config):
# NOTE(cdent): Local config currently unused.
self._map = make_map(ROUTE_DECLARATIONS)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# Check that an incoming request with a content-length header
# that is an integer > 0 and not empty, also has a content-type
# header that is not empty. If not raise a 400.
clen = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH')
if clen and (int(clen) > 0) and not environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE'):
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
_('content-type header required when content-length > 0'),
except ValueError as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
_('content-length header must be an integer'),
return dispatch(environ, start_response, self._map)
# Trap the NotFound exceptions raised by the objects used
# with the API and transform them into webob.exc.HTTPNotFound.
except exception.NotFound as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
exc, json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter)
except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(
# Remaining uncaught exceptions will rise first to the Microversion
# middleware, where any WebOb generated exceptions will be caught and
# transformed into legit HTTP error responses (with microversion
# headers added), and then to the FaultWrapper middleware which will
# catch anything else and transform them into 500 responses.
# NOTE(cdent): There should be very few uncaught exceptions which are
# not WebOb exceptions at this stage as the handlers are contained by
# the wsgify decorator which will transform those exceptions to
# responses itself.